3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C62 EtherLink III LAN/Modem PC Card Adapter Family Disk Directory This EtherDisk diskette contains diagnostic and configuration programs as well as drivers for most of today's popular operating systems along with installation instructions. This help file provides an overview of this diskette's contents. Root Directory -------------- INSTALL.EXE: 3Com's Installation/Diagnostics Program. AUTOLINK.EXE: Program to auto install a DOS NetWare client. SETUP.EXE: Windows Installation program for 3Com's AutoIQ program. SETUP.EX_: 3Com's AutoIQ program. SETUP.HL_: 3Com's AutoIQ's help file. KNOWBASE.DA_: 3Com's AutoIQ's Knowledge base file. ELPC3N.SYS: NDIS 3 driver for Windows 95 and Windows NT installation. ELPC3N.DSK: Windows NT diskette identification file. OEMSETNT.INF: Windows NT OEM import file. ELPC3N.DLL: Windows NT Setup DLL. OEMSETUP.INF: Windows for Workgroups import file. 3COMMDM.INF: Windows 95 import file. 3COMMF.INF: Windows 95 import file. 3COMNET.INF: Windows 95 import file. ELPC3X.VX_: NDIS 3.1 driver for Windows 95 installation. ELPC3R.SYS: Windows 95 OSR2 Miniport driver. 3CELPC.COM: NetWare DOS ODI driver. 3CELPC.INS: NetWare DOS ODI import file. 3CELCM.COM: 3Com Configuration Manager. PARTNO: Contains the part number and version of this EtherDisk diskette. Subdirectories -------------- AUTOLINK: Contains compressed files used by 3Com's AutoLink program. This program automatically installs all the files necessary to allow a DOS-based universal client (VLM) to connect to a Novell NetWare server. HELP: Contains installation and configuration instructions for some of the more popular network operating systems, as well as basic troubleshooting tips, information on support lines, and system resource information. Use the INSTALL program to access this information. MSLANMAN.DOS: Contains a Microsoft LAN Manager directory tree for importing the NDIS 2.x DOS driver. NDIS2: Contains the DOS NDIS 2.x driver for non-LAN Manager installations. IBM_40: Contains the OEMSETUP.INF import file for IBM 4.0. NWCLIENT: Contains DOS and OS/2 NetWare client drivers, a sample NET.CFG file, and a .INS NWCLIENT import file. UTILS: Various utility files used by other programs on the diskette. (%VER 3C562 - Disk Directory v1.0a)