>SCREENS 01 10 T |Genoa Phantom 32i 800x600 16 colors or greys. SD800.VGA Driver Pack [01] T |Genoa Phantom 32i 1024x768 16 colors or greys. SD1024.VGA Driver Pack [02] T >MICE xx xx |No Mouse 0 |PC Mouse or Mouse Systems Compatible / SummaMouse 1 |Xerox, AT&T, Microsoft Buss Mouse ( Uses MOUSE.COM ) 2 |Microsoft Serial Mouse ( RS232 ) 3 |IBM PS/2 Mouse : |SummaSketch 1201 with Stylus 4 |SummaSketch 1201 with Cursor 5 |SummaSketch 961 with Stylus 6 |SummaSketch 961 with Cursor 7 |SummaSketch 1812 with Stylus 8 |SummaSketch 1812 with Cursor 9 >MOUSE PORT xx xx |Communication Port #1 0 |Communication Port #2 1 >METAFILES 31 40