SUN PC NFS This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, FLASH TP, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP adapters. NOTE: The first part of this document is based on information taken from the PCNFS installation manual. The file configurations in Step 12 and the NOTES at the end of the document are from Intel Customer Support. There are 2 types of installations available with PCNFS: þ Basic installation þ Full installation A basic installation enables the PC to access remote files and printers. It does not install the PCNFS utilities that provide additional functions. The full installation does install these utilities. If Windows* is running, each installation will address that issue. Windows must be installed before installing PCNFS. To install PCNFS, follow these steps: 1. Insert PCNFS Disk 1 into drive A: 2. Change to drive A and type INSTALL 3. Select the installation type you want and press . 4. Enter the path, including the drive letter, where PCNFS is to be installed. The default is C:\NFS. 5. Enter the information concerning Windows. 6. Select the type of network connection that applies to your network. 7. Select the option: Use a manufacturer's NDIS driver. 8. If you chose full installation, the Installation program prompts for Disk 2. 9. When the installation program finishes copying files from the distribution disks, it asks if you want to update the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. If these files are not updated, the information is contained in AUTOEXEC.NEW and CONFIG.NEW. The Windows PROGRAM.INI and SYSTEM.INI can also be updated by the Installation program. 10. If you chose full installation, the NFSCONF configuration program must be run next. If you chose basic installation, skip this step and go to step 11. 11. Exit to DOS. 12. Modify the PROTOCOL.INI, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to match the following examples. Note: These are only examples. Your configuration may vary. Some of the parameters MUST BE CAPITALIZED. PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] drivername=PROTMAN$ [EXP16.DOS] <---- Must match the bindings ioaddress=0x300 drivername=EXP16$ [NFS-NDIS] drivername=NFSLINK$ bindings=EXP16.DOS <----- Must match the header AUTOEXEC.BAT: @echo off prompt $P$G path=C:\NFS set nfsdrive=C c:\lanman\netbind <---- add this line here prt * net init CONFIG.SYS: device=c:\dos\setver.exe stacks=0,0 buffers=25 device=c:\dos\ansi.sys files=20 device=c:\nfs\pcnfs.sys device=c:\nfs\sockdrv.sys device=c:\lanman\protman.sys device=c:\lanman\exp16.dos <---- add this line here device=c:\lanman\nfs-ndis.sys lastdrive=V NOTE: If this program is being run over a T1 line, we recommend NOT having any memory manager loaded at all. The reason for this recommendation is that there can be a performance degradation for larger files. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.