332 MITSUMI DEVICE DRIVER SETUP 333 Select and enter Device driver's parameters.\n\nSETUP to set up these parameters in the system, and if this program is strarted up by the install diskette, install the necessary product files. 334 &DMA CHANNEL 335 &IRQ CHANNEL 336 &AUDIO MODE 337 STEREO 338 MONORAL 339 DOOR &LOCK 340 UNLOCK 341 LOCK 342 I/O &PORT ADDRESS [0X000 - 0X3FF] 343 &BUFFER SIZE [2 - 64] 344 SETUP 345 CANCEL 346 ENTER DIRECTORY 347 Enter the directory to store this program 348 ENTER 349 SETUP ... 350 Setup is in progress\n\nPlease wait! 351 Setup was finished 352 Setup was finished successfully\n\nTo use the device drive, re-IPL the system. 353 Input value error 354 Input value is out of range.\n\nRe-input a valid value 355 Invalid directory 356 Specified directory is invalid\n\nRe-enter a valid directory 357 System error occurred 358 System error has occured in setup.\n\nCheck the system and retry setup. 364 Installation du DEVICE DRIVER de MITSUMI 365 Sélectionner et paramètrer le Device driver.\n\nSélectionner SETUP pour implèmenter les paramètres dans le système, et si ce programme est installé a partir d'une disquette a installer les fichiers nécessaires. 366 Canal &DMA 367 Canal &IRQ 368 MODE &AUDIO 369 STEREO 370 MONO 371 &VERROUILLAGE DE LA PORTE 372 LIBRE 373 VERROUILLEE 374 &PORT ADDRESS I/O [0X000 - 0X3FF] 375 TAILLE DES &BUFFER [2 - 64] 376 SETUP 377 ANNULER 378 Repertoire initial 379 Donner le répertoire pour installer ce programme. 380 ENTREE 381 INSTALLATION 382 Installation en cours.\n\nAttendez s.v.p. 383 INSTALLATION TERMINEE 384 Installation réussie\n\nPour utiliser le 'Device Driver', veuillez ré-initialiser le système. 385 Valeur érronnée 386 La valeur donnée est inexacte\n\nVeuillez indiquer une valeur correcte 387 REPERTOIRE NON VALIDE 388 Le repertoire indiqué est inexact\n\nVeuillez indiquer un repertoire correct 389 UNE ERREUR SYSTEME EST SURVENUE 390 Une erreur système est survenue durant la procédure d'initialisation.\n\nVeuillez vériffier votre système et initialiser a nouveau. 396 Auswahl und Eingabe der Treiber-Parameter 397 Wählen Sie SETUP , um die Parameter zu setzen.\n\nDas Setup-Programm wird die notwendigen Dateien auf Ihr System kopieren. 398 &DMA CHANNEL 399 &IRQ CHANNEL 400 &AUDIO MODE 401 STEREO 402 MONORAL 403 DOOR &LOCK 404 UNLOCK ( Entriegeln) 405 LOCK (Verriegeln) 406 I/O &PORT ADDRESS [0X000 - 0X3FF] 407 &BUFFER SIZE [2 - 64] 408 SETUP 409 CANCEL 410 INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS 411 Bitte geben Sie das Verzeichnis an, in dem die Dateien gespeichert werden sollen. 412 ENTER 413 SETUP... 414 Setup wird durchgeführt.\n\nBitte warten. 415 Setup beendet. 416 Das Setup wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.\n\nBitte starten Sie das System neu, um die Treiber zu aktivieren. 417 Eingabefehler 418 Die eingegebenen Werte sind ungültig.\n\nBitte geben Sie die Werte neu ein. 419 Ungültiges Verzeichnis 420 Das angegebene Verzeichnis ist ungültig.\n\nBitte geben Sie einen gültigen Verzeichnisnamen ein. 421 Systemfehler 422 Während des Setups ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\nÜberprüfen Sie das System und starten Sie Setup erneut. 428 Mitsumi CD Device Driver Setup 429 Select and enter Device driver's parameters.\n\n SETUP to set up these parameters in the system, and if this program is started up by the install diskette, install the necessary product files. 430 &DMA Channel 431 &IRQ Channel 432 &Audio Mode 433 Stereo 434 Monoral 435 Door &Lock 436 Unlock 437 Lock 438 I/O &Port Address [0x000 - 0x3FF] 439 &Buffer Size [2 - 64] 440 Setup 441 Cancel 442 Enter directory 443 Enter the directory to store this program. 444 Enter 445 Setup... 446 Setup is in progress.\n\nPlease wait! 447 Setup was finished 448 Setup was finished successfully.\n\nTo use the device driver, re-start the system. 449 Input value error 450 Input value is out of range.\n\nRe-input a valid value. 451 Invalid directory 452 Specified directory is invalid.\n\nRe-enter valid directory. 453 System Error occurred 454 System error has occurred in setup.\n\nCheck the system and retry Setup. 460 Mitsumi CD Device Driver Setup 461 Select and enter Device driver's parameters.\n\n SETUP to set up these parameters in the system, and if this program is started up by the install diskette, install the necessary product files. 462 &DMA Channel 463 &IRQ Channel 464 &Audio Mode 465 Stereo 466 Monoral 467 Door &Lock 468 Unlock 469 Lock 470 I/O &Port Address [0x000 - 0x3FF] 471 &Buffer Size [2 - 64] 472 Setup 473 Cancel 474 Enter directory 475 Enter the directory to store this program. 476 Enter 477 Setup... 478 Setup is in progress.\n\nPlease wait! 479 Setup was finished 480 Setup was finished successfully.\n\nTo use the device driver, re-start the system. 481 Input value error 482 Input value is out of range.\n\nRe-input a valid value. 483 Invalid directory 484 Specified directory is invalid.\n\nRe-enter valid directory. 485 System Error occurred 486 System error has occurred in setup.\n\nCheck the system and retry Setup.