Table of Contents: Section 1. Introduction 1.1 UltraStor UltraTAPE Software Package 1.2 License 1.3 Limited Warranty 1.4 Copyright Section 2. Preparations and Precautions 2.1 Protecting Your Data 2.2 Ensuring the Proper Attachment of Peripherals 2.3 Power Requirements 2.4 DOS Operating Environment Section 3. Technical Assistance 3.1 Resellers 3.2 Compuserve 3.3 UltraStor Technical Support Section 4. Description of files for UltraTape Software Package Section 5. Installation 5.1 Warning 5.2 Installing the UltraTape Program Section 6. Tested SCSI Peripherals PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE PROCEEDING TO INSTALL. THERE ARE MANY PRECAUTIONS TO CONSIDER AND YOUR TIME WILL BE WELL SERVED BY STUDYING THIS README FILE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL. Section 1. Introduction 1.1 UltraStor UltraTAPE Software Package UltraStor UltraTAPE Software Package contains : * ASPI Managers for UltraStor ULTRA 14N, ULTRA 14F and ULTRA 24F Host Adapters. * UltraTape Utility to backup and restore disk data to tape drives. 1.2 License You may use the programs on a single machine which contains an UltraStor Host Adapter. You may make backup copies for the same machine. This license is only transferable to another party if the other party agrees to accept all of the conditions of this license. If you transfer the programs, all programs, disks, materials and copies of the programs must be transferred at the same time. If you transfer or yield possession of the programs or any portion thereof, your license is automatically terminated. This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate the license at any time by sending all programs, disks, materials, and copies to UltraStor. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with the terms or conditions of this license or if you infringe upon UltraStor's copyrights. You agree upon termination to destroy the programs, disks, materials, and copies in any form. 1.3 Limited Warranty The programs are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. UltraStor assumes no risk for the use of the programs. If your use of the programs, disks, materials and copies proves defective, you assume the total cost for repair or correction. UltraStor does not warrant that the programs, disks, materials, and copies will meet your requirements or that the operations of said programs, disks, material, and copies will be error-free. UltraStor warrants that the diskette(s) containing the programs to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal and intended use for a period of 90 days from the date of delivery to you. 1.4 Copyright The programs, disks, materials, and copies are proprietary products of UltraStor Corporation and are protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. Except as allowed in the license, you may not copy any portion of the programs, disks, and materials. Section 2. Preparations and Precautions 2.1 Protecting Your Data In order to protect your data, we strongly recommend that you backup all data on your hard drive(s). Loss of data is never expected and the best protection is a good set of backups. 2.2 Ensuring the Proper Attachment of Peripherals During the installation of various SCSI peripherals, it will be necessary for you to locate and determine whether the peripheral has terminating resistors installed, which SCSI ID has been set on the SCSI peripheral(s), and where "Pin 1" exists on the peripheral's SCSI interface connector. A proper placement of terminating resistors will ensure reliable and unimpeded data flow on the SCSI bus. Only the two peripherals, including the UltraStor SCSI Host Adapter, at each end of the SCSI bus will have terminating resistors installed. All other SCSI peripherals will have their terminating resistors removed or disabled. The SCSI bus provides for eight (8) physical unit IDs, starting with zero (0) and running upto seven (7). The last ID (7) is usually reserved for the SCSI Host Adapter. The first two IDs, zero (0) and one (1) are usually reserved for the booting hard drive and second physical hard drive; more than two (2) hard drives can be supported with the UltraStor SCSI Host Adapters with either a special jumper setting or an EISA configuration board option selection. Keep in mind that you have only seven (7) IDs to choose since the UltraStor SCSI Host Adapter requires one. It is usually a good idea to write out the intended assignments for IDs before installation. The SCSI cable can only be properly attached to peripherals in one way; attaching the cable incorrectly will cause problems with the installation. Use the peripheral's installation guide or manual to locate "Pin 1" for its SCSI connector. This is important as some damage may occur to the peripheral if the SCSI cable is reversed and power is turned onto the system. Many SCSI peripherals set "Pin 1" on its SCSI connector to be closest to the power supply; in all cases, verify its location. The cable provided by UltraStor has one side of the cable marked by writing on the entire length. This marking indicates where "Pin 1" is located; line up "Pin 1" on all peripherals and your SCSI bus will operate properly. 2.3 Power Requirements Ensuring proper power supply to the entire system, including the SCSI bus peripherals is extremely important. Make sure your system's power supply is adequate; should your power supply not be able to supply sufficient power to all peripherals, the system will not operate properly and may cause damage to some peripherals and perhaps to the system. Some SCSI peripherals require a peak power supply at power on time; this is a key point for many older SCSI drives and tape drives as the peak power necessary to start spinning a 15 platter drive or start spinning a tape cartridge is rather high. If the system successfully recognizes all peripherals after the power up sequence is completed, then your system will most likely contain sufficient power to continue operations. 2.4 DOS Operating Environment The UltraStor UltraTAPE Software has been tested with MS DOS 3.3 and above. Certain versions of MS DOS operating system utilities may operate differently; please refer to the actual documentation. Use of memory managers and caching software may alter the behavior of some UltraStor utilities; every effort has been made to ensure compatibility with standard operating environments. However, it is possible to configure memory managers and caching software in a way that impedes operation or slows performance of the SCSI peripherals. Should you experience problems, we strongly recommend that you limit or omit your usage of these types of software until such time you have successfully installed the SCSI subsystem. Section 3. Technical Assistance 3.1 Resellers If you purchased this UltraStor product from a reseller, please contact that reseller for further assistance. Since the reseller may have provided additional equipment and software, it is always best to contact the reseller first. 3.2 Compuserve Additionally, technical assistance may be obtained by accessing the Compuserve Information Network. Once online, issue the "GO IBMHW" command to enter the IBM Compatible Hardware forum. Select the section on Host Adapters and drives (as of this writing, that section is "4") and leave a message to all or UltraStor. An UltraStor technical expert will generally read those messages and offer assistance. 3.3 UltraStor Technical Support UltraStor maintains a technical support hotline for our resellers and for those customers who are unable to obtain support from the other methods listed above. That telephone number is 1-510-623-8955. As the staff of this organization is continuously called upon for help, please be patient when requesting assistance. It is not uncommon for your name and telephone number to be requested so that a call back can be scheduled. Since call backs are scheduled on a first come first served, please expect delays of one or more days. Again, we strongly recommend that you contact the reseller or log on to Compuserve for assistance. In addition to the voice hotline, UltraStor maintains a Driver Download Facility. Licensed UltraStor users may download the latest operating system level drivers from this system. Note: UltraCD, UltraREM, UltraTape, and MSCDEX are licensed products which may not be downloaded from this facility; the latest versions of the USPI driver and the third floppy driver may be downloaded. Access the UltraStor Driver Facility by having your modem set for 8bits, No parity, 1 start/stop bit, 2400 to 14400bps speed, and then dialing 1-510-623-9091. Please do not leave requests for technical support on this system as they cannot be answered by the technical support organization. Section 4. Description of files for UltraStor UltraTAPE Software Package README .DOC - This readme file. USPI14N .SYS - DOS device driver for supporting ASPI compatible device module interface used with ULTRA 14N AT SCSI Host Adapter. USPI14 .SYS - DOS device driver for supporting ASPI compatible device module interface used with ULTRA 14F AT Bus Master SCSI Host Adapter. USPI24 .SYS - DOS device driver for supporting ASPI compatible device module interface used with ULTRA 24F EISA Bus Master SCSI Host Adapter. UTAPE .EXE - Provides full functions for tape backup and restore utility. UTAPE .HLP - The help file for UTAPE.EXE. Section 5. Installation 5.1 Warning Warning: this installation procedure will modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on your booting hard drive. Please make copies so that you can recover should problems occur. Please make backups of all data and programs on your hard drive. This procedure is not a replacement for the installation instructions contained in the manual but only a brief summary of the necessary steps. Please read the installation instructions detailed in Chapter 2 to insure a proper and successfull installation. Install the UltraStor SCSI Host Adapter per the installation guide supplied. 5.2 Installing the UltraTape Program Insert the UltraTape floppy into drive A: (or B:) and copy the appropriate USPIxx.SYS file (where xx = 14N, 14 or 24) to the root directory of your hard disk. Add the following line to your config.sys: Device=USPIxx.SYS where xx = 14N, 14 or 24 Remove the UltraTape floppy and reboot your computer to allow the USPIxx.SYS to take control of the UltraStor Host Adapter. After rebooting, re-insert the UltraTape floppy and key in the following statement at the DOS prompt: A:>Utape UltraTape will now present a screen. Press the letter "C" to pull down the "CONFIG" menu option at the top of the screen. Your first line option will be to select the SCSI ID of the tape drive which you will be using. Key in the appropriate ID. You may leave all other options at their default. Press the F10 key (function key) to continue to the next step. UltraTape will now prompt you to decide if these changes are permanent. Answer "Y" if this is the first installation. Next, the install program will request the target drive and directory where all of the UltraTape utility will reside. A default name is displayed but you may change it to any valid drive and directory name. The directory name does not have to exist as the install program will create it, if necessary. If you choose to continue, the install program will modify the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. After the modules have been installed and after the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files have been modified, the install program will finish with a prompt asking if you would like to reboot the system so that the new modules and the modified files will be loaded. After the system reboots, you should now have the selected supported as requested during the install procedure. Enjoy! Section 6. Tested SCSI Peripherals The following hard drive manufacturers have supplied a representative sampling of all their SCSI drive families for compatibility testing with UltraStor SCSI Host Adapters: Connor Fujitsu Hitachi HP Magtron Maxtor Micropolis Microscience NEC Quantum Seagate Toshiba TAPE Drives Archive 2060S Archive 2150S Archive 2525S Caliper 150/525 HP 35470 HP 35480 Wangtek 5525ES Wangtek 5150ES DAT/4mm Tape Drives Exabyte 8200 Exabyte 8200SX WangDAT 1300 Sony SDT-1000 Sony SDT-1020 Archive Python 4520NT