6 Windows NT 3.51 with NT Requester v1.02 Windows* NT 3.51 and NT Requester client driver installation notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 PCI LAN adapters ====================================================================== Location of driver: \NWSERVER\E10P.LAN \NWSERVER\OEMSETUP.INF General instructions for NetWare* Requester under Windows NT 3.5 ================================================================ 1 Install the NT Requester. See the documentation that came with the NT Requester for instructions. Note: Make sure you add the software with the "Add Software" button. 2 Record the slot number the adapter is installed in. For PCI adapters, try loading the DOS ODI driver from the DOS command line. The driver will display the slot number. 3 Start Windows NT and log in as ADMINISTRATOR (or another valid user name). 4 From the Control Panel, select the "Network" icon. The "Network Settings" screen appears. 5 Insert the Intel EtherExpress PRO/10 PCI disk and select "Add adapter". 6 Select "Other - Requires disk from manufacturer" and click Continue. 7 Specify A:\NWSERVER for the location of the driver. When "ODI Intel EtherExpress PRO/10 PCI LAN adapter driver for NetWare" appears, select OK. 8 With the floppy disk still inserted, click Continue. 9 After the files are copied, the default driver settings will be displayed (they'll be displayed with their defaults which in most cases is OK). Click OK when correct. SLOT This indicates the slot number for the installed adapter. You MUST specify the correct slot number (the one you recorded in Step 3). If you don't, the driver won't load. Default: 1 9 Select an IPX Frame Type. Auto is the default 10 NT will have to be restarted to complete the installation. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners