NOTE: This is not an official distribution of Promise's driver for DC2000 VLB-IDE adapter, if you know where to get it or you can download it from Promise's BBS (408-452-1267 in USA), contact me ( I have succesfully runned this driver with Promise Technology DC2000-VL2 adapter on 45 MHz VESA LocalBus for about 12 months. Though they say "Your mileage may very." Driver it self originates from Promise, but I have got it "mysterious ways" ie. it was e-mailed to me. DO NOT USE THIS DRIVER UNLESS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and your adapter does not base on Promise's PDC20230 chip. Misuse may lead to total corrupt of your data. INSTALLALTION AND PURPOSE: This driver is replacement of Microsoft Windows fastdisk driver. So what you do with it? It provides you better support for 32-bit disk access in Windows 3.1 enhanced mode. You may have noticed that with Promise's adapter slows down when using 32-bit disk access. When you are using BIOS instead, Windows uses either DOS driver provided with some cards or card's own EBIOS, which is equivalent to DOS driver. You install this driver by copying file DC2000.386 to Windows SYSTEM direcory and replacing string: device=*wdctrl with string: device=DC2000.386 under [386Enh] section in SYSTEM.INI. I have had good results of this driver. File IO throughput has doubled as CPU time needed for IO has dropped down to 10-30%. Exspecially virtual memory operations are speeded up considerably. This is result with 45 MHz 486DX and Promise Technology DC2000-VL2 with it's own 8KB EBIOS ROM and Quantum ProDrive 240 and 540 harddisks. KNOWN PROBLEMS: Like normal FastDisk driver, also this one is limited on half gigabyte drives (1024-limit). Another problem is that this driver replaces only *wdctrl, but not *int13, so it cannot provide support for Windows for Workgroups 3.11 32-bit FileAccess. There may be newer version of this driver with full documentation. Later problem can be avoided by using real mode mapper as documented by Microsoft, but I found it wasn't as stabile I hoped, and also CPU attention needed was much higher.