3Com Corporation NDIS 2.01 Drivers Installation Notes This procedure describes how to install Artisoft LANtastic 6.0 using the 3Com NDIS 2.01 driver ELPC3X.DOS. The install information files are designed for MicroSoft's install utility and must be edited for LANtastic's INSTALL program. Edit the ELPC3.NIF file, which is located in the \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF subdirectory. Comment out line 3 by putting a semicolon at the beginning of the line. For example: ;DeviceDriver = 3CELCM.EXE To install LANtastic from the DOS prompt or from Windows, follow these steps: Installing from the DOS Prompt 1. Insert Artisoft's LANtastic Install Disk 1 of 4 in the diskette drive. 2. Type: INSTALL This launches Windows and starts the installation of LANtastic. 3. Go to step 4 under the "Installing from Windows" procedure and continue with the remaining steps. Installing from Windows 1. Launch Windows, if it is not already opened. 2. Select Run from the Windows File menu. 3. Type: A:\INSTALL If you are using a different drive, use the letter for that drive. 4. Follow the instructions and answer the questions that appear. 5. Select NDIS Support for Network Adapters in the Select Network Adapter window. 6. When prompted, remove the LANtastic diskette, insert the EtherDisk diskette provided with the 3C562 PC Card, and press [Enter]. The NDIS driver is copied to your hard drive. 7. When prompted, reinsert the LANtastic Install Disk 1 in the drive. 8. Answer the questions concerning your PC name and drives based on your configuration. 9. After installation is complete, copy 3CELCM.EXE from the root directory of the EtherDisk on to the directory of the hard drive where LANTASTIC resides (the default is \LANTASTI). 10. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add the 3CELCM.EXE entry right before the ELPC3X.DOS driver entry, so that that the entries look somewhat as follows: .... DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\3CELCM.EXE <--- Add this DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\ELPC3X.DOS .... 11. See SYSTEM.INI information below. Changes and Additions to PC Startup Files ----------------------------------------- The following lines are added or changed in these PC startup files: AUTOEXEC.BAT File call C:\LANTASTI\STARTNET.BAT CONFIG.SYS File DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANTASTI DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\3CELCM.EXE DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\ELPC3X.DOS PROTOCOL.INI File [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES [3CELCM_NIF] DRIVERNAME = ELPC3$ STARTNET.BAT File C: cd C:\LANTASTI SET LAN_CFG=C:\LANTASTI rem If LANtastic is disabled, skip everything. IF EXIST DISABLED GOTO :STARTNET_DONE @echo ===== Begin LANtastic configuration ===== PATH C:\LANTASTI;C:\LANTASTI\NW;%PATH% SET LAN_DIR=C:\LANTASTI.NET SET NWDBPATH=C:\LANTASTI\NW LOADHIGH AI-NDIS BIND_TO=ELPC3X_NIF AILANBIO @STARTNET.CFG REDIR TOSHIBA4800CT @STARTNET.CF ======> Just an example !!! IF EXIST NOSHARE GOTO :NOSHARE SERVER C:\LANTASTI.NET @STARTNET.CFG NET LOGIN \\TOSHIBA4800CT ======> Just an example !!! GOTO :CONTINUE :NOSHARE @echo LANtastic server was installed but turned off. :CONTINUE rem If CONNECT.BAT exists, run it to set up connections. IF EXIST CONNECT.BAT GOTO :CONNECT rem Otherwise set up connections specified rem during install. NET LOGIN/wait \\ABC ======> Just an example !!! NET USE D: \\ABC\C-DRIVE ======> Just an example !!! NET LPT TIMEOUT 10 GOTO :CONNECT_DONE :CONNECT @echo Setting up LANtastic connections from CONNECT.BAT rem Build CONNECT.BAT like this: rem "NET SHOW/BATCH > C:\LANTASTI\CONNECT.BAT" rem (or run the batch file SETNET.BAT) call CONNECT.BAT :CONNECT_DONE NET POSTBOX @echo ===== End LANtastic configuration ===== :STARTNET_DONE cd \ SYSTEM.INI File (Windows) [boot] shell=progman.exe network.drv=C:\LANTASTI\LANTNET.DRV [boot.description] network.drv=LANtastic for Windows Version 6.00 [386Enh] +network=*vnetbios,C:\LANTASTI\LANTASTI.386 [network drivers] netcard=elpc3.dos [LANtastic] Comment=Add 1 Network_IRQ per adapter, specify correct Irq values. Network_IRQ=15 WIN.INI File (Windows) [windows] spooler=no load=NWPOPUP.EXE C:\LANTASTI\WNET.EXE run=C:\LANTASTI\MKWGROUP.EXE ========================================================= SYSTEM.INI information ======================= In order for the modem to function correctly in MS Windows, add the following commands to your Window's SYSTEM.INI file under the [386Enh] category: (In case they are not there already) [386Enh] : : COM1Base=3F8 COM1Irq=4 COM2Base=2F8 COM2Irq=3 COM3Base=3E8 COM3Irq=4 COM4Base=2E8 COM4Irq=3 ========================================================= ========================================================= Please Note ============ Although the driver name is ELPC3X.DOS, the internal driver name (used in PROTOCOL.INI) is ELPC3$ ========================================================= (%VER NDIS - Artisoft Lantastik v2.0g)