---- MOUSE ON-DISK USER'S GUIDE ----- ====================================================== If you want a hardcopy of this file, type: COPY MANUAL.TXT PRN (Specify the appropriate drive and path if necessary). ====================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION This manual contains the following information: 1. Introduction - Provides an overview of your mouse and its capabilities. 2. Installation - Describes how to physically connect your mouse to your computer. 3. Installing the Mouse Driver for DOS - This chapter covers the installation of your mouse software required to use your mouse with your computer. Also included is technical information which can be used to customize the installation of your mouse 4. Installing the Mouse Driver for Windows - Describes the use of your mouse in the Windows operating system from Microsoft. 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting - Cover basic care and maintenance procedures for your mouse, as well as troubleshooting techniques, should you experience problems. Appendix A Commnad-line Options Summary - Lists all of the command-line options of the mouse drivers. 1.1 Different Applications For Your Mouse Your mouse is a Microsoft mouse compatible pointing device. It comes in two different models so that it can be used as either a serial input device or with a PS/2-type mouse port. Each of these applications for your mouse requires a different connector to plug into your computer. The serial version is designed to be plugged directly into a serial port on your computer through a 9-pin or 25-pin D-shell male connector. The PS/2 version uses a 6-pin mini-DIN connector to connect to the PS/2-type mouse port. 1.2 What You Need To Get Started Your Computer System As mentioned in the previous section, your mouse is available for two different types of mouse interface connectors: serialand the PS/2 pointing device port. Be sure you are using the proper connector for your application. Your mouse works with any computer using an Intel 8088, 80286, 80386 or 80486 processor. You must also have MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 2.0 (or higher) and at least one floppy disk drive. To use your mouse as a serial input device you will need an available serial port. Using your mouse on a PS/2 requires an available pointing device port. 2. INSTALLING YOUR MOUSE This chapter discusses the procedures required to install your mouse in your PC. Note: Turn the mouse over and remove the shipping foam. First, remove the plastic retainer by sliding it towards the OPEN mark. Take out the foam and replace the plastic retainer. The mouse should slide smoothly on a flat surface. 2.1 Installing The Serial Version To use your mouse as a serial input device, it will need to be connected to a 9-pin or 25-pin serial port (a D-shell male connector). If you have a 25-pin serial port, you need to attach the adapter to the 9-pin connector at the end of the mouse cable. To connect your mouse to a serial port on your PC, use the following instructions: 1. Turn OFF your computer. 2. Plug the connector at the end of the mouse cable into your serial port and tighten the two thumbscrews. 3. Proceed to your mouse software installation section. Note: You may have more than one serial port in your computer. If this is the case, you can use any open port as long as the appropriate interrupt(IRQ) for that port is available and not be taken by another device. 2.2 Installing The PS/2 Version Using your mouse on a PS/2 requires that you use the 6-pin mini-DIN connector that comes with your mouse. This connector is designed to be used with the auxiliary pointing device port on your computer. To connect your mouse, use the following instructions: 1. Turn OFF your computer. 2. Connect the 6-pin mini-DIN connector to the auxiliary pointing device port on your PS/2. 3. Proceed to the software installation section. 3. INSTALLING MOUSE DRIVERS FOR DOS The mouse driver software has two main areas of functionality: 1) Returning mouse coordinates and button status to the applications programs; 2) Drawing and maintaining a tracking cursor that will follow the motion of the mouse. Normally the operation of the driver will be transparent. You only have to ensure that the driver is installed before you run applications that use a mouse. 3.1 Installing The Mouse Driver Before you install the software, you should make sure the mouse is hooked up to the computer. If you should encounter a problem, always double check the hardware connection to see if it is correct. MOUSE comes in two different forms: the file MOUSE.COM is a "resident program" mouse driver, and the file MOUSE.SYS is an "installable MS-DOS device driver". MOUSE.COM is by far the easier mouse driver to install. To install MOUSE.COM, just type at the DOS prompt: MOUSE You need to install MOUSE before running an application which uses the mouse. If you have a hard disk drive you will probably want to copy MOUSE.COM onto your hard disk. Many people add the MOUSE command to their AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so the driver is installed automatically whenever they start using their computer. The second way to install MOUSE is by including MOUSE.SYS as a device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file. Add the line below to your CONFIG.SYS file with a text editor: DEVICE=MOUSE.SYS If the MOUSE.SYS file is not stored in the root directory of your hard disk drive, the correct path name should be in front of MOUSE.SYS. If you need to change the mouse type, or if you want to remove MOUSE, you have to make the changes in your CONFIG.SYS file and then reboot the machine. This method will have a result that is identical to running MOUSE.COM each time that you start up your computer, with the following exceptions: (1) you can not remove MOUSE.SYS from memory with the /off command line option; (2) MOUSE.SYS cannot read configuration commands from the MOUSE.INI configuration file; (3) MOUSE.SYS cannot make use of expanded memory, high memory, or upper memory blocks. Usually you do not need to use any command line options. However, if command- line options are needed, you must include them in you CONFIG.SYS file. For example: DEVICE=MOUSE.SYS /C2 to install on COM2 Once the mouse driver is installed into memory, you are ready to use your application program. 3.2 Removing The Mouse Driver MOUSE will remain in memory, ready for use by any applications program until you either reboot or turn off your computer. Remember though that you will have to re-install MOUSE if you reboot an applications disk, unless the MOUSE.SYS file is already included in your CONFIG.SYS file as a device driver, or MOUSE.COM is included in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You can disable and remove the MOUSE driver by typing the command: MOUSE OFF This command releases the hardware port to which the mouse is connected, and if possible, the mouse driver will be removed from memory. If other TSR programs have been loaded after MOUSE.COM, however, MOUSE will not be released from memory. MOUSE.SYS can not be removed from memory. 3.3 Configuring The Mouse Driver Normally the MOUSE driver automatically configures itself for the type of mouse you have, you do not need to set any options. However, there are a number of options which you can select from the command line or by an entry in a special file named MOUSE.INI. The mouse driver options control four areas of the drivers bahavior: 1) the mouse hardware type and the port that the mouse is connected to; 2) the cursor the driver displays on screen and what language it uses for messages; 3) the location in memory where the mouse driver will be loaded; 4) motion sensitivity settings. Command-Line Switches These options can be issued after the driver is initially installed. However, memory location and mouse type can not be changed without removing the MOUSE driver. You can display a list of the basic command-line options by typing: MOUSE /? and press ENTER. The command-line options can be combined together. For example, you can use both /h and /v together, and it will work in the same way as using /s. The order of the command-line switches is not significant. Either upper or lower-case letters can be used in command-line options. The place-holder # following some option letters represents an optional number. 3.3.1 Mouse Type Options The MOUSE driver is capable of operating with any of the standard kinds of mice. When it installs, the MOUSE driver searches first for an InPort mouse, then a bus mouse, followed by a PS/2 mouse, and then a Microsoft compatible serial mouse. For a serial mouse, use the /c# command-line option to select which serial port the mouse is connected to(# here refers to COM port 1,2,3 or 4). For example: MOUSE /c2 for com2 Command-line options can also be used to force MOUSE to install for the type of serial mouse you have. For example, MOUSE /mi force Microsoft-type serial driver to install For a PS/2 style mouse, you type: MOUSE /z MOUSE will print a message confirming that it is installed. For example, if you are using a serial mouse with COM 1 as the COM port, after you type MOUSE, the following message will appear: Installed on COM 1 If the mouse does not seem to be working, you should check whether the connection is correct, and re-install the mouse driver. 3.3.2 Memory Options Only MOUSE.COM can be relocated. MOUSE.SYS can not be relocated. There are many times when you want to maximize the amount of memory available to your DOS applications programs. One way to do it is to move the MOUSE driver to a location in memory outside of the area used by applications programs. New versions of MS DOS and DR DOS can relocate MOUSE, as can a number of utility programs such as QEMM, 386MAX, NETROOM and others. If you are using one of these programs to relocate the mouse driver, then you do not need to use the mouse driver's relocation option, although they still work and are compatible. The mouse driver normally resides in low memory, which is where DOS applications programs are also loaded. If you need more space for your applications, you can relocate most of the MOUSE driver to either expanded memory, high memory, or upper memory block using the MOUSE.INI file. To relocate the driver to expanded memory, you must have either expanded memory hardware, such as an Intel Above Board, or a software driver, such as EMM386 or QEMM in your machine.You must have an 80286, 80386 or 80486 family processor and more than 1 MB of memory. You must also have the HIMEM.SYS driver, or its equivalent, loaded before installing the mouse driver. To relocate the driver to an upper memory block, your CONFIG.SYS file must have the line: DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS In addition, if you are running DOS 5.0 or 6.0, you should also have the line DOS=UMB A small amount of low memory is still required even when the main body of the driver is loaded into either high or expanded memory. You cannot relocate the mouse driver into another memory area without first removing the mouse driver by using the MOUSE OFF command. 3.3.3 Sensitivity Three command options are provided to adjust the sensitivity of the cursor tracking. The default sensitivity setting provides the same tracking response as the mouse hardware. Each sensitivity option is a number from 5 to 100. 50 is the default setting. Larger numbers increase the sensitivity, making the cursor move more rapidly, and smaller number decrease the sensitivity. You can experiment to find a comfortable setting for yourself. The command options are: /s# set both horizontal and vertical sensitivity /h# set the horizontal sensitivity /v# set the vertical sensitivity For example: MOUSE /s100 provides a very fast mouse while MOUSE /s10 provides a very slow mouse for highly accurate cursor positioning. 3.3.4 Button Mapping The left button is the primary button by default. However, you can redefine primary and secondary buttons to suit your own preferences by modifying the MOUSE.INI file. In this command, p# is the primary button number, s# is the secondary button value. Button numbers for two-button mice: Button Value Left Button 1 Right Button 2 Button numbers for three-button mice: Button Value Left Button 1 Middle Button 2 Right Button 3 For a left handed user, it is convenient to have the primary button be the right button on the mouse, and the secondary button be the left button. 3.3.5 Rotation Angle This command specifies the rotation angle of the mouse cursor's movement relative to its physical motion. The rotation angle is an integer value representing the number of degrees that the mouse's vertical axis is rotated clockwise from the default axis. The range is 0 - 359. Typically this command is used to adjust the output of a mouse or trackball when the user finds it most comfortable to hold the device at an angle. 3.3.6 Mouse Driver Ballistics MOUSE supports fully Microsoft compatible ballistic acceleration. This mouse driver comes with four built-in ballistic gain profiles: Speed Value Slow: ballistic profile 1 Moderate: ballistic profile 2 Fast: ballistic profile 3 Unaccelerated: ballistic profile 4 To select a ballistic profile, you can use /p# command-line options. For example, you type: MOUSE /p1 select ballistic profile 1 Each of the four movement profiles defines how much cursor motion results from a given amount of mouse motion. You can also use the SETSPEED program to choose profiles, load a new set of profiles, or find out which profile is in effect within your mouse driver. Of course, the mouse driver must be loaded before you use SETSPEED.EXE. The command-line options for SETSPEED are: SETSPEED /p# /ffilename where # is 1, 2, 3, or 4. Filename is the name of a text file containing movement profiles to be used by the mouse driver. SETSPEED /? reports the currently active profile. For example, SETSPEED /p3 /fPROFILES.TXT selects movement profile 3 from the file "PROFILES.TXT" The motion profile data files are text files that define the relationship between mouse motion and screen cursor motion. For each movement profile within the file there is a list of mouse motions and corresponding scaling factors. A scaling factor of 1.0 means that one mouse motion increment corresponds to one screen motion increment. Larger scaling factors result in "faster" mouse motion. Use the file DEFAULT.PRO as a guide to the proper syntax of the motion profile data. Mouse movement values can range from 1 to 127, while scaling factors can range from 0 to 16. A scaling factor value of 0.5 effectively halves the resolution of the mouse(eg. from 400 to 200 dpi). You can specify up to 32 mouse movement entries, and the steps between entries in the list do not have to be equal. For each movement entry you must specify a factor entry. The profile labels are truncated to 16 characters when the profile is loaded into the mouse driver. 3.4 MOUSE.INI File The MOUSE.INI is an initialization file which contains many settings for the mouse driver included in, but not limited to, the command-line switches. The file is specially useful if you want to save some features as default values. It saves the trouble of typing the command-line options every time you install the MOUSE driver. The settings in the MOUSE.INI are read by the mouse driver when it is loaded into memory. MOUSE.SYS, however, cannot read the MOUSE.INI file. Whenever you change any setting in the MOUSE.INI file, it becomes the default setting. You can always use command-line switches to override the settings in MOUSE.INI if you want to make a temporary change. The default settings for the MOUSE.INI are as following: [mouse] MouseType = * automatic search for mouse * Language = English Memory = LowMem ActiveAccelerationProfile = 2 PrimaryButton = 1 ** left button ** SecondaryButton = 3 ** right button of 3-button mouse ** ClickLock = Off RotationAngle = 0 HorizontalSensitivity = 50 VerticalSensitivity = 50 CursorDisplayDelay = 0 ForceDefaultCursor = Off The MOUSE.INI file also stores acceleration profiles in the file: [AccelerationProfile1] Label = Slow Movement = 1 30 33 37 41 46 Factor = 1.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 [AccelerationProfile2] Label = Moderate Movement = 1 5 7 9 11 37 39 41 43 Factor = 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 [AccelerationProfile3] Label = Fast Movement = 1 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 37 41 46 Factor = 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 [AccelerationProfile4] Label = Unaccelerated Movement = 1 Factor = 1.00 You can use any text editor or word processor that saves ASCII files to edit the MOUSE.INI file and change the settings. 3.5 TEST YOUR MOUSE Once you've installed the software you should run your mouse test program to make sure that your mouse is properly installed. To run the TEST program requires that you first load the MOUSE driver. Change to the MOUSE directory and type: MOUSE to load the driver, and then type: TEST to run the TEST program The test program will put a cursor on the screen which follows the movement of your mouse. Also, by pressing your mouse buttons you should be able to see which of your mouse buttons is on or off. The buttons are in the off position until they are clicked or pressed and held down which would cause them to be in the on position. When you are satisfied that everything is working properly, quit the test to return to DOS. 4. INSTALLING YOUR MOUSE FOR WINDOWS Since your mouse is factory set as Microsoft mouse compatible, you can use it with any software that supports the Microsoft mouse, including Microsoft Windows. When you run the setup program, select the Microsoft Mouse as your pointing device. If you have the three button mouse and wish to use it in the Mouse Systems mouse mode, you must reset your mouse as described in Appendix B and select the Mouse Systems mouse as your pointing device. You must also be sure that you have loaded the correct mouse driver. Microsoft Windows and applications written to run within Windows do not require that you load the DOS mouse driver MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS before running it. But if you use mouse-driven DOS applications from Windows, you will have to install the DOS mouse driver. Otherwise, the mouse will not work. 5. MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 5.1 Care And Maintenance Your mouse has been designed to provide years of continuous, troublefree operation. To help ensure this, we recommend the following maintenance tips: Your mouse should be treated as carefully as possible. Do not drop your mouse or allow it to hang from its cable. Operate your mouse on a clean surface - it will reduce the amount of cleaning required. During normal operation, the only maintenance that your mouse will require will be an occasional cleaning of its outer case. If, after many hours of use, you notice that the screen cursor skips or moves abnormally, it may be necessary to clean your mouse. To do so, please follow these simple instructions: 1. Turn off your computer 2. Turn the mouse over and locate the plastic cover that holds the mouse trackball in place. 3. Press down slide the plastic cover towards the OPEN mark. It should pop free from the mouse body. Set the plastic retainer aside. 4. Carefully turn the mouse over, placing your hand over the opening to catch the ball as it falls free of the mouse body. 5. Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove any dirt or lint from the ball and rollers inside the mouse. 6. Put the mouse ball back in its socket and slide the cover back on. It should click into place. With occasional cleaning, the mouse should provide many years of service. 5.2 Troubleshooting Some of the more common symptoms and potential remedies are listed in this section to help you detect and solve the problem on your own. If, after rechecking your system setup and consulting this manual, you need further assistance, please contact our technical support department. Informing our support engineers of the results of your own analysis will also help us in resolving your problems. If you believe the product is defective, consult the warranty/registration included with this product for procedures on returning the product or replacement. Note: Try to narrow down the possible causes to as few as possible. We recommend that you power up your system from a floppy disk without any extraneous software loaded into the computer memory (or simplify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on your startup drive). Then insert the setup disk and load your mouse driver. Next, run the test program. Symptom: When MOUSE loads it reports that it cannot be installed. Possible Remedies: Check the physical connection of your mouse to the computer. Use command-line option to force MOUSE to install. Verify that the mouse interface is functional; activate the serial port and check IRQ setting, remove possible hardware conflicts. If the above will not correct the problem, the mouse hardware may be defective. Symptom: Cursor does not move, no button response on the TEST screen. Possible Remedies: Check the physical connection of your mouse to the computer. If you are using your mouse as a serial device: Is the serial port properly configured? Some interface boards with optional serial ports require that you connect a jumper or set a switch to activate the serial ports or to select the appropriate address and interrupt. Make sure the I/O port (COM1 through COM4) and interrupt (IRQ3 or IRQ4) are not used by another peripheral device in your computer, otherwise hardware conflicts will arise. Try using command-line options to force your mouse driver to install on your serial port. Symptom: In TEST, my mouse buttons work but I cannot get the mouse arrow to move much. Possible Remedies: Remove the shipping foam. Symptom: Mouse works in the TEST program but not in Microsoft Windows. Possible Remedies: If there is no pointer when you run Windows, check Windows setup to see if you have selected the correct mouse. Select Microsoft mouse if you have the two-button mouse. If you've reset your mouse as A 3-button mouse, select the Mouse Systems mouse. If there is an arrow but it won't move, check Windows setup to see if you have selected the correct mouse. Check Windows' MOUSE.INI file (in your Windows directory) for the correct mouse type. If you are using a serial mouse but your computer has a built-in bus mouse port (a bus mouse port has a 9-pin, mini-DIN, female socket, see Fig. 1-1), the MouseType entry must be Serial#(the place holder # should be 1 or 2). Use a text editor to modify this entry if necessary. Symptom: Mouse reports that it is installed on IRQ 5 when I didn't put it there. Possible Remedies: In computers with Intel 286 or higher processors, IRQ 5 is reserved for peripheral devices such as a bus mouse. It is possible that your system already has a built-in bus mouse interface, and the mouse driver has installed on the bus mouse port. If you have a serial mouse, you can either use a command-line option to force the mouse driver to install on your serial port, or modify the MOUSE.INI file, disabling the autosearch option. To determine whether or not there is a bus mouse port in your computer, look around your computer chassis for a round, 9-pin mini DIN socket. Symptom: Mouse works in the TEST program but not with an application program. Possible Remedies: If there is no cursor when you load your application program, the problem could be that your mouse driver has not been loaded. Run your mouse install program and verify that the drivers are copied to your startup disk. Check your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files for command lines that loads your mouse driver. Have you configured your program to work with your mouse? Most software programs must be customized to an individual's particular computer configuration to work properly. This process is usually carried out in the installation of the program, or through a "Preferences" dialog box. Try to re-install your software. Select the appropriate version of a pointing device when the program prompts you. Symptom: Cursor moves erratically on the TEST screen. Possible Remedies: This may be due to hardware problems. If the cursor moves smoothly in one direction, up and down for example, but erratically in the other, then there may be a problem in one of the motion encoders. Remove the ball and clean the mouse. Examine the interior of your mouse for any foreign objects that may have fallen into it. ===================================================================== Appendix A Command-line Options Summary The following table summarizes all the command-line options and the corresponding MOUSE.INI file. Settings Switches Default MOUSE.INI Value Mouse Type Autosearch MouseType = Serial mouse /C# {1,2,3,4} Serial1, Serial2, etc. Microsoft serial /MI - Mouse Systems serial /MO - PS/2 /Z PS/2 Bus /B Bus Button Selection Primary 1 PrimaryButton = # Secondary 2 or 3 SecondaryButton = # Clicklock Disable ClicklLock = Disable Clicklock Off Enable Clicklock On Language Selection English Language = English English Memory LowMem Memory = Low Memory Area - LowMem Expanded Memory EMM Upper Memory Block UpperMem High Memory Areas HiMem Sensitivity Horizontal /H# {5 - 100} 50 HorizontalSensitivity = # Vertical /V# {5 - 100} 50 VerticalSensitivity = # Horizontal & Vertical /S# {5 - 100} 50 - Acceleration /P# 2 ActiveAccelerationProfile=# Interrupt Rate 1 InterruptRate = # Cursor Display Delay 0 CursorDisplayDelay = # Force Default Cursor Off ForceDefaultCursor = Default Cursor Off Off Default Cursor On On Rotation Angle /O# {0 - 359} 0 RotationAngle = # ======================================================================