EXPERTCOLOR DXP RELEASE NOTES ============================= Contents: 1. Using the Windows SETUP Program to Change Drivers 2. Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Thai Editions of Microsoft Windows 3. True-Color Display Configurations: 24bpp and 32bpp 4. Japanese Windows Configurations - Special Notes 5. Thai Windows Configurations - Special Notes 6. DCI Support 7. Adding a Refresh Rate Setting to the AUTOEXEC.BAT File 8. Revision List 1. Using the Windows SETUP Program to Change Drivers ================================================= If you use the Windows SETUP program to select or reselect the DXP driver (either in Windows or from the DOS command line), always elect to use the CURRENT installed driver unless you have a new S3 Windows driver diskette. If you need to re-install the original driver included with the your board, run the WinSetup program on the diskette included with your S3 graphics accelerator. 2. Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Thai Editions of Microsoft Windows ========================================================== The DXP driver and Control Panel are fully compatible with these foreign language editions of Microsoft Windows. If you encounter any problems, please let us know. (See also notes 4 and 5 below.) Sorry, IBM's version of Japanese Windows is NOT supported; you are limited to the 800x600x16 color mode supported by IBM's SVGA driver. 3. True-Color Display Configurations: 24bpp and 32bpp ========================================================= For 2MB and 4MB memory configurations, S3 defaults to 32bpp in true color configurations. The DXP control panel, however, offers you a choice of either 24bpp or 32bpp display modes for added flexibility (assuming the chipset supports both 32bpp and 24bpp packed pixel mode). If you encounter a problem using 32bpp (e.g., corrupted icons or other resources), try switching to a 24bpp color depth; if this works, you should be able to safely reselect 32bpp using the DXP Control Panel. The 32bpp configuration offers roughly double the performance. 4. Japanese Windows Configurations - Special Notes =============================================== Due to the heavier resource requirements, S3 does NOT support the following display modes under Japanese Windows: 1024x768x16.7M colors 1280x1024x32k colors 1280x1024x65k colors 1280x1024x16.7M colors 1600x1200x32k colors 1600x1200x65k colors However, since problems in these display modes are largely application dependent, the DXP Control Panel gives you the option of selecting these display modes if your chipset and memory configuration support them. Note also that Japanese Windows is incompatible with the resolution of 640x400 pixels offered by the DXP to provide true color with Trio64-based boards that have only 1MB of memory. 5. Thai Windows Configurations - Special Notes =========================================== S3 does NOT support the use of small (VGA) system fonts under Thai Windows. When the DXP Control Panel detects Thai Windows, it always uses the large (8514a) fonts. This restriction only applies to the system fonts which Windows uses for menus and other resources. 6. DCI Support =========== Full DCI support requires Video for Windows 1.1d or a later version. If you are using an earlier version of VfW, you may encounter problems. 7. Adding a Refresh Rate Setting to the AUTOEXEC.BAT File ====================================================== The DXP Control Panel gives you the option of adding your refresh rate setting to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that the system will "remember" your preference each time it starts. This setting is added to the beginning of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to ensure it is called by systems with multiple DOS configurations. Because the S3REFRSH.EXE program appends its calls to the end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it is possible for the DXP setting to be overridden by an S3REFRSH.EXE call. 8. Revision List Release Changes (10/05/95) ========================= - Sync'd DXP driver with S3 1.60-04 Windows driver release - Rewrote DXP refresh rate code - Added S3 chip test to DXPMODE - Updated WinSetup to Ver. 2.00 Release Changes (9/30/95) ========================= - Made Trio32/64 true color support w. 1MB a manufacturer's option - Added support for 4MB Trio64V+ configurations (not yet supported by S3) - Added support for 24bpp for Trio64V+ (not yet supported by S3) - Fixed Program Manager icon displays - Added Windows version check to Setup and DXP Release Changes (9/16/95) ========================= - Made Windows 3.1 15bpp support a manufacturer's option (switch in dxp.ini) - Added AUTOEXEC.BAT refresh setiing option to DXP - Changed DXP driver to S3 1.501-01 Windows driver (optional) for DB Excel bug - Updated Windows 95 drivers to support DirectDraw - Updated Microstation drivers - Updated DXP help file - Refined Trio64V+ support to support Rev. E Release Changes (8/09/95) ========================= - Added preliminary support for the Trio64V - Moved support for Trio 1MB true color configurations from INF to DXP - Added Windows 95 installation instructions to Setup program - Updated DXP help file, Setup program and DXP - Added registration of universal draw handler if VfW installed - Improved keyboard control of DXP - Improved support for Thai Windows - Rewrote WinSetup to improve chipset and language detection - Fixed Asian language font installation bug - Updated DXP driver to S3 1.52B7 build Windows driver - Added notice/tip display option to DXP - Moved support for 1280x1024x16c for Trio64/32 from .INF to DXP - Added Windows 95 to file list Release Changes (7/5/95 Initial) ================================ - Corrected Microstation bug - Added S3MODE to DOS utilities - Updated NT 3.5 driver to 1.12 - Refined DXP control of the Trio32 - Improved support for Korean Windows - Added PIF file for DXPMODE utility - Fixed DXPMODE page fault bug - Fixed DXP register lock bug - Fixed DXPMODE restore refresh bug after preview - Added INF support for 1280x1024x16c for Trio64/32 DXP - Copyright (C) 1995, EnTech Taiwan.