TSENG LABS 8514/A EMULATION DRIVER The instructions that follow explain how to install the appropriate 8514/A emulation driver for your needs. These emulation drivers are generic and should work on most ET4000-based boards. On this disk you should find these files: RIXAI4.EXE RIXAI8.EXE STAN0715.FNT STAN0814.FNT STAN1220.FNT README.DOC (this file) Two emulators are provided. Choose either emulator depending on your video memory configuration and number of colors desired. The following table illustrates the resolutions available by driver name according to the video memory configuration on your board. MINIMUM DISPLAY RESOLUTION/COLORS MODE (hex) MEMORY REQUIRED DRIVER 640x480 16 12 512KB RIXAI4 1024x768 16 37 512KB RIXAI4 640x480 256 2E 512KB RIXAI8 1024x768 256 38 1MB RIXAI8 INSTALLATION 1) Create a subdirectory on the hard disk called RIXAI or another name of your choosing. 2) Copy the contents of the floppy diskette to that newly-created subdirectory. Decide which version of the emulator is needed based on the amount of video memory on your video adapter and the number of colors you wish and proceed. 4) Type RIXAIx at the DOS prompt, where x is either 4 or 8. 5) You can now run your application software under 8514/A emulation. Remember to load the appropriate emulation driver before running application software that requires 8514/A. You might want to create a simple batch file that loads the emulation driver and your software automatically to simplify the process. EXAMPLE (acadai.bat) RIXAI8 ACAD You may need to reconfigure some software to run under an 8514/A driver. Check the user manuals of your applications to determine if such a driver is supported.