U.S. Robotics Mobile Communications Corp. Setting Up Your Megahertz XJEM3336 or CCEM3336 Ethernet*Modem card with Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. Table of Contents ------------------------------- 1. Description of this release 2. Windows NT 3.51 2.1 Megahertz Combo Card Installation (XJEM3336 or CCEM3336) 2.2 Obtaining and replacing PCMCIA.SYS 3. Windows NT 4.0 3.1 Installing the Ethernet Driver during Windows NT 4.0 installation 3.2 Installing the Ethernet Driver after Windows NT 4.0 is installed 3.3 Installing the Modem after Windows NT 4.0 is installed 4. Troubleshooting 1. Description of this release --------------------------------- This document details installing the Megahertz Ethernet*Modem under Microsoft Windows NT version 3.51 or 4.0.This document assumes the Windows NT driver is in the A:\WINNT directory. Adjust any references to the A:\WINNT directory as needed. This document also assumes that you have already installed Window NT. If you do nothave Windows NT installed at this time, install it and select No Network during installation. List of files MHZC9X SYS 29,104 10-23-96 9:39a MHZC9X DLL 30,208 10-21-96 11:26a OEMSETNT INF 54,668 10-10-96 3:07p MHZC9X HLP 57,955 12-22-95 12:35p MHZNCDET DLL 22,528 10-10-96 1:30p 2. Windows NT 3.51 Installation 2.1 If you are using Windows NT 3.51 with the XJEM3336 or CCEM3336 Ethernet*Modem Adapters -------------------------------------------------------------------- We highly recommend that you obtain and install Windows NT Version 3.51 Service Pack 5 before installing you adapter. There are several fixes in SP5 which take care of several PCMCIA issues. Installing the driver --------------------------- - Install Service Pack 5. - After logging onto Windows NT, select Control Panel from the Main group and double-click on Network. - You will be asked if you want to install the network now? Click on Yes. - Type the path for the Windows NT 3.51 diskettes or CD and click on Enter. - The Network Adapter Dialog box will appear. Click on Do Not Detect, then click on Continue. - From the Add Adapter Dialog box, select Requires disk from manufacturer and click on Continue. - Insert the Installation diskette into the floppy drive. - Change the path to A:\WINNT and click on Continue. - Highlight the Megahertz Network Adapter you are installing and click OK. - The Megahertz PCMCIA Card Setup will appear. Ensure that the values listed are correct for your machine (consult your computer manuals or network administrator for more information.) - If you want to change values, use the drop-down menus to select new values. Click on Continue. - Click OK in the Network Settings Dialog box. Configure Network and Protocols --------------------------------- - The Windows NT Setup screen will appear. Select the services and protocol(s) you require for your network (see your network administrator and Windows NT manuals for the correct information) and click on Continue. - Insert the Microsoft Windows NT diskettes or CD into the drive as needed. - The Network Settings screen will appear. Click on OK. Note: The NETWORKS and WORKGROUPS buttons are grayed out during the initial installation. After the first reboot, you will be able to access them. Note: You cannot configure the card settings in the NETWORK SETTINGS menu until after you reboot the first time. - A Network Setup Warning will appear, stating that the network was unable to start. Click on OK. You will then be asked if you want to reconfigure the card. Click on NO. Choose your Domain/Workgroup -------------------------------- - The Domain/Workgroup Settings screen will appear. Type in these values (see your network administrator for more information) and click on OK. - When the Restart screen appears, click on Restart Computer. Congratulations! Your Ethernet card is enabled. 2.2 Obtaining and replacing PCMCIA.SYS ---------------------------------------- There is a problem with Windows NT version 3.51 if you use a COM port other than COM3 with the USRobotics-Megahertz 336 Ethernet Combo card XJ/EM3336. To correct this problem, you will need to replace your PCMCIA.SYS file with a new version located on the Microsoft FTP site. A PCMCIA.SYS correction is now available (HOTFIX #Q152124) but is not fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. Unless you are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the service pack release containing this fix. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for more information. The PCMCIA.SYS correction and installation instructions can be obtained from Microsoft at the following location. Via a web browser: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/usa/NT351/ hotfixes-postSP4/Mhz-fix Via an ftp utility: Location: ftp.microsoft.com Directory: /bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/usa/NT351/hotfixes-postSP4/ Mhz-fix Rename PCMCIA.SYS in the \WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory. Download PCMCIA.SYS from the hot fix section of the Microsoft FTP site, and place it in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory. You may also download and install Service Pack 5 which includes the above mentioned fix. 3.0 Windows NT 4.0 3.1 Installing the Ethernet Driver during Windows NT installation: ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Start the Windows NT installation. - When you get to the Windows NT Networking section, fill in the information as requested. - When prompted for the Network Adapters, click on the Select from list... button, then the Have Disk button. Enter A:\WINNT for the path and click on OK. - Select the Megahertz Network Adapter you are installing and click on OK. - Select Next. Select your Network Protocols and Network Services as needed. - The Megahertz PCMCIA Card Setup screen will then appear. Select the IRQ/ COM Port, Memory Window, Media Type as needed. Note: Also select the COM Port for the modem side of the card. The network and modem will share the same IRQ. - The Network Adapter portion of the Network setup is complete. Follow the prompts for setting up the protocols. 3.2 Megahertz Ethernet Driver Installation after Windows NT is installed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installing the driver --------------------------- - After logging onto Windows NT, select Control Panel from the Main group and double-click on Network. - Otherwise, you will be asked if you want to install the network now? Click on Yes. Answer prompts from the Network Setup Wizard and click on Next. - When prompted for the Network Adapters, click on the select from list.. button, then the Have Disk... button. Enter A:\WINNT for the path and click on OK. Select the Megahertz Network Adapter you are installing and click on OK. - Select Next. Select your Network Protocols and Network Services as needed. Click on Next. Add to the Network Services as needed and click on Next. Note: You will want to click on Select from list.. and pick Client Service for Netware if you are connecting to a Novell Netware network. This service is not added automatically. - Click on Next. Enter the path to the Windows NT 4.0 CD and press Continue, - The Megahertz PCMCIA Card Setup screen will then appear. Select the IRQ, COM Port, Memory Window, Media Type as needed. Note: Also select the COM Port for the modem side of the card. - The Network Adapter portion of the Network setup is complete. Follow the prompts for setting up the protocols. Adding an Adapter ------------------- - Put the diskette in with the extracted Megahertz Windows NT drivers. - Click on the Adapters tab. Select the Add ... button. - Select the Have Disk... button. - Change the path to A:\WINNT and click on OK. - Select the Megahertz Network Adapter you are installing and click on OK. - The installation will then copy files and bring up the Megahertz PCMCIA Card setup program. - Change the I/O Port, IRQ Level, and Memory Window, Media Type, and COM Port settings for what you will be using and click on Continue. Note: Also select the COM Port for the modem side of the card. - Click Close in the Network Dialog. - Click Yes on the Restart Computer prompt. Congratulations! Your Megahertz Ethernet card is enabled. Installing the modem --------------------------- - After logging onto Windows NT, select Control Panel from the Main group and double-click on Modems. - When prompted to detect the Modem, click on the select from list button, then the Have Disk... button. Enter A:\WINNT\RAS\4.00 for the path and click on OK. Select the Megahertz CCEM3336 Multifunction Card (Modem Interface) and click on OK. - Select the COM port for the modem. - Click on Next. 4. Troubleshooting ---------------------- You can verify which COM port your Combo card is configured for by checking Main->Control Panel->Network. Highlight the Installed Adapter and select Configure. Note the COM port setting. In Windows NT 3.51, if you do not have the updated pcmcia.sys installed, you will get 6-7 entries for Pcmcia Error 0006 in Administrative Tools->Event Viewer. The modem and network should still work. Even if you don't see a server, check Administrative Tools-> NT Diagnostics->Network->Statistics. You should see bytes received/transmitted. All the installable ranges may not be supported by the card. Do not install to the following IO Ports: (180, 1A0, 1C0, 1E0, 280, 2A0, 2C0, 3E0). Note: If you have installed a Microsoft Service Pack, you will need to re-install the service pack after the network is completely installed. Then you will need to recopy PCMCIA.SYS to the C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory.