ET4000 Windows 3.1 Video Driver Installation Instructions This driver disk is designed to allow you to select or change the video driver for Windows 3.1 using Windows Setup. Setup can be executed from within Windows, or from DOS. Note that these driver files are in Microsoft compressed format and can only be accessed and executed by installing through Windows Setup. Simply copying the files into your \Windows\System subdirectory WILL NOT work and may corrupt your Windows installation. Installing the drivers correctly is, however, a simple process. It is accomplished by following these instructions: Installation from floppy disk 1) Insert your Driver Disk in the appropriate floppy drive. 2) From your Windows directory, type SETUP and select DISPLAY to change the video driver. Or, with Windows running, select Setup from the Program Manager Main group. Refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide for assistance in running Setup from inside Windows. 3) Select "Other disk..." to direct the program to the floppy disk holding the new drivers. Note that after the drivers are installed, you will not have to select "Other disk..." again should you decide to change resolutions. Look for the ET4000-based drivers in the Display selection menu to select the display resolution you want. 4) When asked where the drivers will be found, state the following: A:\ Following instructions 6-7 below. Installation from Hard Disk 1) Having the drivers loaded on the hard disk will make it easier and faster to change resolutions in the future. Make a subdirectory to hold the driver files. example: C:>md \et4drv and switch to that subdirectory (C:>cd \et4drv) 2) Insert the drivers disk into the appropriate drive and type the following command: COPY A:\*.* 3) From your Windows directory, type SETUP and select DISPLAY to change the video driver. Or, with Windows running, select Setup from the Program Manager Main group. Refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide for assistance in running Setup from inside Windows. 4) Select "Other disk..." to direct the program to the subdirectory holding the new drivers. Note that once the drivers are installed, you should not have to select "Other" again should you decide to change resolutions. Look for the ET4000-based drivers in the Display selection menu to select the display resolution you want. 5) When asked where the drivers will be found, state the following (deleting what the program has displayed in the input window): [drive:]\[directory] e.g.: C:>\et4drv 6) A standard Windows selection menu will appear with additional video drivers from which to select. 7) Proceed normally through the remainder of the process. Check Microsoft Windows installation procedures if necessary. 8) If you are having problems installing these drivers please contact your board vendor for further assistance.(as your vendor may have done proprietary enhancements that require custom drivers) ** IMPORTANT ** The 800x600 and 1024x768 256-color Turbo drivers (mmtlhi.drv and mmtllo.drv) require 1mb of display memory to be installed on your video board. Also, this release includes Tseng/Sierra HiColor drivers for 32768 and 65535 simultaneous colors. If your select a HiColor driver which your board can not support a brief message will appear in the upper left of your screen "video driver unable to set desired mode" before returning you back to the DOS prompt. If this occurs simply, run the SETUP program again and choose a supported display mode. ** IMPORTANT ** The 640x480 16.7 million-color driver requires 1mb of display memory to be installed on your video board. TECHNICAL NOTE: ============== We have found some incompatibilities between True color mode and some mother boards. The problem appears as dropped pixels in 640x480/16M colors mode while running MS Windows Ver.3.1 The problem occurs more frequently when the AT BUS speed is increased. To solve this problem: 1. Disable the 0-wait state setting. - or - 2. Pull up 0-wait state signal (AT-BUT ) with a 3.3K OHM resistor.