*********** abk maixx in fpinst.cpp ********* deu&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehler * * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "FCINST.INI ist nicht vorhanden. Rufen Sie Ihren Fachh„ndler an!" feh02 "CHANGES.FC kann nicht angelegt werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler an" feh03 "CONFIG.SYS kann nicht ge”ffnet werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler an" feh04 "LANGUAGE.TXT kann nicht ge”ffnet werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler an" feh05 "Nicht genug Speicher vorhanden: šberprfen Sie ihren Speicher" feh06 "AUTOEXEC.BAT kann nicht ge”ffnet werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler" feh07 "AUTOEXEC.FC kann nicht angelegt werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler an" feh08 "Datei kann nicht angelegt/ge”ffnet werden. Rufen Sie Ihren H„ndler an" mai01 "FEHLER : Die Datei FCINST.INI ist nicht vorhanden" maia1 " rufen Sie Ihren Fachh„ndler an!" mai02 " FREECOM Installationsprogramm (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 "(c)copyright 1996" mai04 " /monochrom erzwingt eine Installation in s/w" mai05 "Die Umgebungsvariable fr tempor„re Dateien ist nicht gesetzt" mai06 "setze Sie auf ......" mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Vielen Dank fr den Kauf eines unserer Produkte ***" mai09 "Installation wird durchgefhrt - bitte beantworten Sie folgende Fragen" mai10 "Entfernen Sie bitte die Diskette aus dem Laufwerk " mai11 "und drcken Sie eine beliebige Taste." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Installation abbrechen" cdb02 "Prefetch Technologie" cdb03 "Hardware-Erkennung wiederholen." cdb04 "Achtung" cdb05 "Es wurde kein Freecom Parallel CD gefunden." cdb06 "Weiter mit beliebiger Taste" cdb11 "Wenn sie diese Option markieren, wird die Installation abgebrochen." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Wenn sie diese Option markieren, wird ein Treiber fr Ger„te " cdb22 "mit Freecom Prefetch Technologie installiert " cdb31 "Wenn sie diese Option markieren, wird erneut nach dem Ger„t" cdb32 "gesucht." ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** get01 "Installationspfad z.B. 'C:\FC'" * *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get02 "Pfad verwenden: " get03 "Installationspfad:" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 "FEHLER" get05 "Verzeichnis kann nicht angelegt werden, bzw. Installationslaufwerk" get06 "ist identisch mit Laufwerk im Zielpfad oder Laufwerk im Zielpfad" get07 "wurde nicht angegeben . . ." get08 "Verzeichniswahl erneut durchfhren mit beliebiger Taste!" *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "Windowsverzeichnis:" gwi02 "Angegebenes Verzeichnis verwenden " gwi03 "Anderes Verzeichnis w„hlen " gwi04 "Windowsanbindung berspringen " gwi05 "Installation abbrechen " gwi06 "Windowsanbindung:" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM im angegebenen Pfad nicht gefunden Zurck mit beliebiger Taste!" ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 "Kopieren der Dateien auf Festplatte" fco02 "Kopieren der Dateien auf Ihre Festplatte" fco03 "Kopiert wird die Datei:" fco04 "" fco05 ". . . bitte warten . . ." * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "JA ." fco07 "NEIN ." fco08 " existiert im Installationsverzeichnis bereits - berschreiben ?" *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 "Kopieren der Dateien auf Ihre Festplatte" wco02 "Kopiervorgang erfolgreich beendet . . ." wco03 "Weiter mit beliebiger Taste!" wco04 "existiert im Windowsverzeichnis bereits - berschreiben ?" ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 "Systemkonfiguration anpassen" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 "Sollen die Startdateien CONFIG.SYS und AUTOEXEC.BAT angepaát werden?" * *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "Ja " cfg05 "Nein " cfg06 "Installation abbrechen " cfg07 "Žnderungen anzeigen " cfg08 "Konfiguration „ndern?" cfg09 "Systemkonfiguration „ndern" cfg12 "Žnderungen an der CONFIG.SYS" cfg13 "Bemerkung: " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** cep01 "Aufruf externer Programme" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "WAEHLEN SIE BITTE" rea02 "Wollen Sie Readme.txt jetzt " rea03 "lesen ? Sie k”nnen die Datei" rea04 "auch sp„ter lesen." ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** ****&&&&&&&&& L„nge mit schlussel w”rter max=20 zeichen &&&&&&&******** tas01 " OK " tas02 " Abbrechen " tas03 " OK " tas04 " Abbrechen" ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 end01 " Ok: ja Abbrechen : Nein Return: Best„tigung " ************* installation_ende() : fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ien01 "***** ENDE DER INSTALLATION ******" ien02 "ENDE DER INSTALLATION" ien03 "Installation abgeschlossen" ien04 " " ien05 "Ihr System muá jetzt neu gestartet werden, um die" ien06 "Žnderungen in den Konfigurationsdateien" ien07 "CONFIG.SYS und AUTOEXEC.BAT zu aktivieren . . ." ien08 " " ien09 "Falls die Startdateien ge„ndert wurden finden Sie" ien10 "die alte CONFIG.SYS unter CONFIG.FC" ien11 "die alte AUTOEXEC.BAT unter AUTOEXEC.FC" ien12 " " ien13 "Drcken Sie [ENTER], um zu DOS zurckzukehren." **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Es wird nichts ge„ndert " sco02 "Žnderungen an der AUTOEXEC.BAT" sco03 "Konfigurations„nderungen anzeigen - weiter mit beliebiger Taste!" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* ****&&&&&&&&& L„nge mit schlussel W”rter max=(werden in changes.fc gschrieben) &&&&&&&******** cco01 "Žnderung in AUTOEXEC.BAT :" cco02 " - Es wird hier nichts ge„ndert" cco03 "Žnderung in CONFIG.SYS :" cco04 "am Ende" cco05 "am Anfang" cco06 "hinter" cco07 "vor" cco08 " _ Es empfiehlt sich folgenden Eintrag einzufgen: " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 ***************** void hd_pruefen(long benotigt,int lw_nr) in fpinst abk. hdp **%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hdp01 " Nicht gengend Platz auf der Festplatte vorhanden." hdp02 " N”tigt ist :" hdp03 " Frei ist :" hdp04 " Schaffen Sie sich freien Platz auf der Festplatte" hdp05 " und starten Sie FCINST.EXE nochmal." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Kopiere Datei: " mac02 "Prozent komplett: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installationsprogramm: FCINST " mac06 "Kopiere die Datei:" **%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 " MSCDEX CD-ROM Treiber fr DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM Power CD Treiber" ****************** DESKTOP.H abk. desxx ************************** des01 " ENTER : Weiter  : Positionieren F1 : Hilfe " des02 "Installation von FREECOM Produkten (c)Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** * * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 "Allgemeine Hinweise" ins02 " ***** BITTE LESEN *****" in021 "" ins03 " Dieses Programm wird Sie mengesteuert durch die Installation ins04 " fhren. Dabei wird zuerst die notwendige Treibersoftware auf" ins05 " Ihre Festplatte kopiert. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Vorschl„ge " ins06 " des Installationsprogrammes zu bernehmen, indem sie diese mit" ins07 " der [ENTER]-Taste best„tigen. Gegebenenfalls k”nnen Sie diese " ins08 " Vorschl„ge jedoch „ndern. " ins09 "" ins10 " Nachdem die Software auf Ihre Festplatte kopiert wurde, werden Sie" ins11 " gefragt, ob das Programm die notwendigen Žnderungen in Ihrer" ins12 " CONFIG.SYS und AUTOEXEC.BAT durchfhren soll. " ins13 "" ins14 " Weiter mit [ENTER]-Taste" ins15 " Installiere " ****&&&&&&&&& L„nge mit schlussel w”rter max=66 zeichen &&&&&&&******** ins16 "Interner Fehler" ins17 "Unvollst„ndige Installationsdiskette . . ." ins18 "Bei der Installation ist ein unbehebarer Fehler" ins19 "aufgetreten, verst„ndigen Sie bitte Ihren Fachh„ndler!" ins20 "Programmabbruch mit beliebiger Taste!" ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. mesxx *********************** mes01 "Bitte legen Sie die Diskette " mes02 "ins Installationslaufwerk" mes03 "Diskettenwechsel" mes04 "Weiter: beliebige Taste Programmabbruch: ESC" ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** ** bitte auf leere pl„tze achten mak01 "HILFE" mak02 "þþ Abbrechen" mak03 " Zurck" mak04 " Weiter" mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " Weiter" hil02 " Abbrechen " hil03 " Zurck" hil04 "a" hil05 "w" hil06 "z" hil07 "Allgemeine Hilfe" **************** fkt endheaderf1(int,int ) in cpuver.h *********************** enh01 " RETURN = Weiter ESC:Abbruch " **************** fkt auswaehlen in features.h *********************** fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM" fea11 "W„hlen Sie diese Option, wenn das externe CD-ROM-Laufwerk" fea12 "ein TEAC Laufwerk ist." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM" fea21 "W„hlen Sie diese Option, wenn das externe CD-ROM-Laufwerk" fea22 "ein MITSUMI Laufwerk ist." ***//// MUSS IN ANDERE SPRACHEN šBERSETZT WERDEN *fea00 " LEERTASTE=w„hlen/abw„hlen +=alles w„hlen -=alles abw„hlen F10=Weiter" fea00 " LEERTASTE=w„hlen F10=Weiter" feal1 "Bitte mindestens eine Auswahl markieren! " feal2 "Weiter mit beliebiger Taste. " deu&&end *____________________________________________________________________________* ********** Texte ,die im main() fkt. befinden in datei: fpinst.cpp * *********** abkurzung maixx :fr xx werden zahlen eingesetzt********* ** eng&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehler *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "ERROR: The file FCINST.INI is missing. Please call your dealer" feh02 "ERROR: Cannot save the file CHANGES.FC. Please call your dealer." feh03 "ERROR: Cannot open the file CONFIG.SYS. Please call your dealer." feh04 "ERROR: Cannot open the file LANGUAGE.TXT. Please call your dealer." feh05 "ERROR: Not enough memory available to execute this program " feh06 "ERROR: Cannot open the file AUTOEXEC.BAT. Please call your dealer." feh07 "ERROR: Cannot save the file AUTOEXEC:FC. Please call your dealer." feh08 "ERROR: File cannot be saved or opened. Please call your dealer." mai01 "ERROR: Cannot find the file FCINST.INI. " maia1 " Please call your dealer! " mai02 "FREECOM install program (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 "(c)copyright 1996" mai04 " /monochrome. Requires installation in b/w" mai05 "A parameter for temporary files has not been specified" mai06 "Please specify......" mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Thank you for choosing a FREECOM product! ***" mai09 "Please respond to the following dialog boxes and menus." mai10 "Please remove the install disk from the drive mai11 "and press any key to continue." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Abort installation" cdb02 "Install Prefetch Technology" cdb03 "Repeat board test" cdb04 "Attention" cdb05 "A Freecom parallel port CD drive couldn't be detected." cdb06 "Press any key to continue." cdb11 "If you select this option the installation will be aborted." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Please select this option to install the driver " cdb22 "for Freecom Prefetch Technology " cdb31 "Please select this option to repeat the hardware detection." cdb32 "Please check the cables and the power supply at first. " ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get01 "Installation path and directory" get02 "Use this path?" get03 "Installation path:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 "ERROR" get05 "Cannot create directory or destination directory's drive" get06 "unspecified or drive to be installed is the same" get07 "as installation drive." get08 "Press any key to reenter directory." *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "Windows directory:" gwi02 "use directory shown " gwi03 "choose another directory " gwi04 "Do not tie in with windows " gwi05 "Quit installation " gwi06 "Windows directory:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM not found in specified directory! Press any key to continue" ************* get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp : abk gdrxx **** gdr01 "Identify drive type" gdr02 "Drive type detected (automatic detection)" gdr03 "please wait, looking for a drive . . ." gdr04 "Manual drive selection - choose one of the following drives:" gdr05 "Did not find a drive. Please choose one manually:" gdr06 "Use this drive?" ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 "Copy files to hard disk" fco02 "Copying files to hard disk" fco03 "Now copying file:" fco04 "" fco05 "Please wait..." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "YES ." fco07 "NO ." fco08 " already exists in destination directory. Overwrite it?" *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 "Copying files to hard disk" wco02 "Copying successfully completed." wco03 "Press any key to continue." wco04 "already exists in Windows directory. Overwrite it?" ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 "Modify system configuration" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 " Modify configuration files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT?" *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "Yes " cfg05 "No " cfg06 "Abort installation " cfg07 "Show file modifications " cfg08 "Modify configuration?" cfg09 "Modify configuration?" cfg12 "Changes to CONFIG.SYS" cfg13 "Remark " cfg14 "Your CONFIG.SYS is menue driven. " cfg15 "please change files manually " cfg16 " " ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 cep01 "Call external programs" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "Please choose " rea02 "Would you like to read " rea03 "readme.txt? You can also " rea04 "read this file later on. " ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** tas01 " OK " tas02 " ESC " tas03 " OK " tas04 " ESC " ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 **end01 " Ok: ja Abbrechen : Nein Return: Bestetigung " ************* installation_ende() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ien01 "*** Installation completed successfully ***" ien02 "Installation complete" ien03 "Installation has been completed successfully." ien04 " " ien05 "If the startup files CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT" ien06 "have been modified, the original files have" ien07 "been backed up as CONFIG.FC and AUTOEXEC.FC." ien08 "" ien09 "After returning to DOS, reboot your system " ien10 "to activate changes made in CONFIG.SYS" ien11 "and AUTOEXEC.BAT." ien12 " " ien13 "Press [Enter] key to exit to DOS." **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Nothing will be changed " sco02 "Changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT" sco03 "Show startup file modifications - press any key to continue" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* cco01 "Changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT :" cco02 " - Nothing will be changed" cco03 "Changes to CONFIG.SYS :" cco04 "at the end" cco05 "at the beginning" cco06 "behind" cco07 "for" cco08 " _ It is recommended to add the following entry : " *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hdp01 " Not enough free disk space on hard disk." hdp02 " disk space needed:" hdp03 " available:" hdp04 " Please delete some files to get enough free space." hdp05 " Start FCINST.EXE again." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Copy file: " mac02 "percent completed: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installation program: FCINST " mac06 "Copy file:" *///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ****&&&&&&&&& L„nge mit schlussel w”rter max=80 zeichen &&&&&&&******** ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 "MSCDEX CD-ROM driver for DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM Power CD driver" ****************** DESKTOP.H abk. desxx ************************** des01 "ENTER: O.K  : Change Selection F1:Help" des02 "FREECOM Installation Program (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "choose one of the following drives:" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 " General Information" ins02 " ***** PLEASE READ *****" in021 " " ins03 " This installation program will install the software neccessary to" ins04 " operate your Freecom device. It will automatically create a " ins05 " directory on your harddisk and copy the device driver files." ins06 " After the files have been copied onto your hard disk, the program" ins07 " will ask you if it should modify the configuration files " ins08 " CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. " ins09 " " ins10 " We recommend you to simply accept the programs default values " ins11 " by typing [Enter], but of course you can change these values if " ins12 " you so desire." ins13 " " ins14 " Press [Enter] key to continue." **????????????????????????????????????????? ins15 "Installing " ins16 "Internal error" ins17 "defective Installdisk . . ." ins18 "An unrecoverable error occurred during installation," ins19 "please call your dealer." ins20 "Press [Enter] to end installation." ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. insxx *********************** mes01 "Please put installdisk" mes02 "into your floppy disk drive." mes03 "please change diskette" mes04 "continue: [Enter] end : ESC" **??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** * bitte auf leere pl„tze achten mak01 "HELP" mak02 "þþ Abort " mak03 " Go Back" mak04 " Continue" mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " Continue" hil02 " Abort " hil03 " Go Back" hil04 "a" hil05 "c" hil06 "g" hil07 "General Help" ******** FEATURES.h abk=feaxx **************************************** *************** die Max. Antr„ge=8 von fea01-->fea08 ******************** **************** fkt endheaderf1(int,int ) in cpuver.h *********************** enh01 " RETURN = CONTINUE ESC:EXIT " **************** fkt auswaehlen in features.h *********************** fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM Drive " fea11 "Please choose this option if you have installed a TEAC CD-ROM-drive" fea12 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM Drive" fea21 "Please choose this option if you have installed a MITSUMI CD-ROM-drive" fea22 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." *fea00 " SPACE=Mark/Unmark +=Mark all -=Unmark all F10=Continue" fea00 " SPACE=Mark F10=Continue" feal1 "Please mark at least one option!" feal2 "Press any key to continue" **************** fkt fehler1,11,2,22 in cpuver.h *********************** eng&&end fra&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehler * * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "FCINST.INI n'a pas ‚t‚ install‚. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh02 "CHANGES.FC ne peut pas ˆtre install‚. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh03 "CONFIG.SYl ne peut pas ˆtre lu. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh04 "LANGUAGE.TXT ne peut pas ˆtre lu. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh05 "Pas assez de m‚moire disponible: v‚rifiez votre m‚moire!" feh06 "AUTOEXEC.BAT ne peut pas ˆtre lu. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh07 "AUTOEXEC.FC ne peut pas ˆtre install‚. Appelez votre revendeur!" feh08 "Le fichier ne peut ˆtre install‚/lu. Appelez votre revendeur!" mai01 "ERREUR: le fichier FCINST.INI n'est pas disponible" maia1 " Appelez votre revendeur!" mai02 "FREECOM Programme d'installation du 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 "(c) Copyright 1996" mai04 " /monochrome n‚cessite une installation en noir et blanc" mai05 "Variable du systŠme pour fichiers temporaires pas mise en place" mai06 "Mettez la en place..." mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Nous vous remercions pour l'achat d'un de nos produits ***" mai09 "L'installation va ˆtre r‚alis‚e. R‚pondez aux questions suivantes SVP" mai10 "Please remove the install disk from the drive mai11 "and press any key to continue." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Abort installation" cdb02 "Install Prefetch Technology" cdb03 "Repeat board test" cdb04 "Attention" cdb05 "A Freecom parallel port CD drive couldn't be detected." cdb06 "Press any key to continue." cdb11 "If you select this option the installation will be aborted." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Please select this option to install the driver " cdb22 "for Freecom Prefetch Technology " cdb31 "Please select this option to repeat the hardware detection." cdb32 "Please check the cables and the power supply at first. " ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** get01 "R‚pertoire d'installation par ex. 'C:\FC'" * *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get02 "Appliquer le r‚pertoire: " get03 "R‚pertoire d'installation:" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 "ERREUR" get05 "le r‚pertoire ne peut ˆtre install‚, ou bien le lecteur d'installation" get06 "est identique au lecteur en r‚pertoire de destination ou encore le" get07 "lecteur en r‚pertoire de destination n'a pas ‚t‚ sp‚cifi‚..." get08 "La s‚lection de r‚pertoire renouvelle l'ex‚cution: touche quelconque" *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "R‚pertoire Windows:" gwi02 "Utiliser le r‚pertoire indiqu‚ " gwi03 "S‚lectionner un autre r‚pertoire " gwi04 "Sauter la connexion Windows " gwi05 "Interrompre l'installation " gwi06 "Connexion Windows:" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM non trouv‚ en r‚pertoire indiqu‚, retour par touche quelconque" ************* get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp : abk gdrxx **** ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=60 zeichen &&&&&&&******** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 "Copie des fichiers sur disque dur" fco02 "Copie des fichiers sur votre disque dur" fco03 "Le fichier va ˆtre copi‚:" fco04 "" fco05 ". . . Attendez SVP . . ." * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "OUI ." fco07 "NON ." fco08 " existe d‚j… dans le r‚pertoire d'installation - remplacer?" *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 "Copie des fichiers sur votre disque dur" wco02 "Copie r‚alis‚e . . ." wco03 "Suite avec touche de votre choix" wco04 "existe d‚j… dans le r‚pertoire Windows - remplacer?" ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 "Adapter la configuration du systŠme" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 "Fichiers de d‚marrage CONFIG.SYS et AUTOEXEC.BAT doivent ˆtre adapt‚s?" * *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "OUI " cfg05 "NON " cfg06 "Interrompre l'installation " cfg07 "Indiquer les modifications " cfg08 "Modifier la configuration?" cfg09 "Modifier la configuration du systŠme" cfg12 "Modifications … CONFIG.SYS" cfg13 "Remarque: " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 cep01 "Appel d'un programme externe" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "CHOISIR SVP" rea02 "Voulez vous lire Readme.txt " rea03 "maintenant? Vous pouvez aussi " rea04 "lire le fichier ult‚rieurement" ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=20 zeichen &&&&&&&******** tas01 "OK " tas02 " Interrompre " tas03 " OK " tas04 "Interrompre" ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 **end01 " OK: oui Interrompre: non Retour: Validation " ************* installation_ende() : fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ien01 "***** FIN DE L'INSTALLATION ******" ien02 "Fin de l'installation" ien03 "Installation achev‚e" ien04 " " ien05 "Votre systŠme doit ˆtre … nouveau d‚marrer pour " ien06 "activer les modifications dans les fichiers de " ien07 "configurations CONFIG.SYS et AUTOEXEC.BAT. . ." ien08 " " ien09 "Si les fichiers de d‚marrage ont ‚t‚ modifi‚, " ien10 "vous trouverez l'ancienne CONFIG.SYS sous " ien11 "CONFIG.FC l'ancienne AUTOEXEC.BAT sous " ien12 "AUTOEXEC.FC" ien13 "Appuyez sur [ENTREE] pour revenir … DOS." **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Rien ne sera modifi‚" sco02 "Modifications … AUTOEXEC.BAT" ** zu lang **sco03 "Indiquer les modifications de configuration - suite avec touche quelconque!" sco03 "Indiquer les modifications de configuration-suite avec touche quelconque" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=(werden in chang.fp gschrieben) &&&&&&&******** cco01 "Modifications dans AUTOEXEC.BAT:" cco02 " - Rien ne sera modifi‚ … cet endroit" cco03 "Modifications dans CONFIG.SYS:" cco04 "… la fin" cco05 "au d‚but" cco06 "aprŠs" cco07 "avant" cco08 " _ il est recommand‚ d'ins‚rer l'inscription suivante:" * hdp01 " Not enough free disk space on hard disk." hdp02 " disk space needed:" hdp03 " available:" hdp04 " Please delete some files to get enough free space." hdp05 " Start FCINST.EXE again." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Copy File: " mac02 "percent completed: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installation program: FCINST " mac06 "Copy file:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 "MSCDEX driver CD-ROM pour DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM Power CD Driver" ****************** DESKTOP.H abk. desxx ************************** des01 " ENTREE : Suite  : Positionner F1 : Help" des02 "Installation de produits FREECOM (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 " Renseignements g‚n‚raux" ins02 " ***** VEUILLEZ LIRE CES LIGNES *****" in021 " " ins03 "Ce programme vous dirigera … l'aide de menus dans l'installation." ins04 "Ainsi le programme driver n‚cessaire devra d'abord ˆtre copi‚" ins05 "sur votre disque dur. Nous vous conseillons d'utiliser … nouveau" ins06 "les commandes du programme d'installation, en les validant par" ins07 "la touche [ENTREE]. Si n‚cessaire vous pourrez tout de mˆme modifier " ins08 "des commandes. " ins09 "AprŠs que le programme " ins10 "ait ‚t‚ copi‚ sur votre disque dur, on vous " ins11 "demandera si le programme doit r‚aliser les modifications n‚cessaires" ins12 "dans votre CONFIG.SYS et AUTOEXEC.BAT." ins13 " " ins14 " Suite avec touche-ENTREE " ins15 " J'installe" ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=66 zeichen &&&&&&&******** ins16 "Erreur interne" ins17 "Disquette d'installation incomplŠte. . ." ins18 "Au cours de l'installation s'est manifest‚ une erreur irr‚versible," ins19 "pr‚venez votre revendeur SVP!" ins20 "Interruption de programme avec touche quelconque!" ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. mesxx *********************** mes01 "Introduire la disquette dans le lecteur " mes02 "d'installation SVP" mes03 "changement de disquette" mes04 "Suite: touche quelconque Interruption de programme: ESC" ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** ** bitte auf leere pl"tze achten mak01 "HELP" mak02 "þþ interrompre" mak03 " retour" mak04 " suite" mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " suite" hil02 " interrompre" hil03 " retour" hil04 "i" hil05 "s" hil06 "r" hil07 "aide d'odre g‚n‚ral" **************** fkt endheaderf1(int,int ) in cpuver.h *********************** enh01 " RETOUR = Suite ESC: interruption" fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM Drive " fea11 "Please choose this option if you have installed a TEAC CD-ROM-drive into your" fea12 "Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM Drive" fea21 "Please choose this option if you have installed a MITSUMI CD-ROM-drive into" fea22 "your PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." *fea00 " SPACE=Mark/Unmark +=Mark all -=Unmark all F10=Continue" fea00 " SPACE=Mark F10=Continue" feal1 "Please mark at least one option!" feal2 "Press any key to continue" fra&&end ned&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehler *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "FCINST.INI is niet voorhanden. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." feh02 "CHANGES.FC kan niet worden aangemaakt. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." feh03 "CONFIG.SYS kan niet worden geopend. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." feh04 "LANGUAGE.TXT kan niet worden geopend. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." feh05 "Uw PC heeft niet genoeg werkgeheugen om dit programma uit te voeren" feh06 "AUTOEXEC.BAT kan niet worden geopend. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." feh07 "AUTOEXEC.FC kan niet worden aangemaakt. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies" feh08 "Bestand kan niet worden geopend. Vraag a.u.b uw dealer om advies." mai01 " ERROR: Cannot find the file FCINST.INI. " maia1 " Please call your dealer! " mai02 "FREECOM Installatieprogramma (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 "(c)copyright 1996" mai04 " /monochrome: voor installatie op zwart/wit beeldscherm" mai05 "parameter voor omgevingsvaraibelen niet gespecificeerd" mai06 "a.u.b. aangeven....." mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Wij danken u voor de aanschaf van een van onze produkten ***" mai09 "Bij de softwareinstallatie a.u.b. volgende vragen beantwoorden." mai10 "Please remove the install disk from the drive mai11 "and press any key to continue." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Abort installation" cdb02 "Install Prefetch Technology" cdb03 "Repeat board test" cdb04 "Attention" cdb05 "A Freecom parallel port CD drive couldn't be detected." cdb06 "Press any key to continue." cdb11 "If you select this option the installation will be aborted." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Please select this option to install the driver " cdb22 "for Freecom Prefetch Technology " cdb31 "Please select this option to repeat the hardware detection." cdb32 "Please check the cables and the power supply at first. " ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get01 "Installatie directory, bv. C:\FC" get02 "Dit directory gebruiken?" get03 "Installatie directory:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 "PROBLEEM:" get05 "Directory kan niet worden aangelegd. Word van het installatieloopwerk" get06 "naar zichzelf gekopieerd? (Bv. van a: naar a:). Eventueel werd het" get07 "station (bv. C:) niet in het doelpad aangegeven" get08 "druk een toets om opnieuw het doelpad in te geven." *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "Windows directory " gwi02 "aangegeven directory gebruiken " gwi03 "een ander directory gebruiken " gwi04 "windowsinstallatie niet uitvoeren " gwi05 "Installatie be‰indigen " gwi06 "Windowsdirectory:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM is in het aangegeven directory niet voorhanden. [Enter]" ************* get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp : abk gdrxx **** gdr01 "Identify Drive Type" gdr02 "Drive Type Detected (Automatic Detection)" gdr03 "please wait, looking for a drive . . ." gdr04 "Manual Drive Selection - choose one of the following drives:" gdr05 "Did not find a drive. Please choose one manually:" gdr06 "Use this drive?" ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 "Bestanden worden naar de harde schijf gekopieerd." fco02 "Bestanden worden naar de harde schijf gekopi‰rd." fco03 "gekopieerd word het bestand....." fco04 "voor...." fco05 "....even wachten a.u.b...." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "JA ." fco07 "NEE ." fco08 " Bestand is in het doelpad al voorhanden. Overschrijven?" *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 "Bestanden worden naar de vaste schijf gekopi‰erd." wco02 "Kopi‰ren met succes be‰indigd." wco03 "Druk op een willekeurige toets om door te gaan." wco04 " Bestand is in het windowspad al voorhanden. Overschrijven?" ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 "Systeemconfiguratie aanpassen" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 "Configuratiebestanden CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT aanpassen?" *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "Ja " cfg05 "Nee " cfg06 "Installatie onderbreken " cfg07 "Veranderingen tonen " cfg08 "Configuratie veranderen? " cfg09 "Configuratie veranderen? " cfg12 "Veranderingen in CONFIG.SYS " cfg13 "Opmerking " cfg14 "Uw CONFIG.SYS is menugestuurd. " cfg15 "De automatische verandering van de Configuratiebestanden is onderbroken " cfg16 "De noodzakelijke veranderingen vind u in het bestand CHANGES.FC" ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 cep01 "Aufruf externer Programme" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "Maak a.u.b. uw keuze " rea02 "Wilt u het bestand " rea03 "RESDME.TXT lezen? U kunt " rea04 "dit bestand ook later lezen" ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** tas01 " OK " tas02 " ESC " tas03 " OK " tas04 " ESC " ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 **end01 " " ************* installation_ende() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ien01 "*** EINDE DER INSTALATIE ***" ien02 "Einde der instalatie " ie021 "" ien03 "Installatie successvol be‰indigd " ien04 " " ien05 "Uw moet uw PC opnieuw starten om de veranderingen" ien06 "in de CONFIG.SYS en AUTOEXEC.BAT te activeren...." ien07 "De oorspronkelijke configuratiebestanden kunt u" ien08 "terugvinden onder CONFIG.FP en AUTOEXEC.FP" ien09 "" ien10 "" ie101 "" ien11 "Druk op de [Enter] toets om terug te keren " ien12 "naar DOS." **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Er word niets veranderd " sco02 "Veranderingen in de AUTOEXEC.BAT" sco03 "Configuratieveranderingen bekijken - [Enter] toets drukken" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* cco01 "Veranderingen in AUTOEXEC.BAT :" cco02 " - Er word niets veranderd -" cco03 Veranderingen in CONFIG.SYS :" cco04 "aan het einde" cco05 "aan het begin" cco06 "na" cco07 "voor" cco08 " a.u.b. volgende regel invoegen : " hdp01 " Not enough free disk space on hard disk." hdp02 " disk space needed:" hdp03 " available:" hdp04 " Please delete some files to get enough free space." hdp05 " Start FCINST.EXE again." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Copy File: " mac02 "percent completed: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installation program: FCINST " mac06 "Copy file:" ****&&&&&&&&& L„nge mit schlussel w”rter max=80 zeichen &&&&&&&******** ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 "MSCDEX CD-ROM stuurprogramma voor DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM Power CD stuurprogramma" ****************** DESKTOP.H abk. desxx ************************** des01 "ENTER: O.K.  : Selecteren F1:Help" **des01 "ENTER: O.K.  PIJL NAAR BOVEN/BENEDEN: Selecteren F1:Help" des02 "FREECOM Installatie Programma (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "kies een van de volgende produkten" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 " Algemene Informatie" ins02 " ***** LEZEN AUB *****" in021 " " ins03 " Aan de hand van dit menugestuurde programma kunt u de software" ins04 " installeren, die nodig is om het Freecom apparaat te besturen." ins05 " Daartoe wordt eerst de besturingssoftware op uw harde schijf" ins06 " gekopieerd. Wij raden u aan, het voorgeslagen directory te " ins07 " kiezen, maar u kunt ook een ander pad aangeven inien u dit wenst." ins08 " " ins09 " Nadat de software op uw harde schijf is ge‹nstallerd, vraagt het" ins10 " programma of het de noodzakelijke veranderingen in de configuratie" ins11 " bestanden CONFIG.SYS en AUTOEXEC.BAT moet uitvoeren." ins12 " " ins13 " " ins14 " [Enter] toets drukken om verder te gaan." ins15 "De installatie begint " ins16 "interne fout" ins17 "defekte installatiediskette . . ." ins18 "Bij de Installatie is een fout" ins19 "opgetreden, raadpleeg a.u.b. uw dealer" ins20 "Installatie onderbreken met [Enter]" ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. insxx *********************** mes01 "Diskette in het Disketten- " mes02 "station leggen a.u.b." mes03 "Diskette wisselen a.u.b." mes04 "Verder: [Enter] Einde Installatie: [ESC]" ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** ** bitte auf leere pl„tze achten mak01 "HELP" mak02 "þþ ESC " mak03 " TERUG " mak04 " VERDER " mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " VERDER" hil02 " ESC " hil03 " TERUG " hil04 "e" hil05 "v" hil06 "t" hil07 "algemene Hulp" ******** FEATURES.h abk=feaxx **************************************** **************** fkt endheaderf1(int,int ) in cpuver.h *********************** enh01 " RETURN = verder ESC: einde " fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM Drive " fea11 "Please choose this option if you have installed a TEAC CD-ROM-drive" fea12 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM Drive" fea21 "Please choose this option if you have installed a MITSUMI CD-ROM-drive" fea22 "into your PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." *fea00 " SPACE=Mark/Unmark +=Mark all -=Unmark all F10=Continue" fea00 " SPACE=Mark F10=Continue" feal1 "Please mark at least one option!" feal2 "Press any key to continue" **************** fkt fehler1,11,2,22 in cpuver.h *********************** ned&&end *____________________________________________________________________________* *********** abk maixx in fpinst.cpp ********* ita&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehller *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "FCINST.INI non esiste; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh02 "CHANGES.FC non creabile; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh03 "CONFIG.SYS non leggibile; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh04 "LANGUAGE.TXT non leggibile; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh05 "memoria insufficente; controlli la memoria convenzionale." feh06 "AUTOEXEC.BAT non leggibile; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh07 "AUTOEXEC.FC non creabile; telefoni al Suo venditore specializzato!" feh08 "File non leggibile o non creabile; telefoni al Suo venditore!" mai01 " ERRORE : Il file FCINST.INI non esiste " maia1 " telefoni al suo venditore specializzato ! " mai02 " Installazione di prodotti FREECOM del 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 " (c)copyright in 1996" mai04 " /monocroma crea una installazione in bianco e nero" mai05 "La variabile ambiente per i files temporanei non Š fissata" mai06 "la fissi su ......" mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Grazie per aver acquistato uno dei nostri prodotti ***" mai09 " Inizio dell'installazione. Per favore risponda alle seguenti domande" mai10 "Please remove the install disk from the drive mai11 "and press any key to continue." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Abort installation" cdb02 "Install Prefetch Technology" cdb03 "Repeat board test" cdb04 "Attention" cdb05 "A Freecom parallel port CD drive couldn't be detected." cdb06 "Press any key to continue." cdb11 "If you select this option the installation will be aborted." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Please select this option to install the driver " cdb22 "for Freecom Prefetch Technology " cdb31 "Please select this option to repeat the hardware detection." cdb32 "Please check the cables and the power supply at first. " ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get01 " Path di installazione, p. es. 'C:\FC' " get02 " Usare il path ? " get03 " Path di installazione: " *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 " ERRORE" get05 " La directory non pu• essere creata o il drive di installazione Š " get06 " identico con quello del path-destinazione o nel path-destinazione " get07 " non Š stato digitato il drive..." get08 " Ripetere la scelta della directory di destinazione premendo un tasto " *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "directory di Windows:" gwi02 "usare la directory indicata " gwi03 "scegliere un'altra directory " gwi04 "saltare l'installazione per Windows " gwi05 "interrompere l'installazione " gwi06 "installazione per Windows:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM non trovato. Indietro: qualsiasi tasto!" ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 " Copia i files sul disco fisso" fco02 " Copia i files sul Suo disco fisso" fco03 " Viene copiato il file:" fco04 "" fco05 "....... attendere prego ....." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "SI ." fco07 "NO ." fco08 " esiste gi… nella directory - copiare sopra ? " *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 " Copia i files sul disco fisso" wco02 " La copia Š stata conclusa con successo..." wco03 " Per continuare premere un tasto qualsiasi" wco04 " esiste gi… nella directory di Windows - copiare sopra ? " ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 " Modifica alla configurazione del sistema" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 " Modificare i file di boot CONFIG.SYS e AUTOEXEC.BAT?" *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "Si " cfg05 "No " cfg06 "Interrompere l'installazione " cfg07 "Mostrare le modifiche " cfg08 "Modificare la configurazione?" cfg09 "Modifica alla configurazione del sistema" cfg12 "Modifiche al CONFIG.SYS" cfg13 "Nota " ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 cep01 "richiamo di programmi esterni" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "SCELGA PER FAVORE" rea02 "Desidera leggere README.TXT" rea03 "adesso o pi— tardi? Pu• " rea04 "leggerla anche pi— tardi." ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** tas01 " OK " tas02 " NO " tas03 " OK " tas04 " NO " ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 **end01 " OK: S Interrompere: No Return: Invio " ************* installation_ende() : fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** ** laenge von disen absschnitt darf 55 lang sein *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ien01 " *** INSTALLAZIONE TERMINATA ***" ien02 "Installazione terminata" ien03 "Installazione conclusa " ien04 " " ien05 "Deve fare ripartire il Suo sistema adesso " ien06 "per attivare le modifiche ai file " ien07 "CONFIG.SYS e AUTOEXEC.BAT ... " ien08 "" ien09 "Se i file di configurazione sono" ien10 "stati modificati, trover…" ien11 "il vecchio CONFIG.SYS sotto il nome CONFIG.FC " ien12 "e il vecchio AUTOEXEC.BAT sotto AUTOEXEC.FC " ien13 "Prema [INVIO], per tornare al DOS " **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Non viene cambiato nulla " sco02 "Modifiche allïAUTOEXEC.BAT:" sco03 "Mostrare le modifiche - per continuare premere un tasto!" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* cco01 " Modifiche al CONFIG.SYS :" cco02 " - Non viene cambiato nulla " cco03 " Modifiche al CONFIG.SYS :" cco04 "alla fine" cco05 "all'inizio" cco06 "dietro" cco07 "davanti" cco08 " _ Si raccomanda di inserire questa riga : " ***cco09 " " hdp01 " Not enough free disk space on hard disk." hdp02 " disk space needed:" hdp03 " available:" hdp04 " Please delete some files to get enough free space." hdp05 " Start FCINST.EXE again." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Copy File: " mac02 "percent completed: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installation program: FCINST " mac06 "Copy file:" ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 "MSCDEX device CD-ROM per DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM device per Power CD " ****************** DESKTOP.H ************************** ********** abkrzung =desxx ******************* des01 "ENTER : confermare  : posizionare F1 : aiuto " des02 "Installazione di prodotti FREECOM (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 " Avvertimenti generali" ins02 " *** LEGGERE, PER FAVORE ***" in021 " " ins03 "Questo programma guida l'installazione tramite un menu. " ins04 "Come prima cosa vengono copiati i drivers sulla harddisk." ins05 "Consigliamo di seguire le proposte del programma " ins06 "di installazione, confermandole con [INVIO]. " ins07 " " ins08 "Eventualmente pu• per• modificare tali consigli a seconda " ins09 "dei Suoi bisogni. " ins10 "Dopo che il software Š stato copiato sulla Sua harddisk, " ins11 "Le verr… chiesto, se il programma deve effettuare le modifiche " ins12 "alla Sua CONFIG.SYS e AUTOEXEC.BAT " ins13 "" ins14 "Per continuare premere un tasto qualsiasi. " ins15 "Sta installando ..." ins16 "Errore interno" ins17 "Dischetto d'installazione incompleto . . ." ins18 "Durante l'installazione si Š verificato un grave errore, " ins19 "prego informi il Suo venditore specializzato!" ins20 "Interruzione del programma con qualsiasi tasto!" ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. mesxx *********************** mes01 "Prego inserire il dischetto " mes02 "nel drive per l'installazione" mes03 "Cambiare il dischetto" mes04 "Continuare: qualsiasi tasto Terminare il programma: ESC" ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** ** bitte auf leere pl„tze achten mak01 "AIUTO" mak02 "þþ Finire" mak03 " Indietro" mak04 " Continua" mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " Continua" hil02 " Finire" hil03 " Indietro" hil04 "f" hil05 "c" hil06 "i" hil07 "Aiuto generale" ******** FEATURES.h abk=feaxx enh01 " RETURN = Continua ESC = Finire fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM Drive " fea11 "Please choose this option if you have installed a TEAC CD-ROM-drive" fea12 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM Drive" fea21 "Please choose this option if you have installed a MITSUMI CD-ROM-drive" fea22 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." *fea00 " SPACE=Mark/Unmark +=Mark all -=Unmark all F10=Continue" fea00 " SPACE=Mark F10=Continue" feal1 "Please mark at least one option!" feal2 "Press any key to continue" **************************************** fel01 "AVVERTIMENTO" fel02 " Forse il device non funziona con questo tipo di processore. " fel03 "" fel04 " Forse il device non funziona con questa versione " fel05 " del sistema operativo. " fel06 " Il device funziona con le seguenti versioni di CPU: " fel07 " Possono sorgere problemi su questo computer " fel08 " Il device funziona con le seguenti versioni di DOS: " fel09 " Possono sorgere problemi su questo computer " ita&&end esp&&anf ** Allgemeine Fehler *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 feh01 "FCINST.INI no ha sido encontrado. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh02 "CHANGES.FC no puede ser instalado. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh03 "CONFIG.SYS no puede ser abierto. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh04 "LANGUAGE.TXT no puede ser abierto. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh05 "No hay suficiente memoria disponible. Examine la memoria." feh06 "AUTOEXEC.BAT no puede ser abierto. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh07 "AUTOEXEC.FC no puede ser instalado. ¡Consulte con su especialista!" feh08 "El fichero no puede ser instalado/abierto. ¡Consulte con especialista!" mai01 "ERROR: El fichero FCINST.INI no ha sido encontrado" maia1 " ¡Consulte con su especialista!!" mai02 "FREECOM Programa de Instalaci¢n de 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" mai03 "(c)copyright 1996" mai04 " /el monocromo obliga una instalaci¢n en b/n " mai05 "la variable de entorno para ficheros temporales no ha sido dada." mai06 "ins‚rtela in ... " mai07 "SET TEMP=C:" mai08 "*** Gracias por la compra de nuestro producto ***" mai09 "Instalaci¢n en curso - rogamos conteste las siguentes preguntas " mai10 "Please remove the install disk from the drive mai11 "and press any key to continue." *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 ************ cdboardtest() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. cdbxx **** cdb01 "Abort installation" cdb02 "Install Prefetch Technology" cdb03 "Repeat board test" cdb04 "Attention" cdb05 "A Freecom parallel port CD drive couldn't be detected." cdb06 "Press any key to continue." cdb11 "If you select this option the installation will be aborted." cdb12 "" cdb21 "Please select this option to install the driver " cdb22 "for Freecom Prefetch Technology " cdb31 "Please select this option to repeat the hardware detection." cdb32 "Please check the cables and the power supply at first. " ********** get_path() fkt.: fpinst.cpp abk. getxx *************** get01 "Directorio de instalaci¢n p.ej. 'C:\FC'" * *---------1---------2---------3---------4 get02 "Utilizar la trayectoria:" get03 " Directorio de instalaci¢n: " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 get04 "ERROR" get05 "El directorio no puede ser creado, posiblemente coincida la unidad de " get06 "instalaci¢n con la unidad destino o quiz  " get07 "no haya sido especificada la unidad destino..." get08 "Pulse tecla cualquiera para repetir la entrada del directorio destino." *********** get_winpath fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gwixx ************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4-----47 gwi01 "Directorio Windows:" gwi02 "Utilizar el directorio dado " gwi03 "Elegir otro directorio " gwi04 "Omitir la uni¢n con Windows " gwi05 "Cancelar la instalaci¢n " gwi06 "Uni¢n con Windows:" * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 gwi07 "WIN.COM no ha sido encontrado en la trayectoria dada." gwi08 "Para volver pulse una tecla cualquiera." ************ get_drive fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. gdrxx **** ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=60 zeichen &&&&&&&******** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6 fco01 "Copiando los ficheros sobre el disco duro" fco02 "Copiando los ficheros sobre su disco duro" fco03 "Copiando el fichero:" fco04 "" fco05 ". . . espere un momento . . ." * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 fco06 "SI ." fco07 "NO ." **fco08 " en el directorio de instalaci¢n ya existe el fichero. ¨sobreescribir?" fco08 " en el directorio de instalaci¢n ya existe. ¨sobreescribir?" *********** win_copy() fkt. : fpinst.cpp abk. wcoxx ** wco01 "Copiando los ficheros en su disco duro" wco02 "Copia realizada con ‚xito. . ." wco03 "Pulse cualqier tecla para continuar." **wco04 "en el directorio de Windows ya existe el fichero. ¨sobreescribir?" wco04 "en el directorio de Windows ya existe. ¨sobreescribir?" ************ chg_cfg() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cfgxx ************** cfg01 "Actualizar el sistema de configuratci¢n " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 cfg03 "¨Deben actualizarse los ficheros de arranque CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT?" * *--------1---------2---------3------38 cfg04 "Si " cfg05 "No " cfg06 "Cancelar la instalaci¢n " cfg07 "Mostrar cambios " cfg08 "¨Modificar configuraci¢n?" cfg09 "Modificando configuraci¢n" cfg12 "Cambios en CONFIG.SYS" cfg13 "Observaci¢n: " * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 ************* call_extern_progs() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. cepxx ****** *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 cep01 "Llamar programas externos" ************* read_zeigen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. reaxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3------38 rea01 "ELIJA USTED POR FAVOR" rea02 "¨Quiere leer Readme.txt " rea03 "ahora? Puede tambi‚n leer " rea04 "el fichero m s tarde." ************* tasteueberprueffen() in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. tasxx ****** *--------1----------21 tas01 " OK " tas02 " Cancelar " tas03 " OK " tas04 " Cancelar " ************* endheader_call(int,int) in datei: fpinst.cpp abk. endxx ****** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7-------79 **end01 " Ok: S¡ Cancelar : No Retorno: Confirmaci¢n " ************* installation_ende() : fpinst.cpp abk. ienxx****************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5-----57 ***ien01 "***** FIN DE LA INSTALACI¢N ******" ien01 "***** Fin de la instalaci¢n ******" ien02 "Fin de la instalaci¢n" ien03 "Instalaci¢n finalizada" ien04 "" ien05 "Arranque de nuevo su sistema, para activar los" ien06 "cambios en los ficheros de configuraci¢n" ien07 "CONFIG.SYS y AUTOEXEC.BAT . . ." ien08 "" ien09 "En caso de que los ficheros de arranque hayan" ien10 "sido modificados, el antiguo CONFIG.SYS se halla " ien11 "bajo CONFIG.FC y el antiguo AUTOEXEC.BAT se halla" ien12 "bajo AUTOEXEC.FC." ien13 "Pulse [RETORNO], para volver a DOS." **************** show_new_config() : fpinst.cpp abk. scoxx **************** sco01 " Nada va a ser modificado " sco02 "Cambios en AUTOEXEC.BAT" *sco03 "Mostrar cambios en la configuraci¢n - para seguir pulse una tecla cualquiera." sco03 "Representar cambios - pulse cualquier tecla para continuar" *************** chang_con() : fpinst.cpp abk. ccoxx ******************* ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=(werden in chang.fp gschrieben) &&&&&&&******** cco01 "Cambios en AUTOEXEC.BAT:" cco02 " - aqui nada va a ser modificado." cco03 "Cambios en CONFIG.SYS:" cco04 "al final" cco05 "al principio" cco06 "detr s" cco07 "delante" cco08 " _ Es aconsejable introducir el siguiente registo: " * hdp01 " Not enough free disk space on hard disk." hdp02 " disk space needed:" hdp03 " available:" hdp04 " Please delete some files to get enough free space." hdp05 " Start FCINST.EXE again." ***************** void maske_copy(void) in fpinst abk mac mac01 "Copy File: " mac02 "percent completed: "; mac03 "FREECOM GmbH " mac04 " SOFTWARE " mac05 "Installation program: FCINST " mac06 "Copy file:" *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8 ****************** AUtOEXEC.H abk. autxx ************************** aut01 "MSCDEX CD-ROM controlador para DOS" ****************** CONFIG.H abk. conxx ************************** con01 "DEVICE=POWER-CD FREECOM Power CD controlador" ****************** DESKTOP.H abk. desxx ************************** des01 " Retorno:Seguir :Flechas F1:Ayuda " des02 "Instalaci¢n de productos FREECOM (c) Copyright 01.09.1996 Ver. HD1.02" ****************** GETDRIVE.H abk. gdrxx ************************** gdr01 "" ****************** INSTALL.H abk. insxx ************************** * *--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------78 ins01 "Indicaciones generales" ins02 " ***** ROGAMOS LEER DETENIDAMENTE *****" in021 " " ins03 " Este programa le guia a trav‚s de la instalaci¢n con ayuda de men£s." ins04 " Para esto se copiar  en primer lugar el software de" ins05 " controlador necesario sobre el disco duro. Les aconsejamos seguir" ins06 " las indicaciones del programa de instalaci¢n, confirm ndolas con" ins07 " la tecla [RETORNO]." ins08 " " ins09 " Dado el caso puede cambiar los indicaciones." ins10 " Una vez se haya copiado el software sobre el disco duro, se" ins11 " le preguntar  si el programa debe actualizar los ficheros" ins12 " CONFIG.SYS y AUTOEXEC.BAT." ins13 " " ins14 " Pulse[RETORNO] para continuar" ins15 " Instalar " ****&&&&&&&&& L"nge mit schlussel w"rter max=66 zeichen &&&&&&&******** ins16 "Error interno" ins17 "Diskette de instalaci¢n incompleto . . ." ins18 "En la instalaci¢n ha aparecido un fallo irreparable, " ins19 "avise a su especialista." ins20 "Pulse una tecla cualquiera para cancelar el programa." ****************** MESSAGE.H abk. mesxx *********************** mes01 "Introduzcan el diskette en la " mes02 "unidad de instalaci¢n" mes03 "Cambio de diskette" mes04 "Seguir: tecla cualquiera Cancelar: ESC" ****************** MASKEH.H abk. makxx ************************** ** bitte auf leere pl"tze achten mak01 "AYUDA" mak02 "þþ Cancelar" mak03 " Vuelta atr s" mak04 " Seguir" mak05 " " ****************** HILFE.H abk. makxx ************************** hil01 " Seguir" hil02 " Cancelar " hil03 " Vuelta atr s" hil04 "c" hil05 "s" hil06 "v" hil07 "Ayuda general" enh01 " RETURN = Continua ESC = Finire fea01 "TEAC CD-ROM Drive " fea11 "Please choose this option if you have installed a TEAC CD-ROM-drive" fea12 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." fea02 "MITSUMI CD-ROM Drive" fea21 "Please choose this option if you have installed a MITSUMI CD-ROM-drive" fea22 "into your Freecom PC-Card CD-ROM Kit." *fea00 " SPACE=Mark/Unmark +=Mark all -=Unmark all F10=Continue" fea00 " SPACE=Mark F10=Continue" feal1 "Please mark at least one option!" feal2 "Press any key to continue" esp&&end