Dear Customer, To help us to troubleshoot the problem, we have enclosed two diagnostic test programs. Please run TESTVB.EXE first then CHECKVB.COM. 1. TESTVB.EXE At DOS prompt, enter TESTVB. The test can continue to run even when there is an error, so just hit ENTER when you encounter any error message prompt. This test will first scan the hardware and a menu will pop up which list down different test module. Use up and down arrow key to pick the module and hit ENTER to start the test. Please list down any error messages or codes returned. 2. CHECKVB.COM At DOS prompt, enter CHECKVB []. This PortAddr will be the port address set in the autoexec.bat. For example, in the autoexec.bat you will see VIDEOBLST=C:\VBLASTER A2AD6 I10 This means your video blaster port address is 2AD6. Your command line will then be CHECKVB 2AD6 We also need the following information from you. 1. Your autoexec.bat, config.sys and system.ini. 2. Chipset of the motherboard. 3. Amount of RAM on the motherboard. 4. Type of CPU, its manufacturer and operating speed. 5. Configuration of the system. Whether are there any other cards in the system. 6. The BIOS version in the system. 7. VGA card used. The VGA controller used by the card, VGA BIOS version, the date of the driver and the revision of the card. 8. Failure codes. Please FAX all this information to us or CALL our tech support and leave a message if you can't get through. Tech Support Tel : (408) 428 6622 Fax : (408) 428 6633 We look forward to your feedback. Thank you for your cooperation.