3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC Family Windows Installation Information Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups (WFW) ------------------------------------------- If NetWare is the network operating system, then the 3Com AutoLink program on EtherDisk #2 can be used for initial connection to a server. After connecting to a server, be sure to run Novell's WSINSTALL for full Windows support. (Ask your network administrator for the location of this Novell installation utility.) For non-NetWare environments, install the client software as specified by your network operating system vendor. WFW has internal support for Microsoft workgroup networking environment. Windows 95 ---------- EtherDisk 6.0 contains a new GUI-based installer and post install helper. To use this new software, run PREINSTL on EtherDisk #2 prior to installing the EtherLink III NIC. PREINSTL will prepare Windows 95 to accept importing software from EtherDisk #1. Follow the instructions given by PREINSTL when it completes. Refer to the Windows 95 installation information on this EtherDisk for more detail. Windows NT ---------- Care must be taken when installing Windows NT because both Microsoft and 3Com provide a driver and NT installation file for the EtherLink III. Microsoft's driver ships with NT and 3Com's driver ships on the EtherDisk. However, 3Com's driver will provide faster, more reliable service. To install and use the 3Com Windows NT driver, refer to the Windows NT installation information on this EtherDisk. (%VER WINDOWS.TXT - Windows Installation Information V6.0a)