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NOTE: A new feature of TweakIt is the UPDATE button. This allows users to easily migrate from previous versions of TweakIt to the latest. This version updates the following: CONFIG.SYS None AUTOEXEC.BAT Change CALL C:\TWEAKIT.BAT to IF EXIST C:\TWEAKIT.BAT CALL C:\TWEAKIT.BAT Change CALL C:\TWEAKADV.BAT to IF EXIST C:\TWEAKADV.BAT CALL C:\TWEAKIT.BAT Windows Registry TweakIt settings that are stored in the registry can be found at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TweakIt These settings DO NOT affect any software, hardware or drivers other than TweakIt. TweakIt uses the registry to stores values. Update the Windows registry for use with new TweakIt values Voodoo 2 Users TweakIt now fully supports the GRX_CLK (overclock) setting in the registry. The location of these settings are below: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3DfxInteractive\Voodoo2\D3D 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2\Glide TweakIt will create these keys if they do not exist. If you use the REMOVE button under OPTIONS, these key values will be set to the default value of 90. For Windows 95 users (including Service Pack 1, 2, 2.5 and Windows 98 Beta) For Windows NT 4.0 users (all service packs) Installation This program requires the Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Runtimes. These are standard Microsoft support files, which are necessary to run any modern application written in the Visual Basic 5 programming language. You can download these Runtime files from one of the links listed below: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/3dfxmania/utility/vb5rtsp3.exe ftp://mirrors.telepac.pt/pub/3dfxmania/utility/vb5rtsp3.exe Please make sure VB5 Runtimes are installed BEFORE you try to install TweakIt. Just double-click on the EXE or ZIP file to update/install all the latest runtime DLL files from Microsoft. These will be useful for many other new programs as well. NOTE: You may be prompted to reboot during the runtimes installation process and required to run the installation a second time after your system reboots. This is often necessary to update the OLE automation DLL files that may be in use at the time. It is not necessary to first uninstall your previous version of TweakIt. This new version will overwrite any previous installations. The TweakIt installation will install the following files to your hard drive in the TweakIt directory: Tweakit.exe Tweakit.hlp Readme.doc These files will be installed to your windows system directory: COMDLG32.OCX TABCTL32.OCX RICHTX32.OCX COMCTL32.OCX Using the TweakIt Help file The default directory for TweakIt is C:\TWEAKIT. If you receive an error when attempting the load the TweakIt Help file, use the CONFIGURE button under the OPTIONS tab to locate TWEAKIT.EXE, for example, C:\3DFX\TWEAKIT. Once again, thank you for downloading TweakIt.