HCW Memtest V1.00 Memtest is a program to exercise and test extended memory on 386 based machines. It runs as 32bit code in protected mode. Normal usage of memtest is to configure setup for the amount of extended memory installed (even if BIOS POST test does not find it), and just run memtest with no arguments. The other possible options are listed below: Usage: %s [-options ...] -1 Perform one complete test pass and exit (rather than looping) -aADDR Set starting address to ADDR (default is 0x100000) -b Perform BYTE sliding zero's and one's test -d Perform DWORD sliding zero's and one's test -l Errors are appended to file memtest.log -p Resolve parity errors to specific location -q Perform a quick test with limited number of patterns -sSIZE Set size of tested memory block to SIZE (default is extended memory size as configured in setup) Where ADDR, and SIZE are decimal numbers, and can be prefixed with 0x for hex, or given a suffix of 'k' for *1024, or 'm' for *1meg. Running memtest with the -d option provides a fairly good test and is quite a bit faster than running the full test. WARNING: Memtest should not be run while drivers which utilize extended memory are installed, as it will over-write them.