Unit S3 Version 3.00 Copyright (c) 1993,1995 Dietmar Meschede The main purpose of this BP 7 unit is to set up a 320x240x256 or 640x480x256 video mode with a 1 MB linear address window. The unit requires a VGA graphics card with 1 MB (or more) video memory and a S3 86C928 (or better) chip. The 640x480 video mode requires a VESA graphics card. The unit runs only in protected mode. Files included in the ZIP file S3UNIT3.ZIP: S3UNIT3.TXT This file. STDUNIT.OPT Standard options for BP 7 units. STDPROG.OPT Standard options for BP 7 programs. NEWFRONT.PAS Unit NewFrontier - BP 7 protected mode 32 bit DPMI support unit. S3.PAS Unit S3 - demonstrates linear addressing for S3 graphics cards. S3TEST.PAS Program S3Test - demonstrates the usage of the unit S3.