Metropoli BBS files -
                     [root] /software/WIN32/NET/WWW/

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01BRO433.ZIP 1998-08-04 00:00 364K1st Choice Browse98: v4.33 st Choice Browse98 displays Multiple Websites on one screen, while connecting to up to 200 Active URL addresses at once.
AUHTML14.ZIP 1996-06-27 00:00 38KAUTOHTML creates HTML hypertext documents (WWW pages) from machine readable text files automatically. The created HTML documents are fully linked muliple pages, a complete text web site! No knowledge of HTML is required to use AUTOHTML Autohtml uses KNB format machine readable text files. These are a simple form of text file comprised of a title line prefixed with followed by the associated body of data on the next and subsequent lines.
COOK211.ZIP 1997-08-13 00:00 868KCookie Cruncher v2.11 [890k] W9x/NT4 FREE. 'C' is for Cookie, and that's just not good enough for some of us. If you're totally into privacy, you probably have cookies disabled in your web browser. If not, this utility will not only let you delete any stored cookie, but also show you the information contained in any particular cookie. Find out what they're trying to find out about you and your surfing habits. Sometimes it's not as bad as you think it is. Chocolate chips not included.
CP32E406.EXE 1998-08-13 00:00 17MNetscape Communicator 4.06 Pro 32-bit
CPVRML10.EXE 1996-05-16 00:00 4.7MFountain VRLM viewer for Windows'95 Version 1.0 Released In April 96
FI302M95.EXE 1997-07-23 00:00 1.4MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R00 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R01 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R02 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R03 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R04 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R05 1997-07-23 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95
FI302M95.R06 1997-07-23 00:00 1.0MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 3.02a Finnish W95 Suomenkielinen Explorer v3.02a Win95 käyttäjille. Korjattu joukko turvallisuudessa olleita aukkoja.
FS13.EXE 1998-07-19 00:00 1.0MFastStats v1.3 [1.1M] W9x/NT4 DEMO. We're living in the information age, so you should be getting as much information as you can handle. Website owners, rejoice. This web log analyzer is about to blow the socks off of similar packages. It's the fastest one out there, but that doesn't mean it skimps on reports. It'll show you what pages are referring people to your site, what search engine keywords people are using to find your site, what browser and OS they're using--and that's just the beginning. Plus, it's way cheaper than the competition. Get your 25 day free trial today!
G32E303.EXE 1997-09-05 00:00 3.4MNetscape Navigator 3.03 Gold ----------------------------------!
IE4PAT95.EXE 1997-11-03 00:00 946KInternet Explorer 4.0 patch for Win95
IE4PATNT.EXE 1997-11-03 00:00 946KInternet Explorer 4.0 patch for WinNT
IE4SP1FI.EXE 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. Suomenkielinen IE401 jossa vakiona SP1 fixit. Koko asennus kaikilla saatavilla optioilla. 1/7
IE4SP1FI.R00 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 2/7
IE4SP1FI.R01 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 3/7
IE4SP1FI.R02 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 4/7
IE4SP1FI.R03 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 5/7
IE4SP1FI.R04 1998-07-22 00:00 3.9MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 6/7
IE4SP1FI.R05 1998-07-22 00:00 2.5MMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Finnish. 7/7
IE4TK10B.ZIP 1998-04-12 00:00 46KIE4 Tweakin' Tool v1.0b [44k] W9x/NT4 FREE. Occasionally, I'll run into a program that looks good, runs well, and does a lot for me. The IE4 Tweakin' Tool would get top honors if I had a rating system. If you're wanting to tweak IE4 (or 4.01), don't be without this tool. It'll help you rename titles, remove splash screens, fix problems you might be having, and even help you with your Start Menu. If you use IE4 or W98, you NEED this.
MOS30.EXE 1997-02-21 00:00 2.9MNCSA Mosaic 3.0 for Windows
MWE104.ZIP 1996-04-14 00:00 490KVRLM Express 32-bit Version 1.04 for Win'95 / NT
NSP1095.ZIP 1996-10-21 00:00 143KNS Providers 1.0 Allows users to easily use Multiple E-Mail accounts with Netscape Navigator! Minimizes to Tray for easy access and switching between providers is just a click away!
NSPVM110.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 44KNetscape Provider Maintenance V 1.10 Copyright (c) 1996 by M. Wolf If you try to use Netscape Navigator with multiple Internet providers it is annoying to manual adjust the settings according to the provider currently used. This tool lets you maintain all provider settings and easily switch among them. Netscape 2.0 or later (32bit) is required. Language: Multi (German/English) System: Win95/winnt
TB98ENTA.EXE 1998-01-17 00:00 1.4MTurbo Browser 98 for Windows 95/NT 4.0 Version 6.01. Unlock the Potential of Explorer and Replace a raft of Utilities!
WEB32.EXE 1997-11-18 00:00 2.0MCaldera Webspyder 32 Beta 1. 32bit protected-
WEBSAMPL.EXE 1995-04-30 00:00 1.6MWebSampler from Netmanage Inc. Freeware SLIP/PPP WINSOCK.D and www browser from