3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus Master Adapter Family Installing the NDIS 3.0 Driver for Windows NT The following steps describe how to install your 3Com network adapter in a computer running Windows NT. 1. Start Windows NT. 2. In the Control panel, double-click the Network icon. 3. In the Network Settings window, highlight the existing 3Com driver in the Installed adapter cards group. 4. Click Remove. 5. Click Yes in the Network Settings dialog box. 6. In the Network Settings window, click Add Adapter. 7. In the Add Network Adapter window, select Other. NOTE: This requires a 3Com EtherDisk diskette. 8. Click Continue. 9. Insert the EtherDisk diskette into drive A: and type A:\ [Enter]. 10. In the Select OEM Option box, select one of the following: 3Com EtherLink XL Adapter (3C900) for the 10 Mbps adapter 3Com EtherLink XL Adapter (3C905) for the 10/100 Mbps adapter 11. Click the OK button. 12. In the Network Settings window, click OK. If you are prompted for network information, contact your system administrator for information unique to your network. 13. In the Network Settings Change window, click Restart to restart your computer. (%VER WINNT.TXT - Installing the NDIS 3.0 Driver for Windows NT V1.0a)