WordStar Release 6.0 (a-d) High-Resolution Drivers for Page Preview WordStar's Advanced Page Preview requires an external driver to realize graphic displays in resolutions of 800x600 and/or 1024x768 (choose an appropriate resolution for your monitor and video adapter configuration). The WordStar files PREVIEW.OVR and PREVIEW.MSG, as well as TLIVGA6.WGD and TLIVGA7.WGD need to be copied to the WordStar directory from your Driver Diskette. The following versions of WordStar are compatible with the Advanced Page Preview: WordStar 5.5 WordStar 6.0a - 6.0d WordStar 2000 Users of WordStar 5.5 through 6.0c, and WordStar 2000 3.5a-3.5c should replace the PREVIEW files with those provided on the driver diskette. The revision number can be determined by looking at the first line of the flash screen. Invoking the High-resolution Driver You must specify the driver name within the FONTID.CTL file so that it can be found by the program. Edit the FONTID.CTL (a non-document ASCII file) and change the CRT_TYPE line to read: CRT_TYPE=TLIVGAx.WGD where x is either 6 or 7 for 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution, respectively.