3Com Corporation EtherDisk Diskette Software Compatibility List This text file lists the most popular network operating systems, protocols, and utilities supported by 3Com's EtherLink adapters. Standard application programs, including word processors and spreadsheets, are not shown here. About the Network Drivers ------------------------- The network drivers may vary between workstation and server. Industry- standard driver "types" are listed as appropriate. Drivers provided on the EtherDisk diskette are shipped with the adapter. The EtherDisk diskettes can be ordered from 3Com (Installer's Kit, part no. 3C555) or may be downloaded from CompuServe (see Support.txt for information on the Ask3Com forum). Unless otherwise noted, drivers are provided by the independent software venders (ISVs). Company Products EL II EL Plus EL 16 3C503 3C505 3C507 3C503-TP 3C507-TP 3Com 3+ Yes 3Com 3+Open Yes 3Com LAN Manager v2.0 Yes 3Com NBP (NetBIOS) Yes 3Com OSI/ES with DPA Yes 3Com NFS with DPA Yes 3Com TCP with DPA Yes 3Com NetProbe Yes 3Com EtherStart PROM Yes 3Com EtherStart PROM Yes Yes 3Com NetWare Boot PROM Yes Yes Yes Alisa Systems TSSnet Apple AppleShare Yes Apple A/UX Artisoft Lantastic Yes Yes AT&T LAN Manager Yes Yes Yes Banyan VINES Yes Yes Q3 '91 Brightwork NetRemote Yes Clarkson Univ Packet Driver Yes Yes Yes Datability RAF Yes Yes DCA/Tiara 10Net Yes Yes Yes DEC Pathworks for DOS Yes Yes Yes DEC Pathworks for OS/2 Yes Yes Yes DEC Pathworks for Mac Digital Area Ne MAX Link Yes DSC Nexos Yes Essex Systems TCP/2 for DOS Yes Yes Yes Essex Systems TCP/2 for OS/2 Yes Yes Yes Farallon PhoneNet Talk Yes Yes FTP Software PC/TCP Yes Yes Yes Hayes LANstep Yes IBM OS/2 LAN Server Yes IBM AIX for PS/2 Interactive 386/ix Yes 1991 InterCon TCP/Connect Yes Lanport PCbridge Yes Lanport PCroute Yes Lanport PCroute Yes Company Products EL II EL Plus EL 16 3C503 3C505 3C507 3C503-TP 3C507-TP Lanworks BootWare-NW Yes Yes Yes Lanworks BootWare-LM Yes Yes Locus PC Interface Yes Locus PC Xsight Yes MicroPort Unix System VR4 Yes 1991 Microsoft LAN Manager Yes Yes Yes Network General Sniffer Yes Network Researc Fusion Yes Yes Novell LAN WorkPlace Yes Yes Q4 '91 Novell NetWare 286 v2.x Yes Yes Yes Novell NetWare 386 v3.x Yes Yes Yes Olivetti Olinet Yes Yes Olivetti Olinet LAN Manager Yes Yes Opus Personal Mainframe Yes Pacer PacerLink Yes Yes Yes Polygon poly-COM Yes Yes Yes Polygon poly-LINK Yes Yes Yes Polygon poly-STAR Yes Yes Yes Polygon poly-NET Yes Yes Yes Santa Cruz Ops TCP/IP for Xenix Yes Santa Cruz Ops TCP/IP for Unix Yes Q4 '91 Santa Cruz Ops LAN Mgr for Unix Yes Santa Cruz Ops NFS Yes Santa Cruz Ops Open Desktop Yes Santa Cruz Ops OSI Yes Sun Microsystem PC-NFS Yes Yes Yes Sitka (Sun) TOPS Yes Q4 '91 Syntax SMBserver Yes Yes Syntax VDIM Yes Yes Tech Concepts Community Yes Touch Comm. OSI Yes Yes Yes Univ of Ilinois NCSA Telnet Yes Univ of Ilinois NCSA Telnet Yes Univ of Ilinois PCbridge Yes Univ of Ilinois PCroute Yes WEBCorp WEB Yes Yes Yes WRQ Reflections Yes Yes Yes Wollongong PathWay Access Yes Yes Yes XIOS Systems Office Solutions Yes Yes