SCRIPTS.EXE SCRIPTS.EXE contains the following files CCMAIL - Lotus CC:Mail support files XJEM3336.MDM - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 INSTALL.BAT - copies above file to c:\ccmobil LAPLINK - Lap Link support files MODEM.MDM - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 INSTALL.BAT - appends the above file to c:\windows\tsi\tsiusrmd.ini or if tsiusrmd.ini does not exist then the above file will be renamed to tsiusrmd.ini LOTNOTES - Lotus Notes support files XJEM3336.MDM - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 INSTALL.BAT - copies above file to c:\notes MSMAIL - Microsoft Mail support files The XJEM3336, CCEM3336 modems are supported with these files. Each modem has three script files. The "c" suffix (i.e. compression is used)should be used by default. If the user experiences trouble connecting, then try the "r" (reliable - i.e. compression turned off) files then the "s" (i.e. standard) files in that order. XEM3336C.MDM - source XEM3336R.MDM - source XEM3336S.MDM - source XEM3336C.SCR - compiled XEM3336R.SCR - compiled XEM3336S.SCR - compiled CEM3336C.MDM - source CEM3336R.MDM - source CEM3336S.MDM - source CEM3336C.SCR - compiled CEM3336R.SCR - compiled CEM3336S.SCR - compiled INSTALL.BAT - Copies the above files to c:\windows\msmail\msrmt\glb NT_RAS - Remote Access Server for Windows NT support files MHZMODEM.RAS - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 PATH.TXT INSTALL.BAT - appends the mhzmodem.ras file to c:\winnt35\system32\ras\modem.inf SHIVA - Shiva support files MODEM.MDM - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 INSTALL.BAT - appends the above file to c:\shiva\modems.ini WFW_RAS - Remote Access Server for Windows for Workgroups MHZMODEM.RAS - supports XJEM3336, CCEM3336 PATH.TXT INSTALL.BAT - appends the mhzmodem.ras file to c:\windows\system\modem.inf DELRINA - contact Symantec for updated scripts Internet: http:\\ BBS: (416)441-2752 PC ANYWHERE - contact Symantec for updated scripts Internet: http:\\ BBS: (416)441-2752 PROCOMM PLUS - contact Datastorm for updated scripts Internet: http:\\ BBS: (573)875-0503