3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus Master NIC Family Banyan VINES Installation Notes Banyan VINES Client Installations --------------------------------- To install VINES 6.0 software on a DOS NDIS workstation, follow these instructions. DOS must be installed on the target workstation C: drive or you must have a bootable DOS floppy. 1. Use the DOS MD command to create a subdirectory called \VINES. 2. Copy the contents of the VINES LAN S/W (DOS) Install diskette into the \VINES subdirectory. 3. Copy the contents of the NDIS subdirectory on the VINES LAN S/W (DOS) 2 of 2 diskette into the \VINES subdirectory. 4. Copy the EL90X.DOS and the PROTOCOL.INI fragment from the NDIS2\DOS subdirectory of EtherDisk 1 diskette to the \VINES subdirectory on your system. 5. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file to read as follows: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [VINES_XIF] DRIVERNAME = NDISBAN$ BINDINGS = EL90X [EL90X] DRIVERNAME = EL90X$ 6. Insert the following lines in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file: CD \VINES BAN BAN loads the NDISBAN drivers. Banyan VINES Server Installation -------------------------------- Banyan provides a VINES server driver with the current version of VINES. Consult the Banyan documentation for installation instructions. (%VER BANYAN.TXT - Banyan VINES v1.0g)