3Com NDIS 2.01 driver installation notes for IBM LAN Server This EtherDisk diskette contains Ethernet driver import files for IBM LAN Server. IBM LAN Server 3.0 IBM LAN Server 3.0 contains an installer for both OS/2 (LAPS) and DOS (DXMAID). Both of these installation utilities fully support OEM network adapter driver import capability. DOS Installation Run the DXMAID installer from the IBM LAN Support diskette. Use the defaults from the first menu. The second menu prompts you to enter the drive and path for the import diskette. Remove the LAN Support diskette, put the 3Com EtherDisk diskette in the drive, and type A:\NDIS\DOS for the drive and path. The installer will pause after it copies the files needed from the EtherDisk diskette. Place the LAN Support diskette back in the drive, and continue the installation. IBM LAN Server 2.0 LAN Server 2.0 is not as sophisticated as LAN Server 3.0. Installation can be done successfully, but manual intervention is required. In all cases, the user is required to edit files. Use either EDLIN or EDIT. DOS Installation Run the DXMAID installer from the LAN Support diskette. Specify the Ethernet adapter installation from the menu. When DXMAID is completed, do the following to complete the installation. 1. Copy the NDIS 2.01 driver to the hard disk. Type: COPY A:\NDIS\DOS\EL59X.DOS C:\LANMAN 2. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file. a. Change the line: device = \LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS to device = \LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:\LANMAN b. Change the line: device = XX.DOS to device = \LANMAN\EL59X.DOS c. Save the file and exit the editor. 3. Enter the LANMAN subdirectory. Type: CD LANMAN 4. Rename the PROTOCOL.INI file to save it. Type: REN PROTOCOL.INI PROTOCOL.OLD 5. Append the PROTOCOL.INI fragment from the 3Com EtherDisk diskette. Type: COPY PROTOCOL.OLD + A:\NDIS\DOS\PROTOCOL.INI PROTOCOL.INI 6. Edit the new PROTOCOL.INI file. a. Four lines after the line [ETHERNET], change the line: Bindings = IBMAC to Bindings = EL59X b. Two lines before the line: ;3C59X 3Com Fast EtherLink and EtherLink III Bus Master Adapters change the blank line to [EL59X] c. Save the file and exit the editor. The installation is complete. The LAN Support program activates the next time the machine boots. %VER LANSRV.TXT - NDIS 2.01 IBM Lan Server installation notes V 3.4b