Personal NetWare v3.02 Personal NetWare* Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 LAN Adapter ======================================================================== Location of Driver: \DOS\EPROODI.COM General Installation -------------------- The installation procedure will transfer files to a specific directory on the workstation and create or modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is located on Personal NetWare's Installation + Utilities 1 disk. Installation Procedure ---------------------- 1 Run INSTALL.EXE from the Installation + Utilities 1 Disk. 2 The Personal NetWare Install program screen will appear. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. a Step #1 asks for your name, company name, and serial number of your copy of Personal NetWare. b Step #2 gives you the option to load support files for MS Windows* and tells you the disk space requirements. You will also have an option to change the directory where the Personal NetWare files will be copied. The default directory is C:\NWCLIENT. You can specify another directory if you desire. c Step #3 asks you to select a Primary Network Interface Card. From the list of drivers select "OEM Supplied Driver". NOTE: Do not select Intel EtherExpress(TM) ISA family. This driver is for the EtherExpress 16 adapter, not for the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. d Step #4 will ask you to insert the diskette containing the driver files. Insert the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter diskette into drive A: and specify the source path for driver files as A:\DOS. e Step #5 will let you specify if you want to Share This Computer's Resources. f Step #6 will let you specify a User Name for this computer. g Step #7 will let you specify which Novell NetWare Servers are available on your network. h Step #8 will allow you to configure Optimization / Network Management. Refer to your Personal NetWare Manual to decide which options you need. i Step #9 is Configure Primary Interface Card. Specify the PORT address that was configured in SoftSet2 for the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter. The default port address is 300. Select the Ethernet frame type you want to use. The default frame is Ethernet_802.2. j Step #10 is to accept all the configuration parameters. If everything is configured correctly, accept the configuration and start the installation. The Personal NetWare installation will now prompt you for the installation diskettes as needed. k Step #11 is the final step. You will be prompted to insert the driver diskette for the third party software driver. Insert the EtherExpress PRO/10 adapter diskette into drive A: and specify the path to copy the files from as A:\DOS. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 NET.CFG Options: PORT - This is the base I/O address of the adapter. Verify setting in SoftSet2. INT - (optional)The system IRQ for the adapter to use. This option is only used as a reminder for which IRQ the board is set for. It does not cause the driver to override the EEPROM contents. NODE ADDRESS - This parameter allows the driver to override the Ethernet address in the EEPROM. This is Novell's node address override feature. To comply with Novell's multicast specification, the second digit of the overriding address should be a 2, 6, A or E. Syntax: NODE ADDRESS 00AA00123456 2 Be sure to add LASTDRIVE=Z to your CONFIG.SYS file for the network mappings to work properly. 3 Below is a sample NET.CFG and STARTNET.BAT. These files are located in the C:\NWCLIENT directory by default. STARTNET.BAT: @ECHO OFF SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH C: CD C:\NWCLIENT LH SHARE /F:10240 /L:200 LH LSL LH EPROODI LH IPXODI LH SERVER VLM CD \ C:\NWCLIENT\NET LOGIN NET.CFG: Link driver EPROODI PORT 300 FRAME Ethernet_802.3 FRAME Ethernet_802.2 FRAME Ethernet_II FRAME Ethernet_SNAP Netware DOS Requester FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F NETWARE PROTOCOL = PNW,BIND,NDS VLM = NMR.VLM VLM = WSSNMP.VLM VLM = WSTRAP.VLM VLM = WSREG.VLM VLM = WSASN1.VLM VLM = PNWTRAP.VLM VLM = PNWMIB.VLM * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.