; ; Diese Textdatei kann ver„ndert werden, um das Install.Exe Programm an ; andere Sprachen anzupassen. Jeder Textblock, der im Install-Programm aus- ; gegeben wird, wird ber Schlsselw”rter referenziert. ; Diese Schlsselw”rter sind immer in '@'-Zeichen eingeschlossen und drfen ; natrlich nicht ver„ndert werden. Ferner stehen die Schlsselw”rter immer ; alleine in ein Zeile. Der eigentliche Text beginnt dann in der ; darauffolgenden Zeile. Innerhalb eines Textblockes k”nnen Variable ; eingeschlossen sein. Diese haben die Form %1, %2, usw. ; Zeilen, die auáerhalb eines Textblockes stehen, werden als Kommentarzeilen ; berlesen. ; Ein Textblock wird durch ein '@'-Zeichen beendet. Dieses '@'-Zeichen ; kann auch das Anfangszeichen eines neuen Schlsselwortes sein, falls es ; am Anfang einer neuen Zeile steht. ; ; Die Zeichen ~ und ^ werden nicht ausgegeben: ~ schaltet auf hervor- ; gehobene Darstellung um, ^ schaltet wieder in die Normaldarstellung ; zurck. ; ; ; Am Anfang dieser Datei stehen drei Schlsselworte mit besonderer ; Bedeutung: @YES@, @NO@ und @ABORT@. ; ; Durch diese Schlsselworte werden die drei sprachspezifischen ; Prompting-Buchstaben fr ja, nein und Abbruch festgelegt. ; Anders als bei den brigen Schlsselworten stehen die Parameter (Je 1 ; Buchstabe) direkt hinter dem rechten '@'. ; ; Prompting Buchstaben: @YES@Y @NO@N @ABORT@A {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @INTRO@ { Hauptstartbildschirm } This program performs a Toshiba CD-ROM ATAPI driver installation. It will copy the %1 driver file from the installation disk to your system (%2) disk. It determines which modifications must be done to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to make sure both the %1 driver and MSCDEX.EXE will be loaded correctly at boot time. MSCDEX.EXE is a driver which enables MS-DOS to access CD-ROM drives. %3 will copy the files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to CONFIG.NEW and AUTOEXEC.NEW, and will then modify the .NEW files as required. ~Proceed with installation (Yes/No)?^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @ABORTKEY@ { Aufforderung zum Programmabbruch bei fatalen Fehlern } Hit any key to abort installation: @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @ABORTMSG@ { wird ausgegeben, falls Installation vorzeitig beendet } +++ Installation aborted! @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @NODRIVER@ { falls der TOSHV???.SYS Treiber nicht gefunden wurde } Problem: %1 not found on installation disk! Make sure both Install.exe and %1 are on the same drive/directory. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @COPYTXT@ { wird ausgegeben beim Kopieren von Dateien } Copying %1 to %2... @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @EXISTMSG@ { Abfrage, falls beim Kopierne Zieldatei schon existiert } %1 already exists. Enter %2 to overwrite, %3 to abort %4 @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @COPYPROB@ { Falls Kopiervoorgang mit Fehler abgebrochen wurde } Problem: file %1 could not be copied to %2. Make sure %2 is not write-protected and that there''s enough free space on your %3 drive. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @COPYDRIVER@ { Erkl„rung 1. Installationsschritt } ~Copy the ATAPI driver:^ %3 will now copy the %1 driver to the ~%2^ directory. If you want %3 to copy this driver to another directory, enter 'N' at the prompt. You will then be asked for another target directory. ~Copy %1 to %2 (Yes/No/Abort)?^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @OTHERDIR@ { Abfrage fr anderes Zieldirectory } New target directory: @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @NEXISTDIR@ { Falls ein Verzeichnis nicht existiert } ~%1^ does not exist. Create it? @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @DRIVEROK@ { ATAPI-Treiber erfolgreich kopiert.... } ~%1 copied successfully.^ Proceed with installation: @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @SAVECONF@ { Erkl„rung 2. Installationsschritt } ~Create working copies of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files:^ %1 will now copy the file %2AUTOEXEC.BAT to %2AUTOEXEC.NEW, and the %2CONFIG.SYS file to %2CONFIG.NEW. Then, the .NEW files will be modified by %1. ~Proceed with installation (Yes/No)?^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @SAVECONFOK@ ~Files copied successfully. Proceed with installation:^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @MODICONFIG@ { Modifikation CONFIG.NEW file... } ~Modify the CONFIG.NEW file:^ %1 has added the following line to your CONFIG.NEW file: >> %2 << This will load the %3 ATAPI-Driver each time your computer is started. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @CONFIGHIGH@ { Falls DOS-UMB geladen war.... } Since your present CONFIG.SYS file loads EMM386.EXE with 'DOS=UMB', %1 has used the ~'DEVICEHIGH='^ load instruction. %2 will be loaded high as first file after EMM386.EXE. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @CONFIGAUTOPROCEED@ { Erfolgreiches Ende der Config-/ Autoexec-Manipulation} ~Proceed with Installation (Yes/No)?^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @MODIAUTO@ { Modifikationen an Autoexec.bat Datei... } ~Modify the AUTOEXEC.NEW file:^ %1 has added this line at the beginning of the AUTOEXEC.NEW file: >> %2 << This will load MSCDEX.EXE each time your computer is started. For an explanation of the parameters, enter 'HELP MSCDEX' from the DOS prompt. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @AUTOHIGH@ { Falls DOS-UMB geladen war.... } Since your present CONFIG.SYS file loads EMM386.EXE with 'DOS=UMB', %1 has used the ~'LH'^ prefix instruction. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @CHANGESYS@ { Frage, ob CONFIG u. AUTOEXEC ersetzt werden sollen } ~All necessary modifications have been made. INSTALL.EXE will now make the changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS ^ Do you want %1 to make these changes? @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @MAKEBAK@ ~Saving original configuration files:^ Before overwriting your originalCONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, %1 will copy these files to CONFIG.BAK and AUTOEXEC.BAK: @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @BAKOK@ Files have been backed up successfully! ~Hit any key to proceed: ^@ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @DOREPL@ ~Replace CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT: ^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @REPLOK@ Files have been replaced successfully! ~Hit any key to proceed: ^@ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @INSTCOMPLETE@ { Erfolgreiches Ende der Installation... } ~Installation completed successfully!^ @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @MSCDEXFEHLT@ During the installation process, the file MSCDEX.EXE could not be located. %1 has performed installation as if MSCDEX.EXE was in the %2 directory. Before you can use your CD-ROM drive you must copy MSCDEX.EXE into the %2 directory. If you shouldn't have a copy of MSCDEX.EXE, ask your MS-DOS (R) dealer to get one. @ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @RAUS@ You must reboot your computer for the changes to become effective. Your CD-ROM drive will then be accessible as drive %1:. ~Hit any key to terminate installation. ^@ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} @ALTRAUS@ No modifications have been made to your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Before you can use your CD-ROM drive, you must add the line >> %1 << to your CONFIG.SYS file, and the line >> %2 << to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Don't forget to reboot your computer then. ~Hit any key to terminate installation. ^@ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------}