PC/TCP 2.2 configuration This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, FLASH TP, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP adapters. This is an example only. Your configuration may vary. Your configuration files will most likely contain other information. These examples show requirements for PC/TCP only. PC/TCP and NDIS =============== AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH=C:\PCTCP SET PCTCP=C:\PCTCP\PCTCP.INI NETBIND ETHDRV CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\EXP16.DOS DEVICE=C:\PCTCP\DIS_PKT.GUP PROTOCOL.INI ; ; Sample PROTOCOL.INI entry for PC/TCP Protocol Stack ; ; The Protocol Manager: ; [protocol manager] drivername = PROTMAN$ ; MACs: [EXP16] DRIVERNAME = EXP16$ IOADDRESS = 0X300 ; Network adapter ;[NETWORK_NIF] ; DRIVERNAME = DRIVERNAME$ ; PC/TCP Protocol Stack: [PKTDRV] drivername = PKTDRV$ bindings = EXP16 intvec = 0x65 ; chainvec = 0x65 \LANMAN (directory contents) PROTOCOL.INI DIS_PKT.DOS EXP16.DOS PROTMAN.EXE PROTMAN.DOS NETBIND.COM PC/TCP and ODI ============== AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH=C:\PCTCP SET PCTCP=C:\PCTCP\PCTCP.INI LSL EXP16ODI ODIPKT IPXODI NETX ETHDRV NET.CFG Link Driver EXP16ODI Port 300 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_II