Workstation for DOS VLM client This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, FLASH TP, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP adapters. The NetWare* Client installation procedure will transfer files to a specific directory on the workstation and create or modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is located on NetWare's "Workstation for DOS" disk. The INSTALL.EXE program is also installed on the 4.x server in the \PUBLIC\CLIENT\DOSWIN directory on the server. NetWare 3.12 does not automatically create this directory on the server during installation. BEFORE YOU START ---------------- You must configure and test the EtherExpress 16 adapter with SOFTSET.EXE Boot the workstation with DOS, and then insert the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Configuration and Driver disk into drive A. From DOS, type: A:SOFTSET 1. Select "AUTOMATIC SETUP" to let SOFTSET configure the EtherExpress adapter to work in your computer, or select "MANUAL SETUP" if you want to designate which interrupt and I/O address you want the EtherExpress 16 adapter to use. 2. Select "RUN DIAGNOSTICS" from the main menu to test the configuration you have selected. GENERAL INSTALLATION -------------------- 1. Run INSTALL.EXE from the NetWare Workstation for DOS Disk. 2. Specify the directory on the hard drive that you want to install the NetWare client software. The default directory is C:\NWCLIENT. You can specify another directory if you desire. 3. Allow the NetWare Client software installation to automatically update the CONFIG.SYS and the AUTOEXEC.BAT. 4. Install the NetWare drivers for Windows*. If your workstation has Windows installed, select yes and specify the path to your Windows directory. 5. Configure your workstation to use the Novell* SBACKUP program. 6. Select a network driver and provide configuration options. The EtherExpress 16 driver is not included with the NetWare Client installation software. To install the correct driver select "OTHER DRIVERS" from the list of adapters in the NetWare Client installation. You will be prompted to insert the EtherExpress driver disk into drive A, then press return and select: "INTEL ETHEREXPRESS ISA FAMILY" Specify the I/O address that the EtherExpress 16 is using (PORT 300 is default). Specify the frame type(s) that you want to use. The frame type you select should match the frame type loaded on your NetWare server (Frame Ethernet_802.2 is default). The Node address should be left blank unless you are using locally administered addresses. The slot should be left blank. Press F10 to save the settings for the EtherExpress 16 adapter. 7. This is the final step and the install program will copy the appropriate files to your hard drive. TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS -------------------- 1. If workstations cannot login to the file server, try these steps: - On the file server: Verify the Frame type the file server is using is the same as the first frame type specified in the NET.CFG on your computer. If you do not have a NET.CFG or do not specify a frame type, EXP16ODI will load 802.2 by default. Also, Verify that IPX is bound to the loaded frame type at the server. Here is a list of the default frame types for NetWare servers: NetWare 2.x 802.3 NetWare 3.11 802.3 NetWare 3.12 802.2 NetWare 4.x 802.2 You can verify what frame types your NetWare file server is using by typing the command "CONFIG" at your NetWare server console screen. - On the workstation: Reboot the workstation without loading the network drivers and run the EtherExpress SOFTSET/MCADIAGS on-board and on-network diagnostics. If you have more than one EtherExpress card installed on the network, reboot the other workstation without loading the network drivers, run SOFTSET/MCADIAGS diagnostics and set this workstation up as a responder. Rerun the on-network diagnostics on the first workstation and see if the two machines see each other. This process can be reversed to fully check communication between the EtherExpress cards. If on-network diagnostics fail, there is likely a cable, connector, hub or concentrator problem. If On-Board diagnostics fail, try setting the EtherExpress 16 to a different I/O address, a different interrupt, or change Force 8 bit to "YES". If On-Network diagnostics fail, there is likely a cable, connector, or hub problem. Verify that the cabling you are using is connected properly and that the cable is not defective. For more information on cable specifications, view the 10BaseT or COAX ethernet cabling readme files on the EtherExpress LAN adapter and Options disk. If the on-network diagnostics pass, the boards tested can communicate. This indicates there could be a problem with the driver usually caused by loading the wrong frame type on the workstations. Reload the drivers on the workstation and verify that the workstation drivers load properly. You can do this by loading them one at a time, rather than in a batch file, and watch for error messages. NOTE: "Responder not found" is NOT an error. This message will be displayed IF YOU ARE NOT RUNNING THE SOFTSET/MCADIAGS RESPONDER ON ANOTHER MACHINE with an EtherExpress card or if the card cannot actually communicate with the responder card. If you do not have a responder running or if the two cards cannot communicate, the diags will try to send packets back to itself. 2. Check for a LASTDRIVE statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. You must have LASTDRIVE=Z in the file. 3. Verify that you have FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F in the NET.CFG file under the Netware DOS Requester section. 4. If you are using a memory manager like EMM386.EXE, make sure you EXCLUDE the memory range the EtherExpress FLASH chip is using. The default range to exclude is DOOO-D3FF. You can verify the address the EtherExpress FLASH chip is using by running SOFTSET and selecting "View Current Configuration". 5. Thin Ethernet (RG58A/U COAX) requires a T-connector on EVERY workstation and 50 ohm terminators on the end of each trunk segment. One of the two terminators should be grounded. You cannot directly connect 2 workstations without using T-connectors and terminators. Refer to the EtherExpress cable readme files on the EtherExpress adapter disk for more information. 6. Verify the PORT=XXX setting in your NET.CFG matches the I/O address being used by the EtherExpress16 if it is not at 300h 7. Below are sample files for reference: C:\CONFIG.SYS: files=25 buffers=25 lastdrive=Z C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT: @call c:\nwclient\startnet.bat path=c:\dos prompt $P$G C:\NWCLIENT\STARTNET.BAT: set nwlanguage=english c:\nwclient\ c:\nwclient\ c:\nwclient\ c:\nwclient\vlm.exe C:\NWCLIENT\NET.CFG: Link Driver Exp16odi port 300 frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_802.3 frame ethernet_ii frame ethernet_snap Netware Dos Requester first network drive=f NOTE: NET.CFG is position sensitive, so be careful to indent lines with one space or one tab as shown above in the example. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.