3Com Corporation NDIS 2.01 Drivers Installation Notes Preliminary Banyan VINES Installations -------------------------------------- The Banyan VINES LAN software installation requires that you input the IRQ assigned to the adapter. To determine the IRQ, perform the following steps: 1. Insert the 3Com Fast Etherlink/EtherLink III Bus Master Etherdisk diskette in the floppy drive and make that the active drive. 2. At the DOS prompt type: 3C59XCFG [Enter] 3. When the main menu appears, select Adapter Configuration and press [Enter] 4. The Adapter Configuration screen appears with the IRQ shown in the Standard Options box. Banyan VINES Installations -------------------------- To install VINES 6.0 software on a DOS NDIS workstation, follow these instructions. DOS must be installed on the target workstation C: drive, or you must have a bootable DOS floppy. 1. Use the DOS MD command to create a subdirectory called \VINES. 2. Copy the contents of the VINES LAN S/W (DOS) Install diskette into the \VINES subdirectory. 3. Copy the contents of the NDIS subdirectory on the VINES LAN S/W (DOS) 2 of 2 diskette into the \VINES subdirectory. 4. Copy the EL59X.DOS and the PROTOCOL.INI fragment from the NDIS\DOS subdirectory on the EtherDisk diskette to the \VINES subdirectory. 5. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file to read as follows: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [VINES_XIF] DRIVERNAME = NDISBAN$ BINDINGS = EL59X [EL59X] DRIVERNAME = EL59X$ 6. Run the PCCONFIG.EXE program located in the \VINES subdirectory. 7. Select option 1, Netword Card Settings. 8. Select the NDIS Ethernet option. 9. The NDIS workstation screen appears. Enter the interrupt request number (IRQ) you selected for the 3Com Fast Etherlink/EtherLink III Bus Master adapter. 10. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add the following lines, substituting A: for C: for a floppy disk installation. DEVICE = C:\VINES\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\VINES DEVICE = C:\VINES\EL59X.DOS 11. Insert the following lines in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. CD \VINES BAN BAN loads the NDISBAN drivers and reads the PCCONFIG.DB file to invoke changes made during the PCCONFIG stage. ========================================================= (%VER NDIS - Banyan VINES v3.4e)