NDIS General installation notes This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, FLASH TP, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP adapters. It contains installation notes for installing the driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress adapter. For instructions about configuring the board, see the printed installation guide. INTRODUCTION ------------ Many different network operating systems use a standard NDIS driver to talk to the network adapter. The NDIS subdirectory on the EtherExpress adapter disk contains the files you need to use the EtherExpress adapter with one of these operating systems. FILE Purpose ---- ------------------------------------------- EXP16.DOS NDIS driver for DOS workstations. EXP16.OS2 NDIS driver for servers and OS/2 workstations. PROTOCOL.INI Fragment of the general PROTOCOL.INI file. This fragment contains information specific to the EtherExpress 16 adapters. You'll need to add this fragment to the general PROTOCOL.INI file. Your NOS may also make use of a Network information (.NIF) file. If so, you can find the .NIF file for DOS workstations in the \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF directory, and the .NIF file for OS/2 workstations in the \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF directory. SAMPLE CONFIG.SYS ----------------- files=50 buffers=20 device=c:\lanman\protman.sys <------from Microsoft* device=c:\lanman\exp16.dos SAMPLE PROTCOL.INI ------------------ [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [EXP16.DOS] DRIVERNAME = EXP16$ IOADDRESS = 0x300 SAMPLE AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------------- PATH=C:\DOS C:\LANMAN\NETBIND <------- from Microsoft There are some specific documents on online services or FaxBACK that may be of help. --------------------------------------------------------------- EtherExpress 16 Family: DEC Pathworks Configuration Information 6454 EtherExpress 16 Family: FTP PC/TCP Configuration Information 6321 EtherExpress 16 Family: Driver Installation with LANtastic 6257 EtherExpress 16 Family: LAN Support Program for AS/400 Configuration 6456 EtherExpress 16 Family: PC-NFS with NDIS-Installation & Configuration 6320 EtherExpress 16 Family: RETIX Configuration Information 6452 EtherExpress 16 Family: Driver Installation on Banyan Workstation 6300 EtherExpress 16 Family: Driver Installation on LAN Manager 2.1 6404 EtherExpress 16 Family: Driver Installation on LAN Server 2.0 6315 EtherExpress 16 Family: Driver Installation on LAN Server 3.0 6324 * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.