3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The EtherLink III NIC Family Microsoft Windows 95 with Microsoft's Client for NetWare Networks The reason choose the Client for NetWare Networks as the primary network is you are using the Novell NetWare server as your primary file and print server. On a new install on a computer running Windows 95, follow the directions given to install the NDIS3/NDIS4 drivers in Windows 95 (W95NDIS3.TXT). Then follow the steps below to change from the NDIS3/NDIS4 driver to the NDIS2 driver. 1. In Windows 95, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then select the Network icon. 2. The minimum network components that are needed to support a primary connection to a Novell network are: Client for NetWare Networks 3Com EtherLink III Adapter IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol If any of the above components are missing, add them by clicking the Add button, and adding the client or protocol component. The components are found in the Microsoft vendor selection on the screen that follows the component selection. 3. Click Client for NetWare Networks and then the Properties button. 4. Under the General tab, set your Preferred Server and the First Network Drive. When done, click OK. 5. Set the Primary Network Logon to Client for NetWare Networks and click OK. 6. Once in Network, remove the following network components if you are not using the Microsoft file and print sharing (peer to peer) network. Microsoft Client for Microsoft Network NetBEUI. 7. When the configuration is complete, press the "OK" button at the bottom of the network configuration screen. When prompted, answer "Yes" to restart your computer. (%VER W95NETWR.TXT - Windows 95 with Microsoft's Client for NetWare v6.0a)