Installation Instructions for the Future Domain SCSI interface and Toshiba Device drivers. Note: This device driver is specifically for Future Domain SCSI controllers it will not work on any other SCSI controller. After downloading the file 4E0025.ZIP, you need to create a directory called DEV. Copy the driver 16BitCD.sys into this directory. This driver works correctly with both 8 and 16 bit Future Domain controllers. Add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: Device=\Dev\16BitCD.sys /D:MSCD000 /N:1 In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file add: \Dos\Mscdex.exe /D:MSCD000 Both of these lines need to be above any Menus or Shell commands. If your are using Dos 6.x or above you will find the Mscdex.exe in your DOS sub directory. If you have a lower version of DOS you need to get MSCDEX.EXE from MicroSoft. If you need to assign your CD-ROM a drive letter other than "D", you can add "/L:(the drive letter you want it to be) at the end of the MSCDEX line in AUTOEXEC.BAT.