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1COOLSET.ZIP 1998-05-27 00:00 672K1 Cool Button Tool v2.03. Tällä voi tehdä www sivuille javalla animoituja näppäimiä No description yet.
AOLP123_.ZIP 1997-02-07 00:00 2.6Maolpress 1.2 HTML-editori 32-bit win95/NT-versio (
ARACH583.ZIP 1997-02-21 00:00 1.4MArachnophilia 1.5 Build 1983 is a great 32-bit HTML editor and workshop you can import fully formatted text, tables and outlines, drop them Arachnophilia's mailbox, and watch as they are converted into HTML code, complete with colors, fonts and styles
BSZR101.ZIP 1998-06-11 00:00 895KBrowserSizer v1.01 [894k] W9x/NT4 FREE. I'm working on a new layout/design for Lockergnome's website. I've learned to make it friendly in most resolutions: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and (sometimes) WebTV. Normally, you have to switch between resolutions to make sure you're okay. With BrowserSizer, simply click a button and your browser will (smartly) resize itself to fit the resolution in which you want to view it. It's free to use, but the author requests you send him a stamp. Small price to pay, eh?
CMED104.ZIP 1995-01-20 00:00 346KCMed HTML editor for Win95 and NT.
FLASH3D.EXE 1998-06-20 00:00 8.0MMacromedia Flash3D - 30day demo. Win32/WEB graphics util.
FLEXED32.ZIP 1996-06-30 00:00 588KFlexed - Win95 HTML editor, easy to use, view HTML-documents without web-browser.
FP97B4.ZIP 1997-10-27 00:00 3.8MWww
FP98B1.ZIP 1997-10-27 00:00 3.5MFrontPage -98 Betaversio. Voidaan käyttää 31.12.1997 loppuun. Huom! Vaatii myös paketit - Pura kaikki paketit samaan hakemistoon, ja aja fp97beta.exe -ohjelma.
FP98B2.ZIP 1997-10-28 00:00 2.3MFrontPage 98 Beta 2/6
FP98B3.ZIP 1997-10-27 00:00 3.7MFrontPage 98 Beta 3/6
FP98B4.ZIP 1997-10-27 00:00 3.8MFrontPage 98 Beta 4/6
FP98B5.ZIP 1997-10-28 00:00 3.8MFrontPage 98 Beta 5/6
FP98B6.ZIP 1997-10-28 00:00 1.3MFrontPage 98 Beta 6/6
FWORKS-B.EXE 1998-06-20 00:00 5.7MMacromedia Fireworks Beta. Win32/WEB graphics util.
HDOG4SUP.EXE 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.0 SuperTools pack
HDOG4SUP.R00 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.0 SuperTools pack
HDOG4SUP.R01 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.0 SuperTools pack
HDOG4SUP.R02 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.0 SuperTools pack
HDOG4SUP.R03 1997-11-26 00:00 131KHotDog v4.0 SuperTools pack
HDOG45B6.EXE 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.5 beta 6. HTML editor for Windows
HDOG45B6.R00 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.5 beta 6. HTML editor for Windows
HDOG45B6.R01 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.5 beta 6. HTML editor for Windows
HDOG45B6.R02 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.5 beta 6. HTML editor for Windows
HDOG45B6.R03 1997-11-26 00:00 704KHotDog v4.5 beta 6. HTML editor for Windows
HDOG403P.EXE 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.03 with 10.10.97 patches. HTML ed.
HDOG403P.R00 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.03 with 10.10.97 patches. HTML ed.
HDOG403P.R01 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.03 with 10.10.97 patches. HTML ed.
HDOG403P.R02 1997-11-26 00:00 1.3MHotDog v4.03 with 10.10.97 patches. HTML ed.
HDOG403P.R03 1997-11-26 00:00 151KHotDog v4.03 with 10.10.97 patches. HTML ed.
HM20_32.ZIP 1997-12-23 00:00 1.3MHyperMaker HTML v2.2. HTML compiler that enables you to package all HTML pages, True Type fonts, linked images and sounds you wish to distribute into a single file (the included True Type fonts are automatically installed at start-up of the viewer program). HM support three languages: English, Spanish and Dutch. Has the ability to compile a publication with some pages locked (the publications can be unlocked with a
HTMLCOMP.ZIP 1998-01-10 00:00 649KHTML (Un)Compress Will compress your HTML pages up to 20_ without changing its look and feel in a browser, which results in faster download times. If you want to edit it afterwards, you can uncompress it and the outlining will be done automatically. Excellent tool for easy formatting a large number of pages.
HTMLED16.ZIP 1996-03-31 00:00 359KHTMLed - An HTML Editor for Microsoft Windows.Version 1.5 - April, 1996 (16 and 32 bit versions)
HTMLIB95.ZIP 1996-03-27 00:00 1.4MThe HTML Reference Library v2.2 one-stop, on-line guide to HTML mark-up elements, their uses, meaning and syntax Windows95 specific version
HTMST609.ZIP 1996-09-29 00:00 153KHTMSTRIP.EXE (6.09): Goes through downloaded pages from the Web and removes embedded HTML commands. Reflows paragraphs and tries to make it basically readable. Can function on individually-saved pages or else process your entire disk cache. Awarded a Best rating by PC Computing in their July 1996 issue. Includes MOZ.EXE which renames the files in your Web cache subdirectory so you can identify them more easily. Freeware.
ICOUR.ZIP 1996-11-08 00:00 543KInfoCourier V1.1 HTML Compiler. The ideal way to distribute information, allows you to produce a royalty free Windows Executable (.exe) file that contains a sophisticated browser with the HTML and graphics built-in as a self- contained package. Use for product catalogs, manuals, price lists, pictures, questionaires and loads more. Supports protected pages so you can charge subscriptions etc.
LFX205.ZIP 1997-01-01 00:00 2.4MLiquid FX 2.05 - This Web page designer is a fully integrated editor that will help you develop professional quality HTML Web documents rapidly. It is set up for quick script development using highly intuative requesters and logical sectioning of HTML sc ripts. Tons of features.
NETITNOW.ZIP 1997-01-11 00:00 2.6MNet-It-Now! Great progam which creates web pages JUST with that design you want! Uses java applets to create the design!
NO2F16XL.EXE 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MWww
NO2F16XL.R00 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R01 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R02 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R03 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R04 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R05 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R06 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R07 1997-05-15 00:00 1.4MNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
NO2F16XL.R08 1997-05-15 00:00 143KNetObjects Fusion v2.0 DEMO
PHE23.ZIP 1997-12-08 00:00 1.2MPHE, Pieni HTML-editori 2.3 Helppokäyttöinen, suomen kielinen ja ilmainen HTML-editori. Sopii sekä aloittelijoille että ammattilaisille. Vaatii Windows 95:n tai NT:n.
PUBPRO.ZIP 1996-05-08 00:00 3.1MWeb Media Publisher R6 32-Bit HTML editor with floating toolbars, netscape extensions, WYSIWYG & Spell Checking and FTP features. ALL YOU NEED IS HERE!
TP32106.ZIP 1996-09-09 00:00 319KThumb Print is autilityto create html files for *.GIF & *.JPG file formats. These image files are displayed as thumbnail images. Each image contains a link to the full size image.
WE2PRO32.ZIP 1996-10-14 00:00 2.6MHTML editori. Win95
WEBEDIT.ZIP 1996-01-09 00:00 1.5MHTML Editori W95'lle
WEBEDIT3.EXE 1998-09-12 00:00 10MLuckman's Web Edit Pro nersion number: 3.1 A powerful HTML editor for Windows 95/98 that is full featured yet very easy to use. Perfect for the novice as well as for advanced users, and includes built in wizards to help you achieve the look you want for your web site. Some features include table generators, frames, image map support, link validation, spell check, multimedia, Java, quick preview and much more.
WEBPEN.ZIP 1996-03-05 00:00 86KWebPen HTML web editor. This easy- to-use authoring system simplifies the creation of web home pages. Special functions for colored bullets, e-mail, copyright notice, author's signature, background options, off-line viewing, OLE-link to MS-Word spell checker. New features: background, off-line viewing, etc
WEBPNP.ZIP 1996-06-28 00:00 433KWebPen PRO HTML web editor. This easy- to-use authoring system simplifies the creation of web home pages. Tables, Mailto forms, frames, background options, OLE link to MS-Word speller, off-line viewing. Professional version includes WinCopy screen capture, GifWeb transparent GIF backgrounds, Hotspots Imagemap Tools. Professional version
WEBTHING.ZIP 1996-04-17 00:00 1.9MWebThing, great 5 cows wysiwyg HTML editor! Answer to your html problems!
WORDIA2B.ZIP 1995-09-05 00:00 727KMs internet assistant for word95 HTML editor
WPC32.EXE 1998-09-28 00:00 911KWeb Page Creator (WPC) Version Number: 7.33 License: Shareware Cost: $20.00 Description: A nice editor with tabs to select from the different sets of tags rather than tons of toolbars, helpers for longer tasks such as frames, tables, images and colors, and a built-in image viewer to help you locate that image you can't quite remember the name of.
W_HOT201.ZIP 1996-04-06 00:00 316K(v2.01) Web Hotspots - Win/Web/WWW/Imagemap EVALUATION To install, run HOTSPOTS.EXE within Windows Windows 3.1,95 application for editing and testing imagemaps used in World Wide Web sites. Supports periscopic editing, advanced shape manipulation, clipboard transfers between imagemaps, and MDI. Reads and writes HTML (client-side), NCSA and CERN map files. Generates starter host pages and writes imagemap host entries into existing pages. An integrated Winsock 1.1 compliant test mode can rapidly verify imagemaps on the Web. Supports GIF, JPEG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, and BMP image file formats.