LANtastic AI 5.0 installation The installation procedure will transfer files to a specific directory on the workstation and create or modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is located on LANtastic* Network Software Disk 1. LANtastic AI 5.0 can be installed using the native driver (\ARTISOFT\EXP16LAN.EXE) or using the EtherExpress 16 NDIS driver (\NDIS\EXP16.DOS). Below are installation steps for both installations. GENERAL INSTALLATION FOR LANTASTIC AI 5.0 ----------------------------------------- Run INSTALL.EXE from the LANtastic Network Software Disk 1. The LANtastic Install program screen will appear. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. 1. From C:\ type: Install A: 2. Choose "Other NETBIOS Compatible Network Adapter" for the network driver 3. Other changes in the install options are optional 4. When "Other" is chosen: The EXP16LAN.EXE driver needs to be copied into the \LANTASTI directory (or other directory specified by the installer - LANTASTI is the default). The STARTNET.BAT file needs to be updated. The following 2 lines need to be added after the SHARE line (it actually leaves 2 blank lines): EXP16LAN iobase=xxx AILANBIO ** The iobase information only needs to be added if the default (300) is not used. These 2 files need to be run before any LANtastic redir or server commands. STARTNET.BAT now looks like this: @echo off path c:\... SHARE /L=200 EXP16LAN iobase=300 AILANBIO redir workstation_name logins=3 ;(this is a workstation setup) server c:\....\ ;(this is a server setup) Net login /wait \\server_name server_name Net lpt timeout 10 INSTALLATION FOR LANTASTIC AI 5.0 WITH NDIS SUPPORT ----------------------------------------------------- Using the NDIS driver with LANtastic 5.0 requires getting the NDIS module from Artisoft*. As of 5/95, Artisoft's Bulletin Board number is 602-884-9675 and the file name to download is AINDIS.EXE. LANTASTIC/AI Installation: 1. Insert LANtastic/AI disk 1 into the floppy drive and run install: a:\install.exe 2. The LANtastic installation screen prompts you for your configuration. Choose "Other NETBIOS Compatible Network Adapter" for Network Adapter installed. 3. After the install is complete, LANtastic will tell you to modify your STARTNET.BAT to add the line for your network adapter driver. Do not modify the STARTNET.BAT yet. Wait until you have installed the AI-NDIS support in the next step. AI-NDIS Installation: 4. Insert the LANtastic AI-NDIS Support diskette and run install. a:\install.exe 5. The AI-NDIS Installation screen prompts you to select installation Options. Choose: "LANtastic NDIS for Other Network Adapters". 6. When prompted for the manufacturer's diskette, insert the Intel EtherExpress LAN Adapter Driver and Option disk. The install program will read the necessary files from the disk and copy them to your LANtastic directory. 7. The AI-NDIS install modifies your CONFIG.SYS and creates a file called PROTOCOL.INI in the LANtastic directory. Below is a sample of each: CONFIG.SYS: FILES=50 BUFFERS=32 DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANTASTI DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\EXP16.DOS PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES [EXP16_NIF] IOADDRESS = 0x300 DRIVERNAME = EXP16$ Note: the EtherExpress adapter is at I/O address 300 in this example. Modifying STARTNET.BAT: 8. When you install LANtastic, it creates a batch file called STARTNET.BAT in the LANtastic directory. This batch file needs to be modified for AI-NDIS support. You need to add a line to it calling the STRTNDIS.BAT batch file. Below is a sample: STARTNET.BAT: @ECHO OFF SET LAN_DIR=C:\LANTASTI.NET SET LAN_CFG=C:\LANTASTI PATH C:\LANTASTI;%PATH% SHARE /L:200 CALL C:\LANTASTI\STRTNDIS < ---- Add this line REDIR NAME LOGINS=3 SERVER NET LOGIN/WAIT \\SERVERNAME NAME NET LPT TIMEOUT 10 NET POSTBOX * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.