CD-55A INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR WINDOWS 95                                Rev. C

This driver is for TEAC CD-55A 8 BIT I/F card, TEAC CD-55A 16 BIT I/F card 
(P/N E950228-00A) and Sound Blaster card with Panasonic interface. 

********************************** NOTE **************************************
*       This driver does not work with Sound Blaster Compatible card.        *

1. If you would like to upgrade to Windows 95 from Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11
   (DOS 5.0 or higher) by using CD-55A:
   1-1  Install the device driver in your config.sys and CD-ROM Extension 
        program in your autoexec.bat by using CD-55A CD-ROM Installation Disk
        (P/N T000022-00C).
        Please refer to Software manual to install the device driver.

   1-2  Reboot your system after the installation complete and let the system 
        recognize CD-55A.

   1-3  When your system recognize CD-55A, you can install Windows 95 from  

   ----> GOTO How to install the protect mode driver
   Note: You may set the I/O address manually.
         Refer to How to set the I/O address 

2. If you have already installed Windows 95 and you would like to install  
   ----> GOTO How to install the protect mode driver   

3. If you have already installed both Windows 95 and CD-55A:

   ----> GOTO How to install the protect mode driver   
   Note: You may set the I/O address manually.
         Refer to How to set the I/O address 

How to install the protect mode driver

   Please call our BBS to get the protect mode driver.

   You will get compressed file CD55_W95.ZIP which consists of 4 files 
   as follows:
                TEAC4X  .MPD
                README  .TXT

   You must decompress CD55_W95.ZIP file by using PKUNZIP.EXE program.

   Boot up Windows 95 and go to "Control Panel", double-click "Add New

   Click "Next" to begin installing CD-55A and select "No" because you can't 
   search CD-55A automatically. Then click "Next".

   Select "CD-ROM controller" as Hardware type and click "Next".

   Click "Have Disk".

   If the disk isn't in Drive A, change the drive letter or directly. Then
   click "OK".

   Find "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/8 bit card" and "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/16 bit
   card" in Models and select as follows:

        TEAC 8 bit I/F card  :   "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/8 bit card"  
        TEAC 16 bit I/F card :   "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/16 bit card" 
        Sound Blaster        :   "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/8 bit card"

   Click "Next".

   Confirm the I/O address setting. If this address is different from your 
   hardware I/O address (dip, jumper switches), you must set same address
   later. However, if you have Sound Blaster, the address should be hardware
   I/O address + 0010H as follows:
        Sound Blaster hardware I/O address 220H -----> 230H
        Sound Blaster hardware I/O address 240H -----> 250H

   Click "Next", then the driver will be installed.

   Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

   If you had the same address as your hardware, Click "OK" to shut down your
   computer and let it recognize CD-55A.
   If you had the different address as your hardware, Click "NO" to setup
   properly and go to "How to set the I/O address".

How to set the I/O address

   Double-click "System" in "Control Panel".

   Select "Device Manager" and double-click "CD-ROM controllers".

   "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/8 bit card" or "TEAC4x CD-ROM Drive w/16 bit card"
   appears and double-click it.
   Select "Resources" and click "Change Setting".

   You must select the correct address from the following address.
        Value for 8 bit: 0230 - 0237   Value for 16 bit: 02C0 - 02C7
                         0250 - 0257                     02E0 - 02E7
                         0270 - 0277                     0300 - 0307
                         0290 - 0297                     0320 - 0327
                         0300 - 0307                     0340 - 0347
                         0310 - 0317                     0360 - 0367

   Click "OK" twice and click "OK" to restart again.

How to run DOS application in MS-DOS mode

   If you install the protect mode driver, your CD-ROM extension program in
   your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (MSCDEX.EXE or CORELCDX.COM) is remarked
   automatically. It is to avoid their conflict. Therefore, if you want to use
   CD-55A in MS-DOS mode, you have to add the following statement in
   DOSSTART.BAT by using DOS Editor
        * C:\WINDOWS [Windows 95 directly]
          TEAC-CDA [Drive Name same as TEAC_CDA.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS]
   If you don't have DOSSTART.BAT in Windows 95 directly (C:\WINDOWS), you 
   have to make DOSSTART.BAT file. DOSSTART.BAT must run when you exit to DOS 
   from Windows shut down menu. If you don't recognize CD-55A, please check 
   whether your CONFIG.SYS file has the device driver TEAC_CDA.SYS statement 
   still. If your CONFIG.SYS file doesn't have the device driver TEAC_CDA.SYS 
   statement, you have to add the statement manually by using DOS Editor.  
   TEAC_CDA.SYS must be load from CONFIG.SYS file.

   If you install the real mode driver by using CD-55A CD-ROM Installation 
   Disk (P/N T000022-00C) after installing the protect mode driver, your 
   system will hang up unless you exit from the procedure that the install 
   program edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.

                        Technical support
                TEAC America Inc.
                        Phone           213-727-4860
                        BBS             213-727-7660
                        Fax on Demand   213-727-7629