INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR OS/2 2.1 256 COLORS BLITTER DRIVER FOR CIRRUS LOGIC'S GD542X CHIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install from floppy diskette: ----------------------------- 1. insert display driver disk one (labelled DISP 1) in a floppy drive 2. invoke an OS/2 window session or an OS/2 full screen session 3. change to the floppy drive with the display driver disk, e.g. a: 4. run clinst21.cmd from the floppy drive, e.g. clinst21 c 5. check the 'Primary Display' check box from the DISPLAY DRIVER INSTALL dialog box 6. select Cirrus Logic Blitter Driver from the PRIMARY DISPLAY ADAPTER TYPE dialog box 7. click OK to MONITOR CONFIGURATION/SELECTION UTILITY dialog box or type c:\utils\clmode.exe m5 after selecting the 'Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program' option 8. select the display resolution of choice from the SELECT DISPLAY RESOLUTION list box 9. click the 'Install' button in the SOURCE DIRECTORY dialog box and follow prompts Note: During installation, the target file may have a newer date than the source file, select the 'Yes' button when the installation program display a dialog box to notify the user of this situation. Install from the hard drive: ---------------------------- 1. xcopy display driver disk one to the hard drive, target directory must be named DISP_1, e.g. xcopy a: c:\disp_1 2. invoke an OS/2 window session or an OS/2 full screen session 3. change to \disp_1 directory, run clinst21.cmd, e.g. clinst21 c 4. check the 'Primary Display' check box from the DISPLAY DRIVER INSTALL dialog box 5. select Cirrus Logic Blitter Driver from PRIMARY DISPLAY ADAPTER TYPE dialog box 6. click OK to MONITOR CONFIGURATION/SELECTION UTILITY dialog box or type c:\utils\clmode.exe m5 after selecting the 'Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program' option 7. select the display resolution of choice from the SELECT DISPLAY RESOLUTION list box 8. click the 'Change' button in the SOURCE DIRECTORY dialog box, type c:\disp_1 in edit box and follow prompts Note: During installation, the target file may have a newer date than the source, select the YES button when the installation program display a dialog box to notify the user of this situation. Additional notes: ----------------- dspinstl.exe calls svga.exe to identify the SVGA chip before proceeding with installation. The svga.exe shipped with OS/2 2.1 does not recognize GD5428. clinst21.cmd will update svga.exe before calling dspinstl.exe so that GD5428 will be identified. Subsequent installation of Cirrus display drivers or modification of display resolutions can be performed using the dspinstl.exe directly.