;Protocol.ini for the IBM Token-Ring Cards ;Token-Ring cards ;This readme is for the following network adapter cards ; ; IBM Token-Ring Adpater ; IBM Token-Ring II ; IBM Token-Ring A ; IBM Token-Ring 16/4 ; IBM Token-Ring 16/4 A ; ; ;PROTOCOL.INI PARAMETERS ; ; This is a sample PROTOCOL.INI file for the IBMTOK IBM Token-Ring Cards NDIS ; MAC driver. The [ibmtok] section shows examples of IBMTOK configuration ; parameter settings. Comments at the end of the file explain these parameters ; and give their default, minimum and maximum values. The [protocol manager] ; and [netbeui] sections aren't meant to be complete or realistic examples, ; except for the "BINDINGS = ibmtok" line in the [netbeui] section. ; The only parameter that must be specified is the "drivername". Note ; that many of these parameters have default values (which are given below ; under "Comments about ibmtok parameters"). A parameter need not be specified ; in your PROTOCOL.INI if its default value is satisfactory. ; ;drivername ; units:[n/a] ; range:[ibmtok$,ibmtok2$,ibmtok3$,...] ; default:[ibmtok$] ; ; This parameter's value must be ibmtok$, or, in the case where ; multiple adapters are installed, ibmtok$ for the first adapter's ; drivername, ibmtok2$ for the second one, ibmtok3$ for the third, and ; so on. ; ;The following entries are optional under the [ibmtok] section. ; ;earlyrelease ; units:[n/a] ; range:[n/a] ; default:[n/a] ; ; This entry specifies the early token release option ; for IBM Token-Ring 16/4 network adapter cards. This is a function ; that reduces the average time another network adapter must wait to ; gain access to the network. Cards that don't support early token release ; ignore this entry. This entry is not followed by an equal sign. ; ;netaddress ; units:[hex] ; range:[12 hex digits] ; default:[n/a] ; ; Overrides the network address of the network adapter card. ; This entry should only be used if, for some reason, there are duplicate ; addresses on the network. The value is a hexadecimal string of 12 ; digits enclosed in quotation marks. The address must be in the range ; 400000000000 through 40007FFFFFFF. For strict IBM compatibility, use ; only decimal digits (09), as in "400001020304". ; ;maxtransmits ; units:[integer] ; range:[6-50] ; default:[6] ; ; Sets the number of transmit queue entries in the driver. On ; a server, this should be equal to the transmit window size times the ; maximum number of sessions. ; ;primary or alternate ; units:[n/a] ; range:[n/a] ; default:[n/a] ; ; Identifies driver assignments if more than one Token-Ring ; network adapter card is installed. A primary entry denotes the ; first (primary) adapter card; alternate denotes the second ; adapter card. If these entries are missing, the ibmtok driver ; defaults to the first adapter it finds, trying primary first. ; This entry is not followed by an equal sign. ; ;productid ; units:[hex] ; range:[36 hex digits] ; default:[0110F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0] ; ; Identifies the specific adapter card. The value of this entry ; is a string of up to 36 hexadecimal digits (must be an even number). ; Refer to the IBM Token-Ring architecture manual for more details. ; The default value for this entry is 0110F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0. ; ;ram (Token-Ring Adapter and Token-Ring Adapter II only) ; units:[hex] ; range:[A000-F000] ; default:[See below] ; ; Specifies the physical RAM location on the adapter card if ; the default location is not adequate. The value of ram is a ; hexadecimal number between 0xA000 and 0xF000, located on an 8K boundary ; (for the Token-Ring adapter) or a 16K boundary (for the Token-Ring ; II adapter). The RAM location defaults to a location immediately following ; the read only memory (ROM) on the next appropriate boundary. For example, ; if the ROM is at its default location of 0xCC00, the RAM defaults ; to 0xCE00 (for the Token-Ring Adapter) and to 0xD000 (for the Token-Ring ; Adapter II). ; ; For strict compatibility with IBM defaults, set ram ; equal to 0xD800 for primary or 0xD400 for alternate. ; This parameter does not apply to the Token-Ring Adapter/A. With the ; Token-Ring 16/4 Adapter and the Token-Ring 16/4 Adapter/A cards, the ; use of RAM paging is not supported, and the RAM size is determined ; by the switch settings on the adapter. ; ;recvbufs ; units:[integer] ; range:[2-60] ; default:[2] ; ; Specifies the number of receive buffers to use. Any memory ; left on the adapter card is configured as extra receive buffers. ; ;recvbufsize ; units:[bytes] ; range:[256-17952] ; default:[256] ; ; Specifies the size of the receive buffers, in bytes. The value ; must be a multiple of 8. The maximum size of a receive buffer depends ; on the adapter card you are using. The original Token-Ring Adapter, ; Token-Ring Adapter II, and Token-Ring Adapter/A cards allow only 2040 ; bytes. The newer Token-Ring 16/4 Adapter and Token-Ring 16/4 Adapter/A ; cards allow 4096 bytes at the 4-Mbits/sec. (MBPS) adapter setting ; and 17,952 bytes at the 16-MBPS setting. The minimum and default ; settings are both 256 bytes. Since the incoming packet can span multiple ; receive buffers, it is not usually necessary to change this entry. ; If the entry is set too high for the adapter hardware, a configuration ; error occurs. ; ;xmitbufs ; units:[integer] ; range:[1-2] ; default:[1] ; ; Specifies the number of transmit buffers to allocate. ; ;xmitbufsize ; units:[integer] ; range:[256-17952] ; default:[See below] ; ; Specifies the size of the transmit buffers, in bytes. The ; value must be a multiple of 8. The maximum size of a transmit buffer ; depends on the adapter card you are using. The original Token-Ring ; Adapter, Token-Ring Adapter II, and Token-Ring Adapter/A cards allow ; only 2040 bytes. The newer Token-Ring 16/4 Adapter and Token-Ring ; 16/4 Adapter/A cards allow 4096 bytes at the 4-MBPS adapter setting ; and 17,952 bytes at the 16-MBPS setting. The minimum value is 256 ; bytes. The default is either 25% of available RAM on the adapter or ; the maximum transmit buffer size, whichever is smaller. ; ;