Autodesk P386 ADI 4.2 Combined display and rendering display driver (Feb. 1993) Contents -------- README.TXT -- This file RCPTV42.EXP -- P386 ADI 4.2 driver w/ HiColor support Features -------- * Support Trident TVGA8800, TVGA8900,TVGA9000 series and later chips. * Support 256-color up to 1024x768. * Support 32K-color rendering display (Sierra HiColor DAC). * Support True-color rendering display (Sierra 485/7/9 DAC). * Combined display and rendering display driver. * Support Autodesk products which support ADI P386 v4.2 display. * Support Dual-Screen (automatic detect). * Individual colors selectable for parts of the graphics screen. * Easy configure, automatic detect video memory size. Resolutions Available --------------------- 1M 512K ------------------------------------------ * Display: 640x400-256c X X 640x480-256c X X 800x600-256c X X 1024x768-256c X * Rendering Display: 640x400-256c X X 640x480-256c X X 800x600-256c X X 1024x768-256c X 512x480-32768c X X 640x480-32768c X 800x600-32768c X 640x480-16M X Installation ------------ Installation procedures can vary for Autodesk products. Please consult your Autodesk reference manual for complete installation procedures. A general guide for installation follows: * IMPORTANT: Make sure you have installed AutoCAD Rel 12 with the IBM Standard VGA driver and you can bring up the AutoCAD Rel 12 Drawing editor screen. Display Driver Installation Procedures: A. Copy the display driver from the %2:\TVGAUTIL\ACAD12 directory on your hard disk to your AutoCAD/386 drivers directory(e.g. C:\ACAD12\DRV ). From drive %2, type: COPY %2:\TVGAUTIL\ACAD12\RCPTV42.EXP C:\ACAD12\DRV B. Enter the following SET command at the DOS prompt, or add it to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET ACADDRV = C:\ACAD386\DRV C. Install Display Driver for Drawing Editor: 1. Bring up your AutoCAD Drawing Editor Screen. 2. Select CONFIGURE in "File" pull-down menu. (AutoCAD will switch to a text screen) 3. Select "3" to configure video display. 4. AutoCAD will show your current video display. 5. Answer "Y" to select a different driver. 6. Select "Trident VGA P386 ADI(V4.2) Display and Rendering Driver". 7. Answer "Y" to select a display resolution. 8. Select your resolution preference. ( Make sure you have enough video memory for the resolution) 9. Enter "0" to exit to Drawing Editor Screen. 10. Answer "Y" to save configuration changes. D. Install Display Driver for Rendering: 1. Make sure you have installed Rendering for AutoCAD Rel 12. 2. In Drawing editor screen,select "PREFERENCES" in "Render" pull-down menu. 3. If you have configured Preferences for rendering before, select "Reconfigure" in Rendering Preferences dialogure box. Otherwise,it should directly switch to a text screen. 4. Select "2" to configure Rendering Driver. 5. Select "AutoCAD's configured P386 ADI combined display/ rendering driver". 6. Select your resolution preference for Rendering. 7. Select your Rendering View preference. 8. Select "0" to exit to drawing Editor Screen. 9. Answer "Y" to save configuration changes. 10. Click "OK" to close Rendering Preferences dialogure box.