README.TXT - Documentation Supplement December 31, 1993 - Release 1.00 Hercules Graphite(tm) Windows NT Display Driver Diskette Contents: IMPORTANT: Before You Begin Hercules Graphite Display Driver Installation IMPORTANT: Before You Begin --------------------------- Display configurations for Windows NT are selected from within Windows NT's graphical user interface (GUI). IMPORTANT PRELIMINARY INFORMATION: To avoid damage to your monitor and possible re-installation of Windows NT, you must select only the Hercules Graphite display configuration(s) that your monitor can support. The documentation that accompanies your monitor will include technical specifications listing the monitor's maximum horizontal scan frequency (e.g. 31.5kHz, 35.5kHz...64kHz, etc.). You should locate this information before making a selection. If you were to select a Graphite display configuration that your monitor could not support (i.e. high resolution mode, high screen refresh rate, etc.) the following scenarios could occur: 1. You could run the risk of damaging the hardware components in your monitor. 2. Because your monitor was not able to sync properly, you might be unable to view Windows NT. In the worst case, correcting this condition could require a re- installation of Windows NT. However, if you have a DOS partition (i.e. dual-boot setup), you could restore Windows NT to a VGA display configuration. In order to be able to restore Windows NT to a working configuration in case of error: (a) make sure that Windows NT is currently installed and operating with a VGA display driver, and (b) copy the contents of Windows NT's \WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG subdirectory into a backup directory in your DOS partition. If you were ever to select a Hercules Graphite display configuration that your monitor did not support, you could simply copy Windows NT's configuration files from the backup directory contained in the DOS partition back into Windows NT's \WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG subdirectory to restore Windows NT to a VGA display configuration. Step 5 contained in the next section titled "Hercules Graphite Display Driver Installation" provides information about the minimum horizontal scan rate frequency required to operate each Hercules Graphite display configuration. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING A SELECTION! Hercules Graphite Display Driver Installation --------------------------------------------- These instructions assume that Windows NT is currently installed and operating with a VGA display driver. If this is not the case, install Windows NT's VGA display driver before proceeding with these instructions. 1. Launch Windows NT and locate the "Main" program group. Double-click on the "Windows NT Setup" program item icon. 2. When the "Windows NT Setup" dialog box appears, choose "Options" from the pulldown menu and select the "Change System Settings" option. 3. Open the "Display" section and choose to scroll down and click on the "Other (Requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)" entry. Click on "Close." 4. You will be prompted to insert the disk provided by the hardware manufacturer. Place the Hercules Graphite Windows NT Display Driver Diskette in a floppy drive and specify that floppy drive for Setup. Click on "OK." 5. You will be presented with a list of Hercules Graphite display configurations. Each display configuration selection will list the graphics processor (AGX), resolution, color pixel depth and screen refresh rate (in Hz). To avoid damage to your monitor, select only a display configuration (refresh rate) that your monitor can support. The documentation that accompanies your monitor will include technical specifications listing the monitor's maximum horizontal scan frequency (e.g. 31.5kHz, 35.5kHz...64kHz, etc.). You should be certain of this aspect of your monitor's operation before making a selection. Once you have determined your monitor's horizontal scan frequency, consult the following table to select your display configuration for your 1MB VRAM or 2MB VRAM Hercules Graphite model: ======================================================= 1MB GRAPHITE MODELS DISPLAY CONFIGURATIONS (Models HG210, HG310, HG510 and HG610) ------------------------------------------------------- Display Configuration Minimum Horizontal Scan Selection Frequency Required --------------------- ----------------------- AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 60Hz 31.5kHz AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 70Hz 38kHz AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 90Hz 48kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 56Hz 35.5kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 60Hz 38kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 70Hz 48kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 90Hz 61.5kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 60Hz 48kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 70Hz 58kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 90iHz 35.5kHz ======================================================= 2MB GRAPHITE MODELS DISPLAY CONFIGURATIONS (Models HG420 and HG720) ------------------------------------------------------- Display Configuration Minimum Horizontal Scan Selection Frequency Required --------------------- ----------------------- AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 60Hz 31.5kHz AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 70Hz 38kHz AGX 640x480, 256 colors, 90Hz 48kHz AGX 640x480, 65536 colors, 60Hz 31.5kHz AGX 640x480, 65536 colors, 70Hz 38kHz AGX 640x480, 65536 colors, 90Hz 48kHz AGX 640x480, TRUE COLOR, 60Hz 31.5kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 56Hz 35.5kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 60Hz 38kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 70Hz 48kHz AGX 800x600, 256 colors, 90Hz 61.5kHz AGX 800x600, 65536 colors, 60Hz 38kHz AGX 800x600, 65536 colors, 70Hz 45kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 60Hz 48kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 70Hz 58kHz AGX 1024x768, 256 colors, 90iHz 35.5kHz AGX 1024x768, 65536 colors, 60Hz 48kHz AGX 1280x1024, 256 colors, 60Hz 64kHz AGX 1280x1024, 256 colors, 90iHz 48kHz Move the cursor bar to the display configuration that you wish to install and click on "OK." 6. Click on "Close" to close the "Change System Settings" dialog box. When the "Windows NT Setup" dialog box re-appears, double-click on the close box in the upper left hand corner of the dialog box to close it. The "Setup Message" dialog box will appear with the message "The changes you have made will not take effect until the computer is restarted." Click on "OK." 7. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to bring up the "Windows NT Security" dialog box and click on "Shutdown..." 8. When the "Shutdown Computer" dialog box appears, check the box that reads "Restart when shutdown is complete" and then click on "OK" to restart Windows NT with your selected Windows NT display configuration. ** End of File **