Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator Setup Diskette 2.10 Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. Files on the ESP Setup Diskette ------------------------------- README .BAT - a batch file to display this readme text README .TXT - this readme text SETUP .EXE - a Windows application to install or configure the card ISA .HLP - a help file used by SETUP.EXE MCA .HLP - a help file used by SETUP.EXE for the MCA environment ESP2_W31.DRV - a Windows 3.1 communications driver VESP2CD .386 - "" VESP2D .386 - "" ESP2 .386 - the Windows For Workgroup 3.11 ESP Driver ESPCA .EXE - a DOS configuration utility ESPCA .SCR - a DOS configuration utility text file DOSSETUP.EXE - a DOS Setup utility ESPDOS .HLP - a help file used by DOSSETUP.EXE AIOESPCA.NLM - the Novell NetWare 3.11 and greater ESP AIO driver AIOESPCA.TXT - a text file explaining how to load the ESP2 AIO driver AIO .NLM - the Netware Loadable Module necessary to load AIOESPCA.NLM @6F06 .ADF - the MCA configuration file for ESP cards ESPMONTR.EXE - the ESP performance monitoring utility for Windows ESP .CPL - the ESP configuration control panel for windows If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1 --------------------------------------- Use Microsoft Windows to run the SETUP.EXE program as documented in your Users Guide. The SETUP.EXE Windows program will properly install and configure your ESP card. Uninstall Feature ----------------- A last minute feature added to the SETUP.EXE program is an option to Uninstall your ESP card. This allows you to remove the ESP's COM port from the system map and clean up any changes made to the SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI files. How to Uninstall ---------------- If you wish to Uninstall a card or a particular port, use Microsoft Windows to run the SETUP.EXE program. The first window you see is the 'Card Configuration' window. To uninstall, select the address of the card and press the 'Configure' button. The 'Modify Card Configuration' dialog box will appear. Go to the right hand corner of the dialog box and press the 'Uninstall' radio button. After pressing the 'Uninstall' button, go down to the 'Ok' button to save the new configuration. This brings you back to the 'Card Configuration' window press the 'Exit and Save' to uninstall the card. If you are using Windows for Workgroups 3.11... ------------------------------------------------ If you are using Windows for Workgroups (WFW), you will need to install the WFW 3.11 COMM.DRV file. The WFW 3.11 COMM.DRV file is in a compressed format on Disk 2 of your Microsoft Windows for Workgroups (TM). The name of the compressed file is COMM.DR_. To install the driver: ---------------------- Copy COMM.DR_ from the floppy to your Windows 'SYSTEM' directory. For example if Windows is installed on C:\WINDOWS, then the system directory would be C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Your copy command would be: COPY [x:]COMM.DR_ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. After you make the copy then go to that directory and expand the file. An example of the commands to do this is as follows: CD\WINDOWS\SYSTEM EXPAND COMM.DR_ COMM.DRV The EXPAND program is part of your DOS installation and can be found in your DOS directory. If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under both type of Windows, two new utilities have been added. The first, a control panel application that lets you configure the ESP adapter to your specifications. The second, a monitoring utility that displays status information about each ESP port installed in your system. ESP.CPL ------- In order to configure your ESP ports, start the Windows Control Panel. Once started, a Hayes ESP icon will appear. Double-click on that icon to display a list of ESP ports currently installed in the system. Selecting the Settings... button will allow you to change the Serial Speed Multiplier, as well as the data transfer size and some other options. Then, selecting the Advanced... buttons displays more advanced options that will not generally need to be adjusted. In all the dialog boxes of the Hayes ESP control panel application, on-line help is available to provide more detail about the configuration options. ESPMONTR.EXE ------------ The monitor is simply that, a monitor for the ESP ports installed in you computer. It indicates information like the current Serial Speed Multiplier setting, whether the port is open or closed, the application bit rate, and the average throughput. In addition, the monitor displays modem indicator lights for terminal ready (TR), carrier detect (CD), send data (SD), and receive data (RD). As with the control panel, on-line help files are available for the monitor application's menu options. If you are using DOS... ------------------------------------------------ If you do not have Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11, but you do have DOS you can use DOSSETUP.EXE or ESPCA.EXE. ESPCA.EXE is a command line oriented configuration program. If you need assistance in configuring the ESP adapter use DOSSETUP.EXE, which provides help screens on each configuration option. DOSSETUP.EXE ------------ There is a new version of the DOSSETUP program. This program runs under DOS and configures the ESP product for your system. The initial splash screen allows the user to install/remove the DOSSETUP files to/from the hard drive, read the README.TXT file online, get help on the program and enter the configuration screen. The configuration screen shows the systems COM ports 1 through 4 usage and prompts the user to place and ESP product into an available COM slot. Once the COM designation is selected then there are six configuration parameters that can be changed. They are the IRQ, COM designation, enhanced ESP address, FIFO enabler, hardware flow control enabler and the UART clock setting. Upon exiting the program after the ESP product has been configured the user is prompted to update the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for setting the ESP product upon each subsequent boot of the system and also prompted to make the hardware changes to the ESP product. There is help available for all DOSSETUP configuration screens. ESPCA.EXE --------- The ESPCA.EXE program runs under DOS, and can configure your ESP Communications Accelerator card. Type ESPCA ? at the DOS prompt to receive help on how to use ESPCA.EXE. The ESPCA program will display: Usage: ESPCA F Axxx:yyy Cxxx:y Ixxx:y Rxxx:y Pxxx:y S Q ? - display this usage information F - initialize all ports to FIFO enabled Axxx:yyy - change I/O address xxx to yyy Cxxx:y - change COM designation for port at I/O address xxx to y Ixxx:y - change IRQ for port at I/O address xxx to y Rxxx:y - enable (y='+') or disable (y='-') RTS/CTS flow control Pxxx:y - set UART baud rate multiplier prescale value (y=0-3) Uxxx - uninstall I/O address (all ports on board) S - skip read configuration step if possible Q - quiet (no screen output) -> I/O Addresses Each ESP card must have its own I/O Address, and is referred to by that address (the xxx values above). The ESP card is factory-configured to use I/O Address 300 (hex) when the hardware jumper is in the S/W position. You may change the I/O address by moving the hardware jumper from its factory position S/W to the 140, 180, or 280 positions. If a different I/O address is desired, use the Axxx:yyy command to store a new S/W address in the ESP card's permanent (nonvolatile) memory. I/O Addresses 100, 140, 180, 200, 240, 280, 300, and 380 are available. For example, to change the ESP card from its factory I/O address of 300 to I/O address 100, type ESPCA A300:100. Each port on an ESP card has a unique I/O address. The I/O addresses for subsequent ports on a card are multiples of eight. For example, on a two-port ESP card, the first port is referred to by I/O address 300, and the second port is referred to by I/O address 308. Note that these I/O addresses are different than UART I/O addresses (which are associated with COM ports, and have values like 2F8 and 3F8). -> COM and IRQ Designations You will want to choose a COM designation which does not conflict with an existing port. For example, if your PC has a built-in COM1 serial port, you should designate the ESP port as COM2. COM ports require IRQ assignments. There are de facto standard IRQ assignments based on COM port choice. These are: COM1 IRQ4 COM2 IRQ3 COM3 IRQ4 COM4 IRQ3 To assign COM3 and IRQ4 to the ESP card, type ESPCA C300:3 I300:4 (assuming your ESP card is at the factory I/O address of 300). Note: IRQ conflicts can occur if more than one card attempts to use a given IRQ number at the same time. -> FIFO Enable Use the F switch to enable extended 1024-byte FIFOs on the ESP card when used in UART mode (1024-byte FIFOs are always used in Enhanced Mode). Enabling the larger buffers often results in increased performance and reliability compared to standard 16-byte 16550A FIFOs. You may wish to include the line: ESPCA F S in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to enable the larger FIFOs automatically at boot time (the S switch skips the sometimes lengthy "read configuration" step). -> RTS/CTS Automatic Flow Control The ESP Communications Accelerator can perform automatic hardware RTS/CTS flow control. You may wish to disable software for "no flow control Xon/Xoff" if you plan to let the ESP card perform automatic flow control. To enable RTS/CTS automatic flow control, type ESPCA R300:+ (assuming your ESP card is at the factory I/O address of 300). -> Baud Rate Prescaler Your ESP Communications Accelerator can communicate at speeds higher than 115,200 bps using the P command, which multiplies baud rates. Baud rates can be doubled, quadrupled, or octupled. The maximum data rate is 8 times 115,200, which is 921,600 bps. Serial Multiplier values range from 0 to 3 as follows: 0 - 1x baud rates (Same rate as application) 1 - 2x baud rates (Twice application rate) 2 - 4x baud rates (Four-times application rate) 3 - 8x baud rates (Eight-times application rate) To set an ESP port for maximum speed, type ESPCA P300:3 (assuming your ESP card is at the factory I/O address of 300). -> Uninstall Port If you wish to disable all ports on a card, or a particular port, use the U command to set the COM designation to COM0 (disabled). Specifying the lowest I/O port address for a multiport card disables all ports for that card, for example: ESPCA U:140 (disables all ports on card with I/O Address 140) -> Skip Read Configuration The ESPCA.EXE program reads the configuration information from the ESP card's nonvolatile memory each time it runs in order to display the information. This step takes several seconds to complete. If you do not want to take the time unless necessary, specify the S switch. -> Quiet Mode Specifying the Q switch results in Quiet Mode, under which the ESPCA.EXE program will produce no standard output.