VESA Super VGA BIOS Extension Driver TILVESA.COM is the VESA Super VGA BIOS Extension driver for video boards based on Tseng Labs ET3000 and ET4000 chips. The driver implements Version 1.1 of the VESA specification and is a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program which intercepts the video BIOS interrupt vector to provide additional BIOS commands supporting super-VGA modes. To load, type the command: TILVESA [ENTER] at the DOS prompt. TILVESA may be loaded through a batch file for convenience. After loading the driver, any VESA application can be run. The program can also be unloaded, freeing up memory, provided no other resident program which intercepts the video BIOS interrupt vector is loaded afterward. (Actually, no resident program at all should be loaded afterward in order to really free the memory.) To unload, type the command: TILVESA U [ENTER] Unloading TILVESA may also be performed through a batch file.