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ATTREDIT.ZIP 1996-12-21 00:00 5.1KAttrEdit Attribute Editor for Windows by Scott Feeney, copyright 1996 Sa Software Company. Shareware - see About Box for registration information.
AURC33B1.EXE 1997-12-22 00:00 658KAURORA/32 v3.3 - One of the finest editors available. Blazing speed, superb interface, Huge capacity to 4 Gigabytes, 32k line length Syntax highlighting for over 20 languages. Easy-to-use colorized Macro language with more than 15000 lines of macros, integrated File manager, Directory tree, Live wordwrap, Undo-redo, Hex mode, Win95 long names, Folds, Multi-file search/replace, real tabs, popular Emulation styles, extremely Configurable!
AUROR30C.EXE 1996-11-05 00:00 669KAURORA v3.0c - One of the finest text editors available. Blazing speed, superb interface, Huge capacity to 1 Gigabyte, 16k line length. Syntax highlighting for over 20 languages. Easy-to-use colorized Macro language with more than 15000 lines of macros, integrated File manager, Directory tree, Live wordwrap, Undo-redo, Hex mode, Win95 long names, Folds, Multi-file search/replace, real tabs, popular Emulation styles, extremely Configurable!
BL3201.ZIP 1996-11-29 00:00 895KByelines (Formerly Skyler's SigGen) A program for creating e-mail or newsgroup signature files. It works with any program that uses ASCII files for a signature, such as Netscape, Eudora or Microsoft's Mail and Newsgroup programs. ByeLines will append taglines to your signature and change the tagline periodically.
C96SETUP.EXE 1997-01-04 00:00 2.0MCool Edit 96 is a Waveform editor with many new features since CE 95. WIN'95/NT only.
CF605.ZIP 1997-01-15 00:00 240Kcmfiler File Manager v6.05 - Selected for SoftKey's Titanium Seal 1_ Best Utilities CD-ROM! Acclaimed by PC Mag! Now with Win95 long filename support! Side-by-side trees or dir listings. Full suite of dir/file services, plus built-in editor, dir fresh- ener, diskette formatter and copier, menued app launcher, notepad for file desriptions. Small, fast, easy-to-use command syntax, mouse and 43/50-line VGA support.
ED15NTC.ZIP 1994-11-13 00:00 197KEditeur V1.5 text editor for Windows NT - All users. A powerful, simple, and fast text editor
EDITPAD.ZIP 1997-05-14 00:00 243KEditPad v3.0.2 for Win95. replacement for the standard Windows NotePad. Postcardware
NOTETAB.ZIP 1997-04-28 00:00 373KSuper NoteTab 2.5; Freeware multi-page text file editor. Uses a tabbed interface that makes it easy to switch between documents. Powerful search and replace commands; web enabled; Clipbook with templates for HTML tags; easily reopen favorite files; word and character statistics; shortcut menu to access commonly used commands; context sensitive help file; and lots of other useful features.
OS3211.ZIP 1995-07-17 00:00 269KOttoSource32 1.1:Seach&view text /stream editing;threaded;freeware;Win32
PFE0701I.ZIP 1997-03-25 00:00 This is the 32-Bit Intel Edition of Programmer's File Editor, a large capacity editor for programming and geberal use. PFE is FreeWare. This Edition is for use under Windows 95, and Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 on Intel hardware. A Windows 3.1x version is available
POLICY.EXE 1995-05-15 00:00 84KWindows 95 System Policy Editor
PROLIX11.ZIP 1996-05-09 00:00 217KPROLIX Text Editor Version 1.10, for Windows Can handle multiple files up to 16 megabytes in size. Features a speedbar, right-click menu, search and replace, drag-and-drop file opening, 16k undo/redo buffer, bookmarks, split-window editing, floating hints, Word- star keystroke commands, and a clean, simple interface with no external dll's or vbx's. FREEWARE for private non-commercial use. From Kobayashi Software.
QVPTRW.ZIP 1997-03-24 00:00 3.7MQuick View Plus is an excellent replacement for the standard Quick View feature of Windows 95. You can use it to quickly view more than 200 different file formats by using a right mouse click to bring up the context menu. Quick View Plus is an excellent alternative to loading a large application just to view a file. It is also useful if you don't have the application that originally created the file.
RSXNT1.ZIP 1995-07-06 00:00 377KCreating Win32 apps with RSXNT and EMX GNU-C/C++ compiler
SNT40P8.ZIP 1998-01-16 00:00 688KSuper NoteTab Download Now! 4.0 Beta P8. An excellent replacement for Notepad, has mul file support, is fast and tiny and very confi also features the ability to transfer documen browser and the clipbook. The clipbook is a of text items (HTML tags, glossaries, etc.) s template-based system that can be pasted into double-clicking on their header or through dr a filter to remove all HTML tags, hyperlink r
TSE32C28.ZIP 1997-07-25 00:00 1.0MThe SemWare Editor Professional/32 v2.8 -Test Drive (for Win95/NT). Text mode programmer's editor. Offers long filename support; online help; syntax highlighting; regular expression search/replace; hex/binary editing; spelling checker; interactive configuration; macro language with debugger; configurable menus/ keyboard; multi-language compiler support.
TXP3220.ZIP 1996-06-01 00:00 830KTEXTPAD 2.0: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner. TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text editor I've seen! It's fast, loaded with features, and beautifully done. Get it! - Dr File Finder. Setting new standards... 10/10 - PC Plus. Best editor for Windows that we've ever seen - Windows User. Available for Windows 95/NT & Windows 3.1. Writing Applications. HELIOS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Major new release with keystroke macros & spell checker.
UEDIT32.ZIP 1995-04-27 00:00 255KUltraEdit-32 Text/Binary Editor 2.01 Text/Hex editor, unlimited file size. Column edit with column fill,cut,delete, insert squential etc.
VMERG126.ZIP 1995-11-18 00:00 140K(v1.26) VMerge 1.26 - Windows File Diff/Merge Side by side display of differences between two text files, easy merge into a single destination.
WD97VR32.EXE 1998-07-19 00:00 3.8MMicrosoft Word Viewer 97 [4.0M] W9x/NT4 FREE. View and print Microsoft Word97 documents without Word97.
WD1025.EXE 1994-11-21 00:00 90KSupplemental Macros for Word 6.0 for Windows
WOPR97.EXE 1998-07-19 00:00 3.5MWOPR 97 v1.4 [3.5M] W9x/NT4 SW$50. If you think Word 97 is missing key features, you're not alone. This is one whopper of a package; I'm sure you'll agree. It adds an array of robust options to Word 97 (required). I don't have enough space to describe everything it could do for you, so I suggest you download it and/or swing by the site for more info. Get more printing options, stronger file management, and several usable Word add-ins! It may seem a little pricey, but you get a MUCH better Word 97 in return (30 day free demo).