The files for WordStar in GUI-Ultra extended text modes are: 1. 8030 2. 8043 3. 8060 4. 13225 5. 13230 6. 13243 7. 13260 MAKEWS.BAT : the make file for reconfiguration. 1) WS Release 3.3 ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1. Make sure file "DEBUG.COM" or "DEBUG.EXE" exist. ( or check your DOS system disk. ) 2. Make a copy of the WS.COM file from your WordStar directory, and give the new file the name as WS132.COM. eg. COPY WS.COM WS132.COM [Enter] 3. Install file from the ALIGUI Utility Diskette. 4. Modify WordStar to work with 132x25 text mode, type: MAKEWS 13225 WS132.COM [Enter] 5. Run VMODE to select the video mode you want to display. ( For example, you can select 132x25 mode. ) 6. Go to your WordStar directory and run WordStar Rel.3 by typing: WS132 [Enter] 2) WS Release 4 ßßßßßßßßßßßß 1. Go to your WordStar Professional Release 4 directory, and start WordStar's installation program by typing: WSCHANGE [Enter] 2. Type WS.EXE as the filename of your WS program file, and type WS132.EXE as the filename for new changes. 3. Select option A for "Console options". 4. Select option A for "Monitor options". 5. Select option C for "Screen Sizing". 6. Select option A for "Height" at the Screen Sizing Menu, then enter the desired value for the screen format (i.e. 25, 30, 43 or 60). 7. Select option B for "width" at the Screen Sizing Menu and enter the value (i.e. 80 or 132). 8. Save your new changes (by typing a series of X's). 9. Run VMODE to select the extended video mode. ( match with you selected rows and columns. ) 10. Start WordStar Release 4, by typing: WS132 [Enter] NOTE: Follow the rest steps when you run WordStar each time: 1. Run AMODE to set the desired mode. 2. Type "WS" or "WS132" to start WordStar. 3. When you exit WordStar, type "AMODE V3" to return standard VGA display.