3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The EtherLink III NIC Family NDIS 2 Driver and Windows 95 The only reason choose the NDIS 2 driver over the NDIS3/NDIS4 drivers is because you must use some network component that requires a DOS-based NDIS 2 interface. On a new install on a computer running Windows 95, follow the directions given to install the NDIS3/NDIS4 drivers in Windows 95 (W95NDIS3.TXT). Then follow the steps below to change from the NDIS3/NDIS4 driver to the NDIS2 driver. 1. In Windows 95, click Start, Settings, and then Control Panel. 2. Select the Network icon, then select the NIC in the configuration box, and click Properties. 3. In the Driver Type tab, change the "Protect mode (32 bit) NDIS Driver" to "Real Mode (16 bit) NDIS Driver". Press "OK", then press "OK" again to close the network configuration window. 4. Windows 95 will than prompt for a reboot. Pick "Yes". When the Windows 95 boots, it will be using the NDIS 2 driver. (%VER W95NDIS2.TXT - NDIS 2 in Windows 95 v6.0a)