DRIVE ROCKET VERSION 1.01 SEPTEMBER 24, 1993 Welcome to Drive Rocket Software Installation of Drive Rocket Software Fast Installation ................................. 1 How do I Register Drive Rocket? Product Registration .............................. 1 What is Drive Rocket? Drive Rocket Overview ............................. 2 About ROCKET.BIN ROCKET.BIN ........................................ 3 About DH.COM DH.COM ............................................ 4 DH.COM Installation ............................... 4 DH.COM Command Line Switches ...................... 4 README The README File ................................... 5 Breaking out of Drive Rocket Pressing the Key ............................ 5 Drive Rocket Installation Easy Mode Installation Easy Mode Analyze ................................. 6 Is Easy Mode Safe? ................................ 6 Easy Mode Install Process ......................... 7 Rocket Summary Screen ............................. 7 Rocket Rating Table ............................... 8 Drive Rocket Summary Negative ..................... 8 Drive Rocket Advanced Installation Advanced Installation Overview .................... 9 View IDE Identify ................................. 10 Product Registration .............................. 10 View or Print Manual .............................. 11 Install Drive Rocket .............................. 12 Remove Drive Rocket ............................... 12 Performance Benchmarks Advanced Mode Benchmarks Benchmarks Overview ............................... 13 Multiple Block Size Benchmark ..................... 13 Repetitive I/O Benchmark .......................... 14 Sequential I/O Benchmark .......................... 14 Advanced Drive Rocket Options Altering Drive Rocket Options Advanced Options Overview ......................... 15 Advanced Configuration Options .................... 15 Choose I/O Modes .................................. 15 READ-ONLY ......................................... 15 WRITE-ONLY ........................................ 16 WRITE-READ ........................................ 16 Choose I/O Size ................................... 17 Enter Starting Record ............................. 17 Enter Ending Record ............................... 17 Benchmark Sampling Duration ....................... 18 Advanced Drive Rocket Benchmarks Advanced Benchmarks Overview ...................... 18 Repetitive I/O Benchmark .......................... 18 Forward Sequential I/O Benchmark .................. 18 Reverse Sequential I/O Benchmark .................. 19 Random Access I/O Benchmark ....................... 19 Combination I/O Benchmark ......................... 19 Data Integrity Tests Data Integrity Tests Overview ..................... 19 Data Integrity Tests Menu ......................... 20 Data Integrity Test Options ....................... 20 Data Integrity Test One ........................... 21 Data Integrity Test Two ........................... 21 Data Integrity Test Three ......................... 21 Data Integrity Test Four .......................... 21 Data Integrity Test Five .......................... 21 Command Line Switches Command Line Switches for ROCKET.EXE .............. 22 Command Line switches for ROCKET.BIN .............. 22 Error Messages Error Messages for ROCKET.EXE Can't run under Windows ........................... 24 Can't Access ROCKET.OCS ........................... 24 Cannot Run Easy Mode .............................. 25 Test memory shortage .............................. 25 MBS Not Supported ................................. 25 Error Setting New MBS ............................. 26 Can't Run DIT ..................................... 26 Advanced Drive Error Detected ..................... 26 Easy Drive Error Detected ......................... 27 Error Installing Rocket Software .................. 27 Can't Find Drive Letter ........................... 27 Can't Exist With FASTDISK ......................... 27 Can't Remove FASTDISK ............................. 28 Can't Read CONFIG.SYS ............................. 28 Can't Update Config.sys ........................... 28 Can't Access File ................................. 29 Can't Update File ................................. 29 No Hard Drives found .............................. 29 No Drives Support MBS ............................. 30 Error Launching Rocket ............................ 30 Insufficient Free Space ........................... 31 Destructive Test Warning .......................... 31 Error Messages for ROCKET.BIN No Drives Found Requiring Use of Driver ........... 32 Syntax Error Detected in Command Line ............. 32 Invalid MBS Value Detected for Drive .............. 32 Hardware / Software Support Hardware Support Hardware Supported by Drive Rocket ................ 33 Software Support Supported DOS versions ............................ 33 Microsoft Windows ................................. 33 Windows V3.1 FASTDISK ............................. 33 SMARTDRV 3.3 ...................................... 34 SMARTDRV 4.0 ...................................... 34 DISK CACHES ....................................... 34 Definition of Terms Glossary : AT-COMPATIBLE COMPUTER ............................ 35 BIOS .............................................. 35 CONFIG.SYS ........................................ 35 DATA TRANSFER RATE ................................ 35 HARD DISK ......................................... 35 I/O ............................................... 35 IDE ............................................... 36 INTERRUPT ......................................... 36 MBS ............................................... 36 RAM ............................................... 36 READ/WRITE MULTIPLE ............................... 36 ROM ............................................... 36 SECTOR ............................................ 36 Ontrack Computer Systems About Ontrack Computer Systems Ontrack Computer Systems Overview ................. 38 How to Contact Ontrack Computer Systems ........... 38 About Ontrack Data Recovery Inc. Ontrack Data Recovery Overview .................... 38 How to Contact Ontrack Data Recovery .............. 39 Ontrack Products and Services Products for Novell NetWare NetUtils 4 ........................................ 40 NetUtils 3 ........................................ 40 NetOptimizer 2 .................................... 40 NetUtils-2 ........................................ 41 Disk Manager -N ................................... 41 Cognito ........................................... 41 NetWare Essentials Kit ............................ 42 Products For DOS Disk Manager ...................................... 42 DOSUtils .......................................... 42 Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit .................. 43 Superproms ........................................ 43 Products For Macintosh Disk Manager Mac .................................. 43 Products For Unix RecoverEase ....................................... 43 Technical Support Infobase Technical Support Infobase Information ............ 44 TechSource ........................................ 44 DiskSource ........................................ 45 SystemSource ...................................... 45 NetSource ......................................... 45 Drive Rocket License Agreement ONTRACK COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. License Agreement ................................. 46 Welcome to Drive Rocket Software Installation of Drive Rocket Software Fast Installation Welcome to Ontrack Computer Systems Drive Rocket Software! To install your Drive Rocket Software, follow these basic steps: 1) Insert your Drive Rocket diskette into drive A: and type A: ROCKET. Help is available for every option by pressing the F1 key. 2) Select Easy Installation and press Enter. 3) When the benchmark has completed, and Drive Rocket Software shows an increase in performance, press Y to install Drive Rocket Software. 4) When the installation has completed, remove the Drive Rocket diskette from drive A: and reboot from the hard drive. For the latest information about updates, revisions, and products from ONTRACK, call Ontrack's Technical Support bulletin board at 612-937-0860. How do I Register Drive Rocket? Product Registration Register this product by using the form included in the Drive Rocket Software package or the following one and mail or fax it to Ontrack. Or just call 1-800-752-1333 to register your Drive Rocket software over the phone for faster service. Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. 6321 Bury Drive Suites 15-19 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 U.S.A. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday CT Sales 1-800-752-1333 International 1-612-937-1107 Fax 1-612-937-5815 Technical Support 1-612-937-2121 24 Hr BBS 1-612-937-0860 Page 1 FAX TRANSMISSION ________________ TO: Ontrack Computer Systems FAX NUMBER: 612-937-5815 FROM: ___________________________ SUBJECT: Drive Rocket Registration # of PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE) _________ ______________________________________________________________ PRODUCT REGISTRATION FORM Upgrade New Product (circle one) Please complete and fax (or mail) this product registration. We will keep our registered customers informed of updated versions and new product releases. Product: DRIVE ROCKET Ver: 1.00 Serial Number_____________ Name________________________________________________________ Company____________________________Title____________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City_____________________________State______Zip_____________ Telephone __________________________________________________ Where did you hear about the product? ___Computer store ___Computer show ___User recommended ___Prodigy ___Advertisement in_____________________________ ___Article in_______________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What is Drive Rocket? Drive Rocket Overview The Drive Rocket Software package consist's of drive benchmark software, driver installation and a device driver that makes use of new technology Page 2 in most new IDE (AT interface) hard drives called read-and-write- multiple mode (also known as multiple block size or MBS). By using this new technique overall data transfer rate (measured in kilo-bytes per second) can be increased. When using MBS mode the drive can transfer multiple sectors of data at a time between the host and the hard drive, rather than transferring one sector of data at a time (see example below). In AT and compatible computers, an interrupt needs to occur after each sector transfer, but in an AT or compatible computer with a IDE hard drive that uses multiple mode an interrupt occurs only after a block transfer. Processing interrupts takes time, so the more data that can be transferred per interrupt, the greater the transfer rate. The Drive Rocket Installation utility will determine if your hard drive can support read-and-write-multiple mode, and the MBS value (number of sectors per interrupt) that is best suited for your system. The best MBS depends on many variables such as the drive, controller, PC, BIOS, and BIOS cache. If your system had a drive in it that supported read-and-write- multiple mode, and the drive had a sectors/interrupt of 16 (see View IDE Identify Data), that would mean that your hard drive could read or write up to 16 sectors per interrupt. Example: 512 bytes (1 sector) X 1 = 512 bytes / Interrupt Drive without Multiple Block support 512 bytes (1 sector) X 16 = 8192 bytes / Interrupt Drive with Multiple Block support Drive Rocket Software may increase your performance even if the drive does not support Multiple Block Size, especially if your system BIOS does not support shadowing. If shadowing is not enabled, each I/O request is handled by the system ROM BIOS. When Drive Rocket Software is installed, its device driver is handling each I/O in RAM which is which is faster then ROM. About ROCKET.BIN ROCKET.BIN ROCKET.BIN is a DOS device driver which increases data transfer rates on IDE drives that support the read-and-write-multiple commands. Drive Rocket Software takes over INT 13, (DOS Interrupt 13) and from that point on all drive access is directed through the device driver, instead of the system BIOS. Page 3 About DH.COM DH.COM DH.COM (Drive History) is a Terminate-Stay-Resident (TSR) utility which intercepts INT 13 (DOS Interrupt 13) and records a history of all drive access. Specifically, DH.COM records the I/O size and number of reads and writes and whether they required a repetitive, forward, or random seek. This information is useful to understand how your computer communicates to your hard drive(s) under normal day-to-day operations. For example, if when using DH.COM you see that you are doing most of your work with files between 2.0K and 8.0K, you may want to set up the Advanced Configuration Options to only test those I/O sizes. Then run the benchmarks again, looking for the best performance at those I/O sizes. This may give you even more of an increase to your overall data transfer rate. DH.COM Installation Insert your DRIVE ROCKET diskette into drive A: and type A: DH and press Enter. DH is now active and recording your drive's access. Type A:DH and press Enter again anytime at the DOS prompt and the recorded drive history will be displayed. DH.COM Command Line Switches /C Clear the disk history buffer /2 Switch to a second, or third hard drive. (i.e., DH /2 - Makes DH.COM track the SECOND hard drive, /3 would track the THIRD hard drive and so on.) Default looks at the first hard drive (no switch needed). DH.COM can only track one drive at a time. Page 4 README The README File The Drive Rocket diskette contains a file named "README". It provides additional operating instructions and important update information for this program. This file also describes other utility products available from Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. To view the README file, from the DOS prompt enter this command: TYPE README (Press Enter) Ctrl-S stops and restarts the scrolling process. You may also view or print the README file with your text (or word) processor. Breaking out of Drive Rocket Pressing the Key Pressing the Esc Key will cancel any benchmark or test. Press YES and Drive Rocket will go to the previous menu. Press NO and Drive Rocket will continue with the benchmark or test. Page 5 Drive Rocket Installation Easy Mode Installation Easy Mode Analyze The EASY Installation Option has three basic parts: 1) In the EASY mode ROCKET.EXE will analyze your system and determine if your hard drive(s) can support read-and-write- multiple mode. 2) Drive Rocket will then run a series of benchmarks using all available multiple block size (MBS) values and I/O sizes from .5K to 64K for three seconds each to determine which MBS value will give your hard drive(s) the best overall data transfer rate in Kilo-bytes per second. When the benchmarks have completed, a graph showing a before-and-after comparison of your hard drive's performance will be displayed in the Drive Rocket Summary screen. The top bar will indicate the data transfer rate of your hard drive without the Drive Rocket installed. The bottom bar will indicate the data transfer rate of your hard drive if Drive Rocket Software were installed. Data transfer rates are always shown in kilo-bytes per second. 3) Drive Rocket will then ask if you wish to install ROCKET.BIN into your system, and you can answer (Y), (N) or Esc. If you have a second drive in your system and answer (Y), Drive Rocket Software will install the first drive and automatically begin analyzing the second drive. If you answer (N) to installing Drive Rocket after the first drive has been analyzed, Drive Rocket will automatically begin analyzing the second drive. If after the second drive analysis is complete and you answer (Y) the first drive will be installed with a MBS of 0, and the second drive with the best MBS value. If you press the key after installing the first drive, the second drive will be installed using an MBS value of 0. In a two drive system ROCKET.BIN must control both drives. A MBS value of 0 tells ROCKET.BIN to control the drive but not to run read- and-write-multiple mode. Is Easy Mode Safe? Page 6 Easy mode uses a non-destructive test and will not cause harm to your data. You must have a valid boot partition on your hard drive for Drive Rocket Software to complete the installation (If your system boots to DOS or WINDOWS you have a valid boot partition). The Drive Rocket installation utility assumes that your computer boots to DOS from the C: partition. If you boot to DOS from a partition other than C: or if you boot your computer to a floppy disk, then you must manually edit or create the CONFIG.SYS file on that boot device to include the ROCKET.BIN statement. You must also copy the file ROCKET.BIN to the boot device as well. Easy Mode Install Process When you install Drive Rocket Software it will automatically copy ROCKET.BIN to the root directory of your C: drive (C:\) and update your CONFIG.SYS file with the multiple block size (MBS) setting that is best suited to your configuration. Example: Device = C:\ROCKET.BIN /M=32 And for a system with two drives: Example: DEVICE = C:\ROCKET.BIN /M=32,16 C:\ is the path to find Drive Rocket's device driver ROCKET.BIN. The /M=32,16 statement specifies an MBS value of 32 for drive 1, and 16 for drive 2. When you reboot your system Drive Rocket will be enabled. If Drive Rocket finds a hard drive that does not support read-and-write-multiple it will execute the benchmarks using an MBS value of 0. Drive Rocket would then report any performance increase in the Rocket Summary screen. Rocket Summary Screen A Rocket Summary screen will be displayed after the benchmark has completed. The screen will give you information on the percentage of increase that Drive Rocket Software can produce for your hard drive(s). Easy Drive Rocket installation has calculated an increase in performance if Drive Rocket were to be installed in your system. Page 7 Drive Rocket Installation program has performed a sequential read with several I/O sizes using different MBS values. Drive Rocket has chosen the MBS value that gives the system the best overall performance increase. Do you want to install Drive Rocket (Y/N)? If you press Y it will automatically update CONFIG.SYS (by adding the ROCKET.BIN statement to your CONFIG.SYS file) and copy ROCKET.BIN to your C: drive. The Performance Analysis Screen also has a feature called the Rocket Rating Table displayed in the lower left corner. After the benchmarks are completed a check mark will appear next to the rating which would apply to your system. The definitions of the ratings are given in the Rocket Rating Table. Rocket Rating Table 0% - 4% Marginal: Drive Rocket Software has calculated only a marginal increase in performance; this could be caused by several different conditions. The hardware may not support or perform well in the read-and-write-multiple mode, or there may be drive cache programs enabled. Disable any drive cache programs and run the benchmark again. 5% - 14% Average: Drive Rocket has calculated an average increase in performance. Press Y to install ROCKET.BIN on your system. 15%-29% Excellent: Drive Rocket has calculated an excellent increase in performance. Press Y to install ROCKET.BIN on your system. 30%-49% Super Sonic: Drive Rocket has calculated an increase in performance relative to flying in an F-18. Press Y to install ROCKET.BIN on your system. 50%-XX% Warp Speed: Drive Rocket has calculated an increase in performance relative to flying on the Starship Enterprise... More power, Scotty! Press Y to install ROCKET.BIN on your system. Drive Rocket Summary Negative Page 8 Drive Rocket Software has calculated a decrease in performance if Drive Rocket were to be installed in your system. Drive Rocket Installation program has performed a sequential read with several I/O sizes using different MBS values. The hardware does not support or perform well in the multiple read and write mode, or there may be drive cache programs enabled. Disable any drive cache programs and test again. To see if the hardware supports read-and-write-multiple, go into Advanced Drive Rocket Installation and select View IDE Identify Data, then select the Formatted option. Sectors/Interrupt is the maximum number of sectors the drive can transfer per interrupt. If Sectors/Interrupt is equal to zero or one, this drive does not support read-and-write-multiple mode. Drive Rocket Advanced Installation Advanced Installation Overview Drive Rocket Advanced Installation option has several benchmarks which can provide a before-and-after (Drive Rocket) comparison of your hard drive(s) data transfer rates. The benchmarks will display two columns indicating the data transfer rates, and one column showing a percentage-based calculation of the increase or decrease your hard drive has achieved. Column one shows the hard drive's data transfer rate without Drive Rocket in memory. Column two shows your hard drive's data transfer rate with Drive Rocket loaded into memory. The benchmark, drive number, drive size, and drive model number are displayed at the top of the page for each Drive Rocket Performance Analysis report generated by the benchmark programs. All benchmarks are done using several different I/O sizes (from .5K to 64K), and the data transfer rates will be reported in kilo-bytes per second. Each of these benchmarks can be run in one of three modes: READ, WRITE, & WRITE-READ. The testing time on each I/O size is defaulted to 5 seconds, and can be user-defined from 1-60 seconds. To modify these options and others, see Advanced Configuration Options. Page 9 View IDE Identify View IDE Identify Data will show you all the details about your IDE drive(s). You will be offered two options for examining this data, Unformatted IDE Identify and Formatted IDE Identify. Formatted: This method will break down the first 100 bytes of data from the IDE Identify Data, and put it into a format that defines what the numbers are (i.e. model number, firmware revision, serial number, ...etc). Any data after the first 100 bytes is the manufacturer unique code, used only by the hard drive manufacturer. Unformatted: This method will show the IDE Identify Data as used by hard drive manufacturers. This data is sometimes retrieved from the firmware (a programmed EPROM on the hard drive itself), or from the media. Sectors/Interrupt is the significant entry in this display screen. It is the maximum number of sectors the drive can transfer per interrupt. If Sectors/Interrupt is equal to zero or one, this drive does not support read-and-write-multiple mode. NOTE: Some of the first built IDE drives may not support IDE Identify command. Product Registration Register this product by using the form included in Drive Rocket Software package or the following one and mail, fax it to Ontrack. For faster service register the software by phone using Ontrack Computer Systems toll free number listed below. Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. 6321 Bury Drive Suites 15-19 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 U.S.A. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday CT Sales 1-800-752-1333 International 1-612-937-1107 Fax 1-612-937-5815 Technical Support 1-612-937-2121 24 Hr BBS 1-612-937-0860 Page 10 FAX TRANSMISSION ________________ TO: Ontrack Computer Systems FAX NUMBER: 612-937-5815 FROM: ___________________________ SUBJECT: Drive Rocket Registration # of PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE) _________ ______________________________________________________________ PRODUCT REGISTRATION FORM Upgrade New Product (circle one) Please complete and fax (or mail) this product registration. We will keep our registered customers informed of updated versions and new product releases. Product: DRIVE ROCKET Ver: 1.00 Serial Number_____________ Name________________________________________________________ Company____________________________Title____________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City_____________________________State______Zip_____________ Telephone __________________________________________________ Where did you hear about the product? ___Computer store ___Computer show ___User recommended ___Prodigy ___Advertisement in_____________________________ ___Article in_______________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ View or Print Manual (V)iew/Print Manual will let you view and print the Drive Rocket manual. Page 11 Install Drive Rocket (I)nstall Drive Rocket. Installation of Drive Rocket Software in the Advanced Mode will allow creating and editing CONFIG.SYS file before copying ROCKET.BIN. If you run the Multiple Block Size Benchmark before installing Drive Rocket Software, ROCKET.EXE will update CONFIG.SYS with the best MBS value for the drive. Remove Drive Rocket (R)emove Drive Rocket renames the ROCKET.BIN file to ROCKET.BAK and removes the line that loads ROCKET.BIN from the CONFIG.SYS file. Page 12 Performance Benchmarks Advanced Mode Benchmarks Benchmarks Overview You can change the settings of Drive Rocket's benchmarks by going into the Advanced Rocket Options, and then select Rocket Configuration Options to alter the options available. For more information see the section on ROCKET CONFIGURATION OPTIONS. All benchmark results have a margin of error of approximately +-2%. For best analysis, run each benchmark multiple times and take the average of all results. Multiple Block Size Benchmark The Multiple Block Size Benchmark finds the best multiple block size (MBS) for your system by testing each value at a power of 2 (i.e., 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) while doing a sequential read test for 5 seconds at different I/O sizes (.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, & 64k). What is displayed is the average of the sequential read at all I/O sizes with the best MBS value for your system. Run this benchmark before any others to select the best MBS value. The best MBS for your system will have a checkmark next to it. To install Drive Rocket Software on your system with this MBS value press Esc and select the Install Drive Rocket option. Use this as a guideline for improvement. 0% - 4% Marginal: Drive Rocket Software has calculated only a marginal increase in performance; this could be caused by several different conditions. The hardware may not support or perform well in the read-and-write-multiple mode, or there may be drive cache programs enabled. Disable any drive cache programs and test again. 5% - 14% Average: Drive Rocket has calculated an average increase in performance. 15%-29% Excellent: Drive Rocket has calculated an excellent increase in performance. 30%-49% Super Sonic: Drive Rocket has calculated an increase in performance relative to flying in an F-18. Page 13 50%-XX% Warp Speed: Drive Rocket has calculated an increase in performance relative to flying on the Starship Enterprise... More power, Scotty! Verify that your system BIOS has shadow and cache enabled. Repetitive I/O Benchmark The Repetitive I/O Benchmark calculates data transfer rate while keeping the Read/Write heads on your hard drive(s) in the same place (the test stays at one cylinder). This is a theoretical calculation of the data transfer rate of your configuration. Some benchmark utilities use a similar technique to test data transfer rates by using the first 64K only. Use this benchmark for comparison purposes only, NOT to find the best MBS value. Sequential I/O Benchmark The Sequential I/O Benchmark calculates data transfer rate while doing a forward sequential read/write of consecutive records (a record being 512 bytes of data). This is the test that the Multiple Block Size Benchmark is using to determine the best MBS value. Page 14 Advanced Drive Rocket Options Altering Drive Rocket Options Advanced Options Overview The (A)dvanced Drive Rocket Options will allow selection of different MBS values, I/O modes, I/O size, starting and ending records, or sampling rates, as well as more benchmarks and data integrity tests, allowing the true rocket scientist to test his/her configuration in many different ways. Advanced Configuration Options The Choose MBS Value option lets the user select the default or a user-defined Multiple Block Size (MBS). The default MBS for Drive Rocket is determined in several ways. Drive Rocket first looks to see if the Multiple Block Size benchmark has been run. If so, Drive Rocket will use the best MBS found. If not, Drive Rocket will look to see if an MBS was loaded by ROCKET.BIN. If no MBS is found, Drive Rocket defaults to the maximum multiple block size divided by two. A user-definable MBS can be entered at the prompt upon completion of the first benchmark pass without Drive Rocket and prior to the pass with Drive Rocket. All benchmarks operate in two passes in order to calculate performance before and after the use of Drive Rocket Software. In this mode, pass number two (with Rocket) will run multiple times allowing a new MBS value to be inserted each time. MBS values that are a power of 2 like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 should be used. The prompt will display the maximum MBS that the drive will support. Choose I/O Modes The Choose I/O Modes option allows selection between READ-ONLY, WRITE-ONLY or WRITE-READ operations. READ-ONLY The READ-ONLY option will run all benchmarks in a read-only mode Page 15 This is a non-destructive test. When a benchmark is run in this mode it starts at the first record. WRITE-ONLY The WRITE-ONLY option will run all benchmarks in a write-only mode. This is a DESTRUCTIVE test which writes a unique pattern to the drive. A warning message will appear if trying to write on a drive with valid partitions. We strongly recommend that your data be backed up before running this option. When a benchmark is run in this mode it defaults to the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record have been user-defined. If an area of sufficient size is not located, an error message will come up and instruct you to either delete unneeded files, or optimize your hard drive. Hard drive optimization would make all of your files contiguous and free up the empty space needed on your hard drive(s). Utilities for disk optimization are commonly available. If you have multiple partitions in your system the search for the available one megabyte would start on the C: drive and continue through your partitions. ** WARNING ** If you have changed the starting or ending record to include areas of valid data you can overwrite your data. Once this has been done you can not get your data back. WRITE-READ The WRITE-READ option will run all benchmarks in a write-read mode. This is a destructive test that will write unique data pattern to each record for the sampling rate and then reads the same data back for set sampling rate. We strongly recommend that your data be backed up before running this option. When a benchmark is run in this mode it defaults to the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record have been user-defined. If an area of sufficient size is not located, an error message will come up and instruct you to either delete unneeded files, or optimize your hard drive. Hard drive optimization would make all of your files contiguous and free up the empty space needed on your hard drive(s). Utilities for disk optimization are commonly available. Page 16 If you have multiple partitions in your system the search for the available one megabyte would start on the C: drive and continue through your partitions. ** WARNING ** If you have changed the starting or ending record to include areas of valid data you can overwrite your data. Once this has been done you can not get your data back. Choose I/O Size The Choose I/O Size option allows selection of one or more I/O sizes for benchmark testing. Simply press the space bar to tag or untag the desired I/O size. Only those that are tagged will be run on the next benchmark. I/O sizes tagged will display a check next to them. The default has all I/O sizes turned on. This option was designed to be used with DH.COM to find the most used I/O size and match it to the best MBS value to fine tune your system. Enter Starting Record The Enter Starting Record option will start benchmark testing on the selected record. Use this to test different areas on the drive. Reads will default to record zero and writes will default to the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record have been user defined. The starting record will be translated to physical parameters before starting. ** WARNING ** If you have changed the starting or ending record to include areas of valid data you can overwrite your data if a write option is chosen. Once this has been done you can not get your data back. Enter Ending Record Page 17 The Enter Ending Record option puts a limit on how far each benchmark can run. Benchmark Sampling Duration The Benchmark Sampling Duration option can be changed in Advanced Rocket Installation mode between 1-60 seconds. The default is five seconds. This is the time each I/O size will be run during each benchmark. The longer the sampling rate the more accurate the benchmark, but the user should still weigh accuracy with the amount of time required to run the tests. Advanced Drive Rocket Benchmarks Advanced Benchmarks Overview The Advanced Benchmarks are a collection of benchmarks requested by drive manufacturers to further test the drives. Repetitive, Forward and Reverse sequential, Random and Combination benchmarks are available. All these benchmarks run two passes, one without Drive Rocket and one with Drive Rocket. All the benchmarks support Advanced Drive Rocket Options. Repetitive I/O Benchmark The Repetitive I/O Benchmark calculates data transfer while staying on the same cylinder. This is a theoretical transfer of this configuration. Use it for comparison purposes only, NOT to find the best MBS value. Forward Sequential I/O Benchmark The Forward Sequential I/O Benchmark calculates data transfer rates while doing a forward sequential read/write. This benchmark reads the drive forward taking full advantage of the drives read-ahead cache. Page 18 Reverse Sequential I/O Benchmark The Reverse Sequential I/O Benchmark calculates data transfer rates while doing a reverse sequential read/write. Doing so negates any read-ahead cache. Drives do not work in this fashion under DOS. Do not be alarmed if negative numbers are displayed during this benchmark. The results should be used for comparison only. Random Access I/O Benchmark The Random Access I/O Benchmark calculates the data transfer while performing a random read/write. Combination I/O Benchmark The Combination I/O Benchmark calculates the data transfer rates while performing 10% random and 90% forward sequential I/Os. Data Integrity Tests Data Integrity Tests Overview The Data Integrity Test (DIT) option includes a group of five tests designed to examine your hardware and Drive Rocket Software compatibility. In the default mode the first four Data Integrity tests will run for approximately ten minutes. The fifth DIT will run for forty minutes at each Multiple Block Size (MBS). DIT supports several Advanced Configuration Options. They are Choose MBS Input, Starting Record, and Ending Record. The DITs all run on the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record has been user-defined. If an area of sufficient size is not located, an error message will inform you to either delete unneeded files, or optimize your hard drive. Page 19 Hard drive optimization will make all of your files contiguous and free up the empty space needed on your hard drive(s). If you have multiple partitions in your system the search for the available one megabyte will start on the C: drive and continue through your partitions. To run on the entire drive set the starting record to zero. Data Integrity Tests Menu The Data Integrity Tests menu has three choices: (S)equential, (R)andom and (C)hoose option. (S)equential is the default mode and will run using the default, or user-defined MBS while transferring up to 128 sectors. The data is written in a unique pattern and then read back and compared. (R)andom will run using the default, or user-defined MBS, while executing 50 random writes while transferring up to 128 sectors. A unique data pattern is written at all 50 locations and each location is read back and compared. (C)hoose options will allow the user to choose MBS, Starting or Ending Record and Pass count. The Choose MBS option will allow choice between default and user-defined MBS value. Data Integrity Test Options Enter Starting Record The Enter Starting Record option will start DIT testing on the selected record. Use this to test different areas on the drive. The Data Integrity Test will default to the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record have been user defined. The starting record will be translated to physical parameters before starting. ** WARNING ** If you have changed the starting or ending record to include areas of valid data you can overwrite your data if a write option is chosen. Once this has been done you can not get your data back. Enter Ending Record The Enter Ending Record option puts a limit on how far each Page 20 Data Integrity test can run. Pass count Pass count will allow the user to run the DITs as often as desired. Data Integrity Test One Data Integrity Test One does a write read and compare of data without Drive Rocket. Use this DIT to verify that your hardware is functional. Data Integrity Test Two Data Integrity Test Two does a write, read, and compare of data with Drive Rocket. Use this DIT to verify that your hardware is functional with Drive Rocket Software. Data Integrity Test Three Data Integrity Test Three writes a unique pattern without Drive Rocket, reads it back with Drive Rocket, then checks for errors. This DIT verifies that data written without Drive Rocket Software can be read with Drive Rocket Software. Data Integrity Test Four Data Integrity Test Four writes a unique pattern with Drive Rocket, reads it back without Drive Rocket, then checks for errors. This DIT verifies that data written with Drive Rocket Software can be read without Drive Rocket Software. Page 21 Data Integrity Test Five Data Integrity Test Five performs all the DITs above while cycling through all MBSs. Command Line Switches Command Line Switches for ROCKET.EXE /B ALTERNATE DISPLAY MODE (BIOS CALLS ONLY) Display is handled in two ways, directly or through BIOS. Direct display is quicker, and therefore the default. If the display flickers or has lines through it, this command switch will cause the display to be handled through BIOS. /C NO COLOR Disables the color for monochrome systems. /I IDENTIFY Goes directly to the IDE Identify Screen. /TM Jumps directly to the Multiple Block Size Analysis. /TR Jumps directly to the Repetitive I/O Benchmark. /TS Jumps directly to the Sequential I/O Benchmark. /M=xx MBS Value. (xx = 0 to 128) /S=xx Sampling duration of xx seconds. (xx = 1 to 60) Default = 5 seconds. /X Will run Drive Rocket without ROCKET.OVL being installed. If ROCKET.BIN is installed it will not be removed. Command Line switches for ROCKET.BIN ROCKET.BIN can accept command line parameters in CONFIG.SYS. (ie. device = rocket.bin /M=16) /M=x,y Specify MBS values for each drive. For example, if drive 1 uses MBS=16 and drive 2 uses MBS=32, the command line would be device = rocket.bin /M=16,32. If you only have 1 drive, only specify one MBS value. There are 3 possible values for the MBS switch. 1) /M=8 means that your drive supports MBS and gets Page 22 maximum performance at MBS=8. 2) /M=0 means that your drive supports MBS but shows a performance decrease at all non-zero MBS values. 3) No /M or /M=, means that your drive does not support MBS. (NOTE: There can still be a performance increase) /R Disable read multiple. /W Disable write multiple. Page 23 Error Messages Error Messages for ROCKET.EXE Can't run under Windows There are several reasons why Drive Rocket cannot be installed when Microsoft (MS) Windows is running: 1) Drive Rocket Software hooks into the system and replaces the device driver controlling the hard drive. MS Windows cannot tolerate any application which attempts to modify critical system functionality. 2) Drive Rocket Software performs hard drive benchmarks to determine the best way to install Drive Rocket. Benchmark results can be inconsistent while running under MS Windows. 3) Drive Rocket Software modifies the CONFIG.SYS file and forces you to reboot by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL. MS Windows does not allow an application to completely restart the system. Drive Rocket Software is compatible with (MS) Windows once installed. Because of the reasons listed above, you must exit MS Windows to install Drive Rocket. This means completely leaving MS Windows, not just clicking on the MS-DOS icon. From the DOS prompt, insert the Drive Rocket diskette in the A: drive and type A:ROCKET Can't Access ROCKET.OCS Drive Rocket detected a problem while accessing the ROCKET.OCS file. This file is located on the Drive Rocket diskette. ROCKET.OCS contains information which helps Drive Rocket install the device driver ROCKET.BIN into the CONFIG.SYS file. Without the information in this file, ROCKET.BIN will be installed on the first line of CONFIG.SYS. This will always work but may not be the best place for it, especially if you have a memory manager in your system. It is recommended that you solve this problem before continuing. Try making a new working diskette by copying all files from the original diskette to a newly formatted diskette. Page 24 Cannot Run Easy Mode Drive Rocket Software did not find any IDE drives on your system. For this reason, Easy Installation is not possible. Furthermore, installation of Drive Rocket into a system with no IDE drives usually will result in little or no performance gain. To learn more about Drive Rocket's view of your hard drive(s), press ESC to get back to the Main Menu. From there, choose the Advanced Installation Option, and select View IDE Information. Test memory shortage There is not enough available base memory in this machine to continue. Base memory is the first one Mb of memory in the machine; and this area is where Drive Rocket executes from. To continue with Drive Rocket, you must free up some base memory. You can do this by removing device drivers and TSRs from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and then reboot your machine. NOTE: Drive Rocket Software will not execute on a machine with less than 512K of total base memory. MBS Not Supported This drive does not support Multiple Block Size (MBS) and therefore Drive Rocket Software will not allow you to enter user-definable MBS mode. MBS will remain in the default mode with MBS always equal to zero. NOTE: MBS mode only applies to IDE drives that support read- and-write-multiple mode. Drive Rocket Software did not recognize your drive as meeting these requirements. Drive Rocket Software may increase your performance even if the drive does not support Multiple Block Size, especially if your system BIOS does not support shadowing. If shadowing is not enabled, each I/O request is handled by the system ROM BIOS. When Drive Rocket Software is installed, its device driver is handling each I/O in RAM which is faster then ROM. Run Drive Rocket Software even if your drive does not support MBS; it may increase your data transfer rate. Page 25 Error Setting New MBS Drive Rocket could not send the MBS value to the drive. Most drives only support MBS values that are powers of 2 (ie. 2,4,8,16,32,etc). Try again with one of these values. If setting the MBS continues to fail, exit Drive Rocket, reboot, and try again. Can't Run DIT This test can only run on IDE drives. This hard drive is not an IDE. You can only run Data Integrity Test #1 on this drive. Advanced Drive Error Detected A hard drive error has been detected. This error could be caused by a media defect on the drive, an incompatibility with the Drive Rocket software, or a system limitation. Refer to the following troubleshooting steps: 1) If this error occurred while analyzing performance BEFORE Drive Rocket, it is most likely a media defect on the drive. Modify the starting record so that this area of the drive will not be used during future testing. 2) If this error occurred while analyzing performance AFTER Drive Rocket, a software incompatibility is likely. This could be an indication that your hard drive does not fully support MBS. Run this test again with different MBS values including MBS=0. 3) If neither of the suggestions above seem to help, this error could be caused by a system limitation in drive I/O sizes. Go to the Advanced Rocket Options menu and choose Rocket Configuration Options. From there select the Choose I/O Sizes option, disable the largest I/O size, and run this test again. 4) If all these troubleshooting options fail, try temporarily removing all device drivers and TSRs from your CONFIG.SYS Page 26 and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Easy Drive Error Detected An unusually high number of unreadable sectors have been detected on this hard drive. This can be caused by faulty hardware or a software incompatibility with Drive Rocket. You can approach this problem in two possible ways: 1) Go back to the Main Menu and choose the Advanced Installation option. From there choose the Performance Benchmarks option. Run any one of the benchmarks and detailed information will be given about all drive errors detected. 2) Exit Drive Rocket and run a hard drive diagnostic program. If no errors are detected by the diagnostic, a software incompatibility with the Drive Rocket software is likely. Error Installing Rocket Software An error has been detected while installing Drive Rocket Software. You should go back to the Main Menu and choose the Advanced Rocket Installation option. From there choose the Install Drive Rocket option and the specific error condition will be shown. Can't Find Drive Letter Drive Rocket has detected an invalid C: drive. The C: drive must be valid to allow Drive Rocket installation. Exit Drive Rocket and run CHKDSK on the C: drive to determine the problem. NOTE: If you have performed any destructive Drive Rocket tests, and defined the starting record number, it is possible that the test wrote on top of existing partitions and data on this drive. Page 27 Can't Exist With FASTDISK FASTDISK is a 32-bit protected mode hard disk driver for Microsoft Windows. It can improve performance under certain situations while running MS Windows. Refer to your Microsoft Windows manual for details on Fastdisk. Drive Rocket and FASTDISK cannot co-exist. When FASTDISK is loaded during Windows startup, it looks around in the system for any device drivers that may have already taken over the hard drive (e.g. Drive Rocket is a device driver that takes over the hard drive). Because FASTDISK cannot feel safe about taking over a hard drive that has already been taken over, it displays an error message and refuses to load. You are now faced with the choice of Drive Rocket or FASTDISK. It has been our experience that data transfers per second are larger with Drive Rocket Software than with FASTDISK. Can't Remove FASTDISK Drive Rocket has detected a problem while attempting to remove Microsoft Windows FASTDISK from your system. This is typically caused by insufficient free space on the C: drive. Exit Drive Rocket and run CHKDSK to determine if there is any free space on the C: drive. If the C: drive appears to be full, delete some unwanted files and run Drive Rocket again. NOTE: If FASTDISK and Drive Rocket are both installed, you will get an error message from FASTDISK the next time you run Microsoft Windows. Can't Read CONFIG.SYS Drive Rocket detected an error while reading your CONFIG.SYS file. Exit Drive Rocket and run CHKDSK to check for errors on C: drive. Then run Drive Rocket Software again. Can't Update Config.sys Page 28 Drive Rocket has detected a problem while attempting to update your CONFIG.SYS file. This is typically caused by insufficient free space on the C: drive. Exit Drive Rocket and run CHKDSK to determine if there is any free space on the C: drive. If the C: drive appears to be full, delete some unwanted files and run Drive Rocket again. NOTE: If you have performed any destructive Drive Rocket tests, and defined the starting record number, it is possible that the test wrote on top of existing partitions and data on this drive. Can't Access File Drive Rocket has detected an error while attempting to read a file from the Drive Rocket diskette. The file is either missing, unreadable, or corrupted. Try making a new working diskette and run Drive Rocket Software again. Can't Update File Drive Rocket has detected a problem while attempting to copy a file to your C: drive. This is typically caused by insufficient free space on the C: drive. Exit Drive Rocket and run CHKDSK to determine if there is any free space on the C: drive. If the C: drive appears to be full, delete some unwanted files and run Drive Rocket Software again. NOTE: If you have performed any destructive Drive Rocket Software tests, and defined the starting record number, it is possible that the test you ran wrote on top of existing partitions and data on this drive. No Hard Drives found Drive Rocket cannot find any hard drives on this machine. Remember that Drive Rocket only works with IDE drives. If there is a hard drive in your machine and Drive Rocket cannot see it, it could be due to a driver incompatibility, Driver problems fall into two Page 29 categories: 1) Hardware Incompatibilities. Try slowing down the processor speed and/or disabling processor cache. Remove other hard drive controller cards. 2) Software Incompatibilities. Try temporarily removing device drivers from your CONFIG.SYS. Also remove TSRs from your AUTOEXEC.BAT. No Drives Support MBS Drive Rocket is designed to work with IDE drives that support the read-and-write-multiple commands. No drives were found on this machine which satisfy that requirement. NOTE: Drive Rocket may not be compatible with IDE controllers that have a BIOS on them. Specifically, Drive Rocket will only see IDE drives attached to a controller that provides the standard 1003 AT register set. This means that IDE drives installed in an XT-class machine will not be seen as IDE. Drive Rocket Software may increase your performance even if the drive does not support Multiple Block Size, especially if your system BIOS does not support shadowing. If shadowing is not enabled, each I/O request is handled by the system ROM BIOS. When Drive Rocket Software is installed, its device driver is handling each I/O in RAM which is which is faster then ROM. Run Drive Rocket Software even if your drive does not support MBS; it may increase your data transfer rate. Error Launching Rocket Drive Rocket detected an error while attempting to start ROCKET.OVL. The following is a list of possible causes and suggestions: 1) The ROCKET.OVL file is missing, unreadable, or corrupted. This file exists on the Drive Rocket diskette and is loaded as an overlay when the program starts. Try making a new working diskette and run Drive Rocket again. 2) There is not enough available base memory in the machine. Remove device drivers and TSRs from your CONFIG.SYS and Page 30 AUTOEXEC.BAT, reboot, and run Drive Rocket again. It is recommended that you resolve this issue before continuing. Without this overlay, Drive Rocket cannot calculate the optimum configuration for your system. Insufficient Free Space Drive Rocket was unable to find more than one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive to perform the write operations. This could be caused by the following reasons: 1) The drive has less than one megabyte of contiguous free space available. Exit Drive Rocket and delete some unneeded files, and run Drive Rocket again. 2) The Drive is highly fragmented. Exit Drive Rocket, run a disk optimizer utility or delete some unwanted files, and run Drive Rocket again. 3) Drive Rocket may not be able to see all partitions on the drive or a partition is not stable because of a File Allocation Table mismatch. Exit Drive Rocket and verify all DOS device drivers are loaded, run CHKDSK to verify all drive letters are valid, and run Drive Rocket again. 4) Drive Rocket may not be able to understand the partitions on this drive. This is especially true if you are using data compression or other operating systems besides DOS are installed. 5) Change the Starting and Ending Records to specify a testing range that is known to free of valuable data. Destructive Test Warning Drive Rocket is about to start a test that writes to the hard drive. When a benchmark is run in this mode, it defaults to the first available one megabyte of contiguous free space on the drive, unless the starting or ending record have been user-defined. If an area of sufficient size can not be located, an error message will come up and inform you to either delete some unneeded files or optimize your hard drive. Hard drive optimization would make all of your files contiguous and free up the empty space needed on your hard drive(s). Page 31 If you have multiple partitions in your system, the search for the available one megabyte will start on the C: drive and continue through your partitions. We do not suggest that you run this option unless the data is backed up and safe. ** WARNING ** If you have changed the starting and ending record to included valid data areas, you can overwrite your data. Once this has been done you will not get your data back. Error Messages for ROCKET.BIN No Drives Found Requiring Use of Driver Either CMOS=0 for both drives or the hard drives are not responding. Check CMOS and verify proper operation of your drives. Syntax Error Detected in Command Line The arguments you have entered on the command line are either not correct or misspelled. Please check the syntax (characters) on the command line. Invalid MBS Value Detected for Drive The MBS value entered on the command line was rejected by the hard drive. Either the number on the command line was mis-typed or you may have to run the benchmark tests again to get a supported MBS value. Page 32 Hardware / Software Support Hardware Support Hardware Supported by Drive Rocket IBM AT, 386, 486, EISA, VESA or compatible personal computers. Supports IDE (AT interface) hard drive configurations which support the read-and-write-multiple commands. Drive Rocket does not support drives attached to secondary controllers installed by Disk Manager. Drive Rocket does not support IBM PS/2 MCA hardware. Software Support Supported DOS versions PCDOS or MSDOS version 3.0 or higher, including MSDOS version 5.0 and 6.0. DRDOS version 4.0 and higher Microsoft Windows Drive Rocket's installation program ROCKET.EXE can not be run from within the Microsoft Windows environment, and will give an a warning message when this is attempted. Install Drive Rocket Software from the DOS prompt. Once installed, Drive Rocket and MS Windows are compatible. Windows V3.1 FASTDISK Drive Rocket's ROCKET.BIN and FASTDISK cannot be run at the same time. Consult your Microsoft Windows Manual. If you are currently using FASTDISK you may want to disable it and try using ROCKET.BIN. In testing we have seen a significant performance increase when using Drive Rocket rather then FASTDISK. Drive Rocket will check to see if 32-bit access is turned on. If it is enabled, you will be given a warning message with the option Page 33 to turn FASTDISK off or to exit Drive Rocket. SMARTDRV 3.3 SMARTDRV version 3.3 performs a disk cache on sectors per track. Rocket.bin should be placed before SMARTDRV in your CONFIG.SYS. There are no compatibility problems with Drive Rocket and SMARTDRV. (SMARTDRV 3.3 was shipped with DOS 5.0.) SMARTDRV 4.0 SMARTDRV version 4.0 performs disk cache on either eight or sixteen thousand bytes. SMARTDRV 4.0 is run from AUTOEXEC.BAT. There are no compatibility problems with Drive Rocket and SMARTDRV. (SMARTDRV 4.0 was shipped with MS Windows 3.1 and MS DOS 6.0.) DISK CACHES Typically a disk cache will reserve memory where it stores more data than requested each time a read to the drive is performed. This is commonly known as a read-ahead algorithm. The disk cache then expects the next data that will be requested will already be stored in memory, where response time is much faster than going to the drive to do the I/O request. This is known as a cache hit. Cache hits reduce the number of I/O requests which go to the drive, thus speeding up the overall performance of the system. Drive Rocket Software helps to improve a disk cache by increasing the transfer rate when a cache miss occurs and the I/O request must go to the drive. Page 34 Definition of Terms Glossary : AT-COMPATIBLE COMPUTER Any computer that can run software programs written for an IBM AT computer. BIOS Basic Input Output System. Refer to your computer documentation for setup. Usually stored on a Read-Only Memory chip in the computer. CONFIG.SYS A special DOS file that you create and use to configure the DOS operating system. The CONFIG.SYS file can only contain a specific set of DOS configuration commands. See your DOS reference manual. DATA TRANSFER RATE Data Transfer Rate is a measure of speed for a hard disk in a computer. Typically this is measured in KILO-BYTES per SECOND (KBS), where Kilo refers to a thousand. All measurements within drive rocket are reported in Kilo-Bytes per Second. Example: 640 KBS = 640,000 bytes per second. HARD DISK Sometimes called a fixed disk, one that is built into the computer. A hard disk can store much more information than a floppy disk, and the computer can retrieve information from it much faster. I/O I/O (Input/Output) This terminology, when used in this manual, pertains to size of the input or output, although it usually just means Input/Output. Page 35 IDE IDE is an acronym for Integrated Drive Electronics. It refers to a popular type of hard disk used in computers today. INTERRUPT The suspending of microprocessor program execution by a demand for attention coming from a peripheral device, such as a hard disk. After the interrupt has been serviced, the suspended microprocessor task can be resumed where it was broken off by the interrupt. MBS MBS (Multiple Block Size) This is the function in an IDE drive that enables multiple sector (block) transfers per interrupt. MBS is the same number of sectors per interrupt. RAM Random Access Memory. Usually high speed memory used to process your data programs. READ/WRITE MULTIPLE Read/Write Multiple is a capability in IDE drives to transfer more than one sector of information per interrupt in an MS-DOS system. ROM Read only memory. Usually slower than RAM. Usually a chip in your computer where the BIOS is stored. SECTOR A section of a hard disk shaped like pie slices on each disk platter. As the disk platter rotates, each sector area travels past the read/ write heads, at which point data can either read from or written to Page 36 that sector. A sector contains 512 bytes of data. Page 37 Ontrack Computer Systems About Ontrack Computer Systems Ontrack Computer Systems Overview Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. revolutionized the computer industry by automating the hard drive installation process with its Disk Manager line of products. The enormous success generated by the initial Disk Manager product for the DOS environment led to an immediate demand for the same product in the Novell and Macintosh environments. Ontrack has expanded its product line to include data recovery and organization utilities, chip sets, value-added device drivers, hardware kits, and virus intervention software. How to Contact Ontrack Computer Systems Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. 6321 Bury Drive Suites 15-19 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 U.S.A. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday CT Sales 1-800-752-1333 International 1-612-937-1107 Fax 1-612-937-5815 Technical Support 1-612-937-2121 24 Hr BBS 1-612-937-0860 About Ontrack Data Recovery Inc. Ontrack Data Recovery Overview Ontrack Data Recovery, Inc. specializes in recovering data from any network, microcomputer hard drive, floppy diskette, for most magnetic tapes suffering from mechanical failure or data corruption. Ontrack uses advanced custom software, clean room facilities, and information gathered from unique OEM (original equipment Page 38 manufacturer) relationships to insure the best chance of recovering lost data. Ontrack Data Recovery, Inc. offers the most advanced technology for recovering data from computers with DOS, Novell NetWare 286 and 386, OS/2, Unix, Xenix, SUNOS, DEC, Wang, Banyan Vines, Macintosh, and other operating systems. In addition to hard disks, ODR will work on SyQuest, Bernoulli, and other removable media. How to Contact Ontrack Data Recovery Ontrack Data Recovery, Inc. 6321 Bury Dr. Suites 15-19 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 U.S.A Corporate Offices Toll Free 1-800-872-2599 International 1-612-937-5161 Fax 1-612-937-5815 California Sales Office 2400 Main Street, Suite 200 Irvine, CA, 92714 Toll Free 1-800-752-7557 International 1-714-263-9245 Fax 1-714-263-9246 Europe Ontrack Data Recovery Europe Ltd. Surrey House, 34 Eden St. Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT1 1ER United Kingdom U.K. Toll Free 0800-24 39 96 Germany Toll Free 0130-815-198 Outside U.K. 44-81-974 5522 Telefax 44-81-974 5544 Page 39 Ontrack Products and Services Products for Novell NetWare NetUtils 4 Available Fall 1993 The NetUtils 4 software is a toolbox of expert hard disk utilities for systems using Novell NetWare 3.x or 4.x NetUtils 4 consists of three programs: NetDisk4, NetFile4, and NetScan4. NetDisk4 is a sector editor that lets you examine and modify data anywhere on the hard drive. NetFile4 is a file editor that lets you access and modify data within files in a NetWare 3.x or 4.x volume. It also allows coping of files between volumes, servers or any DOS drive. NetScan4 is designed to examine and repair NetWare 386 and 486 structures, and verify the hard drive media for a NetWare volume is error-free. NetUtils 3 The NetUtils 3 software is a toolbox of expert hard disk utilities for systems using Novell NetWare 3.x. NetUtils 3 consists of three programs: NetDisk3, NetFile3, and NetScan3. NetDisk3 is a sector editor that lets you examine and modify data anywhere on the hard disk. NetFile3 is a file editor that lets you access and modify data within files in a NetWare 3.x volume. NetScan3 is designed to examine and repair NetWare 386 structures, and verify the hard disk media for a NetWare volume is error-free. NetOptimizer 2 The NetOptimizer 2 Data Organization Software can help enhance the performance of your NetWare 2.x file server in two ways. It can de-fragment any files found in NetWare volumes, rearranging the files into sequential chains. It may also reorganize a NetWare file server volume into user-specified zones. Page 40 The NetOptimizer 2 package consists of five programs: NetOpt, NetDisk, NetTree, NetScan, UtilGen. NetOpt is the actual NetWare 286 optimizer, NetDisk is a sector editor used to examine any sector of a hard disk, while NetTree lets you display all the files in a NetWare volume. NetScan is designed to examine NetWare 286 structures, and verify hard disk media for a NetWare volume is error-free. UtilGen generates device drivers for the other NetOptimizer 2 utilities. NetUtils-2 The NetUtils software is a toolbox of expert hard disk utilities for systems using Novell NetWare 2.x. NetUtils consists of five programs: NetDisk, NetTree, NetFile, NetScan, and UtilGen. NetDisk is a sector editor that lets you examine and modify data anywhere on the hard disk, while NetTree lets you display all of the files in a NetWare volume. NetFile is a file editor that lets you access and modify data within files on a NetWare 2.x volume. NetScan is designed to examine NetWare 286 structures, and verify the hard disk media for a NetWare volume is error-free. UtilGen generates any NetWare 2.x device drivers needed by the NetUtils utilities. Disk Manager -N Disk Manager -N is a complete package that will initialize, partition, and prepare virtually any hard disk for use in a Novell NetWare 2.x file server, especially IDE drives. Cognito Cognito is a collection of VADDs, value-added device drivers, used with many SCSI host adapters in a system running NetWare 2.x. The supported SCSI host adapters are: Adaptec AHA-1540/1542/1640, Page 41 Ciprico RF5500, Rancho Technology RT10-AT/RT1000, and Western Digital WD7000. NetWare Essentials Kit NetWare Essentials is a toolbox of useful utilities for systems running Novell NetWare 2.x. This collection contains the software we feel is so important for installation, maintenance, and protection of a NetWare 2.x hard disk. The NetWare Essentials Kit consists of several Ontrack products: NetOptimizer 2, NetUtils, Cognito VADDs, Disk Manager -N, and Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. Products For DOS Disk Manager Disk Manager hard disk installation software is a complete package that will initialize, partition, and prepare virtually any hard disk. Disk Manager has automatic or manual installation procedures, and lets you get around the normal DOS 1024 cylinder limit. Disk Manager will recognize virtually any hard disk including IDE, SCSI, ESDI, MFM and RLL. DOSUtils DOSUtils is a collection of expert utilities designed to provide diagnostics, maintenance, and recovery utilities for problems in the DOS environment. DOSUtils consists of five programs: Disk Look, File Look, Scan, File Recovery, and DNA. Disk Look is a sector editor that lets you examine the entire hard disk. File Look lets you access and modify data within any file in any DOS partition. Page 42 Scan will examine and repair corrupt DOS structures, and test used and unused areas of the hard disk media for defects. File Recovery is an easy-to-use utility designed to locate and undelete any files unintentionally erased. DNA is a diagnostic program that will help you determine if software or hardware problems are causing errors. Additionally, DNA will do a non-destructive low-level format of ST-506 (MFM or RLL) and ESDI hard disks. Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit provides the most comprehensive treatment and preventative maintenance available to combat virus infections in your computer. It readily detects boot, partition, stealth, and polymorphic viruses, and is updated on a regular basis to protect you against new viruses. Superproms Superproms are an add-in set of ROM (Read Only Memory) chips that add up to another 255 table entries for hard disks. Products For Macintosh Disk Manager Mac Disk Manager Mac installs and completely prepares virtually any SCSI hard disk drive or magneto optical for use in a Macintosh. It comes with utilities featuring advanced defect management, initialization, hard partitioning, password protection, multiple start-up partitions, and more. System 7 compatible. Products For Unix RecoverEase The RecoverEase Data Recovery and Protection Utilities for Unix Systems software is a toolbox of useful utilities for systems Page 43 running SCO Unix 3.2 or later, SCO XENIX 2.3 or later, SCO ODT 1.0 or later, and Interactive System V/386 Release 3.x. RecoverEase consists of four programs: Disk Look, File Look, Scan, and UXDNA. Disk Look is a powerful sector editor that lets you examine and modify data anywhere on a hard disk. Disk Look will access the entire hard disk, or it will access data only within a specific Unix/Xenix filesystem (including the superblock and inode list). File Look is a file editor that lets you access and save data from a Unix/Xenix filesystem, change any file attributes, or print the contents of any Unix/Xenix file. Scan will examine and repair corrupt Unix/Xenix structures in a filesystem, and test used and unused areas of the hard disk media for defects. UXDNA is a diagnostic program that can help you determine if software or hardware problems are causing errors. UXDNA will additionally nondestructively low-level format ST-506 (MFM or RLL) and ESDI hard disks. Technical Support Infobase Technical Support Infobase Information Ontrack's Technical Support Tools Ontrack's technical support infobases contain accurate and hard-to-find information about hard disk drives, networks, systems, and the complicated interactions between hardware, software, and operating systems. Designed for use by support technicians, Ontrack's infobases are published using the FolioVIEWS engine, and provide access to information as fast as you can type. TechSource TechSource: TechSource provides information about the inner workings of DOS, Novell, Macintosh, and Unix environments, based on years of technical support documentation, with detailed information about Ontrack's product and services. Special attention has been paid to incorporating product and system field reports, Ontrack Data Recovery engineering expertise, and solutions to real-life technical problems - the type the manufacturers don't give you in the manuals. Page 44 DiskSource DiskSource: DiskSource will save you loads of time if you install, or maintain hard disk drives, by putting the exact hard drive information you need at your fingertips. DiskSource contains technical specifications on more than 3,000 hard disks and 200 controller cards, plus more than 60 BIOS charts. This comprehensive hard disk and controller reference source allows you to search by drive capacity, to choose replacement drives by searching for the BIOS make, version, and drive type. Also included are descriptions of drive interfaces, and much more. SystemSource SystemSource: SystemSource is a comprehensive collection of technical information on more than 500 system boards from more than 35 manufacturers. It gives you a quick and easy reference tool in a user friendly format. Search by manufacturer, bus type, and processor speed, and you'll find clear, concise diagrams detailing full configuration of jumper and dip switch settings. This infobase also provides full error code descriptions to assist you with troubleshooting. NetSource Available Fall of 1993 NetSource: NetSource is the most comprehensive collection of technical information ever assembled for networks. Specifications are included for more than 500 networking cards, and more than 90 manufacturers in all networking environments. You can also tap into worldwide listings of the Novell Authorized Resellers, and Novell Authorized Education Centers, plus a listing of BBSs around the world that you can contact with questions regarding your networks. Page 45 Drive Rocket License Agreement ONTRACK COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. License Agreement This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. ("Ontrack"). BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY REMOVE THE SOFTWARE FROM YOUR MACHINE AND RETURN ANY DISKETTES AND THE ACCOMPANYING ITEMS (INCLUDING WRITTEN MATERIALS AND BINDERS OR OTHER CONTAINERS) TO THE PLACE YOU OBTAINED THEM. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Ontrack grants to you the right to use one copy of this Ontrack software program (the "SOFTWARE") on a single computer (i.e. with a single CPU at a single location). If you wish to put the SOFTWARE on a network server, or if you wish to contact Ontrack for additional requirements prior to such intended use of the SOFTWARE. 2. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is owned by Ontrack or its suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. All rights reserved worldwide. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or a musical recording) except that you may (a) archival purposes, and (b) the transfer of the SOFTWARE to hard disk drives provided that only one copy of the SOFTWARE is used at any time. You may not copy any written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE without written permission from Ontrack. 3. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. You may not: (a) rent or lease or sublicense the SOFTWARE, (b) decompile, reverse assemble or reverse engineer the SOFTWARE, (c) make any telecommunications transmissions of the SOFTWARE, or (d) permit use of the SOFTWARE in a computer service business, network, timesharing, multiple CPU or multiple user arrangement to users that are not individually licensed by Ontrack. You may transfer the SOFTWARE and any accompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. 4. TERMINATION. This license is effective until terminated. This license will terminate immediately without notice from Ontrack if you fail to comply with any provision of this license. Upon termination you must destroy any SOFTWARE and any related documentation, including all copies. Such termination shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any criminal, civil, or other remedies available to Ontrack. 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES. THE SOFTWARE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED AND LICENSED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FURTHER, NEITHER ONTRACK NOR ITS SUPPLIERS WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, Page 46 ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULT OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MADE BY ONTRACK OR ITS SUPPLIERS ON THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER ONTRACK OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR OTHER DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ONTRACK HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 6. GENERAL. Any questions concerning the Agreement should be referred in writing to Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. at 6321 Bury Drive, Eden Prairie, Mn. 55346. All Ontrack brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The SOFTWARE and related documentation are Proprietary to Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. and its suppliers. Use, Duplication, or Disclosure by the Government is Subject to Restrictions as Set Forth in Paragraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc. Page 47