To download diskware using CFGCNTR.EXE, perform the following steps: NOTE : IF YOU PLAN TO USE THE SOFTWARE TO DOWNLOAD DISKWARE OF A BOOTABLE FLOOPY, PLACE THE FOLLOWING LINE IN YOUR CONFIG.SYS FILE- FILES=15 1) Copy all the files in this directory in your own local directory. 2) Copy the new CPG file that you want to download to the drive in your local direcatory and rename it to DW.CPG (the same name is used for AT and SCSI drives). 3) Get the TEMPESTA.SCR from network directory where the CPG file was obtainded (or any versions later) into that directory. 4) Run the appropriate batch file for AT or SCSI (different batch files for ASPI and HSC adapter card)) to download disware to the drive using cfgcntr.exe: a) AT - Type the following at the command prompt- > tmpsta b) SCSI (with ASPI)- Type the following at the command prompt- > tmpsts_a c) SCSI (with HSC)- Type the following at the command prompt- > tmpsts_h 5) The test will print a statement stating the status of the download. 6) Look at the TEST.OUT file for a detailed report. 7) DONE!!!! DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE TO A SPECIFIC DRIVE ON A BUS =================================================== This section how to download firmware to a specific dirve on a cable by specifying options in the command line. This will require editing the respective batch files (TMPSTA.BAT for AT and TMPSTS_A.BAT and TMPSTS_H.BAT for SCSI). AT == By default cfgcntr.exe downloads firmware to a primary master drive. To change the default configuration the following parameters can be passed in the command line: Command Line Usage Description Default ------------------- ----------------- --------- Primary !AtAdd=0x0170 Port base address !AtIRQ=11 Interrupt number Primary IRQ !AtDMA=4 DMA channel number N/A !AtSlave Target is a slave drive Master SCSI ==== For SCSI, cfgcntr.exe scans the bus, and downloads firmware to the first drive found, the bus is scanned from targ id 7. This can be overridden by sending command line options as follows: Command Line Usage Description Default ------------------- ------------------ ------- !SCSIID=targed id Set SCSI ID, do not Scan the bus, (0 to 7) scan ID's starting with targ id 7.