DIAG.TXT Information about ICL EtherTeam 16i Diagnostic Program. The ETH16I.EXE Diagnostics Program can be used to test the EtherTeam 16i adapters. The program includes parameter settings to configure the test environment. In the following sections the most important parameters are explained. ETH16I This is the default start. it starts the test and assumes that the adapter is connected to the network with any of the ports on an COMBO adapter or the TP port on an TP adapter. ETH16I /NONET This parameter runs the test in internal loop back mode. This means that no network connection or test plugs are needed. ETH16I /BNC ETH16I /DIX ETH16I /TP These parameters runs the test selecting the specified port. When running the test in this mode the LAN must be connected to the selected port. ETH16I /ECHO300 /IO2A0 /REC These parameters runs the test in echo mode in one machine with two EtherTeam 16i adapters. One adapter with IO address 300 is selected as the echo adapter and the other adapter with IO address 2A0 is selected as adapter to be tested. The adapter to be tested transmits packets trough the connected LAN port to the echo adapter which echoes the packets back to the adapter to be tested. To run this test both adapters must be connected to the same LAN. Note also that this test may block other traffic on the LAN, so it's wise to use a dedicated LAN for this test. ETH16i /ECHO ( in echo PC ) ETH16i /REC ( in test PC ) These parameters do the same as the previous echo mode test with the exception that the echo adapter and the adapter to be tested are installed into two different PC's. ETH16i ? This parameters shows help text and information about the different parameters for the EtherTeam 16i Diagnostics Program. To read this help it is useful to load in your PC ANSI.SYS to get the texts in more readable format.