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3DFOTC.ZIP 1996-10-20 00:00 1.7M32bit Windows screensaver: 3-D Fotocube takes up to six of your favorite BMP or JPEG files and puts them on the side of a spinning, three-dimensional cube against a twinkling star field. Anything that you can save in .BMP or JPEG format can be placed on the cube including photos, clip art, logos, and text. Customize display quality and speed to match your tastes and system capabilities. However, as is the case with most intensive graphics.
A3DOSS.ZIP 1997-08-07 00:00 1.3M32bit Windows screen saver: Animated 3d Objects Screen Saver I displays impressive renderings of 68 animated 3d objects. Objects include 3d text, a spacecraft, a teapot, many geometric objects, a building, and more. The detailed configuration menu has options for color, smooth vs. flat shading, light positioning, object quality, fog effects, scaling, display duration, and precise positioning and motion adjustments. The
AARTSS.ZIP 1997-07-31 00:00 5.2MAboriginal Art screen saver - 50+ images by Jimmy Pike (Desert Designs - Australia) all full screen, full color with explanatory text for each image. Combined with a multitude of fast, real-time 3d graphics routines with simple slider controls to vary the speed and effects+ detailed analog clock. Windows 95/NT and 256 (or more) colors required. Full install and uninstall support.
ACETHEME.ZIP 1997-01-06 00:00 1.1MAce Ventura Windows 95 desktop theme! Including: Wallpaper, other pics, icons, wavs and cursors. Like a glove! Comments to:
AHOY_CV1.ZIP 1996-04-04 00:00 10KAhoy! A Sailor's Cursors! Version 1.0 is an animated cursor scheme for Windows '95. Includes detailed renderings of a Yachtsman's anchor, a Fluxgate Compass, Brass Dividers, an animated sailboat sailing wing-on-wing, and more! 15 cursors in total, 2 of which are animated. Use WinZip(R) 6.0 or above to unzip this file! Shareware. $4.95(US).
ANCUR.ZIP 1996-02-04 00:00 278KSome really neat looking animated cursors for Windows 95 or NT. topcur95.ZIP is a file containing over 185+ animated cursors. This is version 6.2. I added some more animated cursors. 240+ are animated...all colors. I have added some left handed cursors because lefties are people too.
ARMAGEDD.ZIP 1998-07-11 00:00 458KArmageddon - Best Movie of the Summer - Theme for Windows.
BEANTHEM.ZIP 1997-01-25 00:00 775KThe Bean Theme 2.0 for MS Plus! Win95. Customizes your desktop to the funniest man. Includes startup/shutdown screens, icons, sounds, cursors, colour combos. All needed items to make your computer a Bean Mania!!
BEECURV1.ZIP 1996-01-28 00:00 10KThe Bees! An animated desktop cursor scheme for Windows '95. Includes, hive, extractor, hive tool, & more for your desktop. Shareware. $4.95 (US).
BIKCURV1.ZIP 1996-02-14 00:00 9.3KThe Bicycle Shop, an animated cursor scheme for Windows '95. Version 1.0. 17 bicycling-related cursors, 2 of which are animated. For the cycling enthusiast. Shareware. $4.95(US).
BLUESCRN.ZIP 1997-10-18 00:00 24KNTInternals Bluescreen Screen Saver: V1.0. Simulates amazingly realistic Blue Screens of Death (BSOD).
BPCURV10.ZIP 1995-12-02 00:00 9.3KA Backpacker's Cursors animated cursor scheme for Windows '95. If you're a hiker, backpacker or just like the outdoors, take a look! Forget arrows! Get a backpack! Shareware. $4.95 (US).
BSSL10.ZIP 1996-09-05 00:00 9.8KBluebottle's Screen Saver Launcher 1.0 This program is meant for Windows 95.
CLINT.ZIP 1998-05-16 00:00 1.4MClint The Westerns - Make My Day - Theme for Windows
COOL.ZIP 1996-07-06 00:00 6.7KFull window drag for Windows 95, without the need for Plus! This cool package gives Windows 95 the ability to drag or resize windows keeping thier contents visible - no more tacky rubber band outlines. This is similar to part of the functionality of Microsoft Plus! but without the overhead of memory and disk space. Now with a Windows 95 Add/ remove option from within Control Panel.
CURSORS.ZIP 1995-09-01 00:00 199KKursoreita Windowsille
DESKTOPT.ZIP 1996-10-15 00:00 86KDesktop Themes - allows you to use Windows Desktop themes without having Plus! pack
DIANA.ZIP 1997-09-04 00:00 2.7M16bit Windows screensaver: The Princess Diana Tribute Screen Saver offers a tastefully presented group of UPI photographs that can be displayed on your screen. An original musical soundtrack can be optionally played in the background, through your sound card, as a large number of high-quality images are individually shown, as if in your own personal photograph album. The screen saver can be password protected, and full, limited,
DISAPPR.ZIP 1996-07-31 00:00 384KMuuttaa Win95 työpöydän ikonien tekstin taustavärin läpinäkyväksi jotta taustakuva näkyy kokonaan. Testattu Win95 v9.50, A, ja B
DSDD60A.ZIP 1997-12-31 00:00 1.9MSciTech Display Doctor v6.0a
DX5ENG.EXE 1997-09-16 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft DirectX v5.0
DX5ENG.R00 1997-09-16 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft DirectX v5.0
DX5ENG.R01 1997-09-16 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft DirectX v5.0
DX5ENG.R02 1997-09-16 00:00 1.3MMicrosoft DirectX v5.0
DX5ENG.R03 1997-09-16 00:00 311KMicrosoft DirectX v5.0
DX6CORE.EXE 1998-08-08 00:00 1.5MMicrosoft DirectX v6.0 for Win95/98. Core only without drivers.
DX6ENG.EXE 1998-08-08 00:00 3.6MMicrosoft DirectX v6.0 for Win95/98. Core with english drivers.
DX6FIN.EXE 1998-08-08 00:00 3.6MMicrosoft DirectX v6.0 for Win95/98. Core with finnish drivers. Tämä on suomenkieliseen windowsiin.
DXUN7.EXE 1998-08-17 00:00 740KDirectX Uninstaller v.07 For DirectX 3b, 5.2, 6 beta and 6 full retail Removal for Win95 and Win98. (Including DirectX files in sysbackup directory)
EPCURS1.ZIP 1995-09-26 00:00 23K10 Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95, sporting the trendy Excel Progs Shareware Organization logo. All are ready to be used as your standard, busy, or waiting pointers, and this package includes full instructions on using these cursors. Limited-Ware, so these are *FREE* for private use!
EPCURS2.ZIP 1995-12-21 00:00 29K10 *MORE* Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95, sporting the trendy Excel Progs Shareware Organization logo. All are ready to be used as your standard, busy, or waiting pointers, and this package includes full instructions on using these cursors. Limited-Ware, so these are *FREE* for private use! This is cursor/pointer pack #2.
EPCURS3.ZIP 1996-07-14 00:00 30KPack3: 10 Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95. This is a collection of various pointers. Includes: A complete checkers game pointer, a 3d-flipping busy pointer, fractal, a psychadelic question mark, an igloo, more. All are ready to be used as your standard, busy, or waiting pointers, and this package includes full instructions on using these cursors. Limited-Ware, so these are *FREE* for private use!
ETCH.EXE 1997-07-25 00:00 508KEtch A Sketch - don't shake your monitor - windows theme.
FL3D497.ARJ 1997-08-26 00:00 350KRV-Flash 3D -Voodoo based 3D Graphics Accelerator Device Drivers & Utilities Rev.97-04
GDEVIEW.ZIP 1998-05-26 00:00 2.3MEarth Views Wallpaper Collection v1.0 [2.3M] FREE. Some people say that the government can see into our homes from outer space. I guess that's why I make funny faces whenever I look out my window. I wonder what Earth looks like from way up there? Find out for yourself with this pack of 10 excellent 'Earth from space' images for your Desktop. That way, when you get bored at work, you can pretend you're in a spaceship. And then all your co-workers could be aliens who have kidnapped you and forced you to do stupid stuff. It could happen.
GLCUBE.ZIP 1995-07-03 00:00 19KScreensaver for Windows NT
HANABI.ZIP 1995-02-14 00:00 141KFirework screen saver and firework Windows program files are contained in HANABI.LZH file.
HIDEME11.ZIP 1998-07-06 00:00 105KHide Me v1.13 [230k] 9x/NT FREE. Where was this little gem hiding? Right under our noses until now! You can use it to make windows disappear (no, not the Operating System, you fool). One icon rests in your System Tray, and you can choose how a window minimizes (or disappears). This could come in handy if you're downloading something and don't want to waste the Taskbar space (or even for other constantly-running proggies). You can run, and now you can hide!
HMACAR.ZIP 1997-05-01 00:00 1.1MHey, Macaroni! Screen Saver by R.I. Soft Systems, Inc. This hilarious screen saver includes sound and a music track spoofing the popular Macarena song and associated dance. Instead, watch elbow macaroni dance and sing! This high quality screen saver has beautiful artwork, 3d rendered macaroni and more. Check the hidden Easter Egg in the About box. Also, look for the longer version plus a whole new screen saver!
HOTC.ZIP 1996-02-11 00:00 20KHot Corners v1.2 for Windows 95 Allows you to activate or disable the screen saver by positioning the cursor in a user-defined corner of the screen. 32-bit and enhanced for Windows 95.
ID4.ZIP 1996-07-14 00:00 4.8MThe Indepence Day Theme For Windows 95 Req. Microsoft Plus! installed on Your Computer
ID4PCSS.EXE 1996-06-06 00:00 1.3MIndepence Day Screensaver For Windows95
IMPVWM.ZIP 1995-11-21 00:00 31Kimpvwm - The Imp Virtual Window Manager v2.21. 32-bit virtual window manager for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 3.51 for Alpha. Eli X tapanen virtuaali ikkunointi Windowssiin.
IMPVWM22.ZIP 1995-10-22 00:00 31Kimpvwm - The Imp Virtual Window Manager v2.02 This program is a 32-bit virtual window manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT (with the New Shell).
INSTCLOK.EXE 1996-12-19 00:00 190KLeijuva kello Windows 95:een, joka halutesssa näyttää esim. vapaan RAM :in
IVI32.EXE 1995-08-02 00:00 745K32-bit Indeo video drivers for Windows 95 or Windows NT. Version
JOHNCAST.ZIP 1997-03-13 00:00 1.3MJohnny Castaway screensaver for Windows from Sierra - now FREE!
KALEI.ZIP 1997-02-13 00:00 276KKaleidoscope 95 is a colorful and beautiful screen saver for Windows 95 and NT. An infinite variety of striking geometric patterns emerges on your screen as Windows goes to sleep. The program offers a variety of control options that allow you to personalize your favorite kaleidoscopic variations. You can synchronize the program with music coming into your audio card from external sources, or from your CD player, and
KKCURV10.ZIP 1996-01-28 00:00 11KKriss Kringle's Christmas Cursors, an animated cursor scheme for Windows '95 (TM). Candy canes, sleighs, and gifts adorn your desktop for the Holidays. Shareware. $4.95 (US).
LEGO3.EXE 1995-10-01 00:00 439KThe LEGO TECHNIC screen saver.
LIGHTS95.ZIP 1995-11-23 00:00 174KHoliday Lights v2.0 Enjoy watching Holiday Lights on your Windows95 desktop. Select bulb type, color, background music, screen savers and more! Holiday Lights v2.0 for Windows95 Hang a string of virtual holiday lights from the top of your Windows95 desktop. Many bulbs to choose from, background music, and other goodies to enhance your desktop for the holiday season. Happy Holidays!
LOGO95.ZIP 1995-08-30 00:00 49KWindows95 :n käynnistys logon vaihtaja
LOGOCNG.ZIP 1996-09-04 00:00 131KWin95 Startlogo changer
LOGOPAK1.ZIP 1995-07-28 00:00 134KWindows95 :n käynnistyslogo -pakkaus (vaatii :in)
MACTHEME.ZIP 1996-03-16 00:00 115KMachintosh Theme For Windows95 Requires Microsoft Plus!
MADONNA.ZIP 1994-05-19 00:00 57KThe Madonna Screen Saver For Windows! Here at last! The Screen Saver Managers Love To Hate! When your employees stop typing, Madonna appears onscreen dancing to Justify my love! Guaranteed to make them more productive! Requires vbrun300.DLL Found on CIS in the WINFUN Forum.(vbrun3.ZIP) Also requires Windows compatible sound card to hear sound. Shareware $15. Written By Richard Ratayczak
MAGICD.ZIP 1996-04-25 00:00 10KMagic Desktop 1.1 (Freeware) Magic DeskTop is a small utility which will enabled you to hide or show the Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 desktop icons.
MANDAL21.ZIP 1996-07-14 00:00 132KMANDALA (V. 2.1), Screensaver, 32bit-Version for Win95 Enjoy the beauty of shape & colour. Provides 10 Presets.
MPP_VFW.ZIP 1998-01-12 00:00 176KVivitar Motion Picture Camera Video for Windows drivers.
NOKMONIT.ZIP 1995-08-29 00:00 119KNokia Monitor Setup for Windows 95
PISC30T.ZIP 1998-01-19 00:00 1.2MUlead PhotoImpact Screen Capture is the quickest and most versatile Windows screen capture program currently available.
PUZSAV21.ZIP 1996-02-01 00:00 140KPuzzled Window! 2.1 A great Windows 3.x and 95 compatible Screen Saver. Copy SCR file to the Windows directory. Select in control panel. Shareware by ABSTRACT media!
QCOLOR.ZIP 1996-10-13 00:00 163KQuickColor for Windows NT 4.0 - a display control utility, supporting dynamic resolution, color depth and refresh rate switching, with user-defined presets and an optional toolbar, plus partial backwards compatibility with Windows 95.
QLOGO.ZIP 1996-09-16 00:00 148KQuake StartUp logo For Windows 95 Logo Changer is Not Required
QUIC_RES.EXE 1995-10-19 00:00 40KNäyttömoodin ja värimäärän muuttaja WIN95:een. Muutoksen voi tehdä käynnistämättä konetta uudelleen.
QUIK_RES.EXE 1995-09-22 00:00 27KOhjelma, joka vaihtaa Windows 95:ssa sek„ resoluutiota, ett„ v„rien m„„r„„ lennossa. Microsoftin oma tuote.
RWALL101.ARJ 1995-09-26 00:00 4.3KRandom Wallpaper v1.01 Select random bitmap to be used as wallpaper
SCDSK20E.ZIP 1994-11-22 00:00 46KScrollaava Desktoppi Windowsille. Ts. työ- pinta-alaa on noin 4 kertaa enemmän kuin tavallisesti. Hyvästi virtuaalityöpöydät.
SDD652.ZIP 1998-05-20 00:00 2.2MScitech Display Doctor v6.52.
SIMPPLUS.ZIP 1995-09-10 00:00 414KSimpson theme for MS Plus
SIMPTHM.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 2.3MThe Complete Simpsons Theme for Windows 95
SIMPTHM1.ZIP 1995-12-14 00:00 507KThe Simpsons Theme for Windows 95 (not the same as SIMPPLUS.ZIP)
SKYDIV11.ZIP 1995-11-21 00:00 99KSkyDive Saver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated sky diving, includes chutes that don't open. Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 8 screen saver + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology.
SNAP252.ZIP 1995-11-08 00:00 312KSNAPSHOT/32 version 2.52 automatically CAPTURES Win95/NT SCREENS.
SNAPDL.EXE 1995-11-23 00:00 1.3MMicrografx Snap
SYSCAP.ZIP 1995-02-23 00:00 13KSysCap. Captures windows screen to file
TASETUP.EXE 1998-07-19 00:00 705KTray Animations v2.1 [704k] W9x/NT4 FREE. So what else can we use that System Tray for? To heck with functionality, what about something fun? I suppose tray animations would do the trick. Keep that part of your screen moving with a variety of animated images. This download includes 7 animations and an editor, plus you can download several more animations at the website. I realize your System Tray is probably full, so what will one more trinket hurt?
TOILET.ZIP 1995-06-24 00:00 57KVaihtaa WIN95:n Roskakorin (recycle bin) kuvakkeen vessanpöntöksi
TOOLS95.ZIP 1995-07-26 00:00 401KThis rather simple little program lets you change the names of 3 of the Desktop Objects, 'My Computer', 'Network Neighborhood', and 'The Recycle Bin'. To run it all you do is run the Names95 file from either the command prompt or the Explorer. It will then allow you to change these objects on your desktop. The changes will not be visible until you restart the computer.
TOPDESK.ZIP 1996-04-04 00:00 88KVirtual Desktop for Windows 95, v. 2.1
TRANSP.ZIP 1998-06-20 00:00 9.7KPoistaa ikoneiden tekstin takaa värityksen jolloin taustakuva näkyy ehjänä. Win95.
TRANSP41.ZIP 1998-06-27 00:00 54KTransparent v4.1 [41k] 9x/NT FREE. When someone calls you transparent, they're putting you down. But, when someone calls your Desktop transparent, they're impressed! It's a miracle that this program is as small (and powerful) as it is. You use it to make your Desktop icon text backgrounds transparent, or the icon text transparent. Finally, your wallpaper can show it's true colors. For detailed instructions (and screen shots), just visit the homepage. Icon hardly contain myself.
TTHSON.ZIP 1997-07-03 00:00 595KThe FREE Holyear vs. Teethson Screen Saver by R.I. Soft Systems, Inc. This absolutely hilarious screen saver depicts a big set of teeth boxing with a big ear, complete with sound effects. The teeth chomp on the ear as you can well imagine! Look for the even funnier Mikey Likes Ears screen saver at!
V3000TW.ZIP 1998-01-11 00:00 1.3MTwain Compatible Software for the ViviCam 3000. Preliminary Beta Release for current ViviCam 3000 users; no technical support. Download and run in addition to your current ViviCam 3000 software. It features:
VAJRA25.ZIP 1996-09-02 00:00 60KVajra is a screen saver program for Windows.
VIDSAV.ZIP 1997-01-07 00:00 147KVidSaver - is a Windows screen saver that plays video clips and animations while your computer is idle.
WALCLO11.ZIP 1996-03-10 00:00 55KHuge walking clock v1.1 from Underwear 15 continuing changing clock screens with different styles and color shades User adjustable screen changes. Time keeping non-resident screen saver. New: American time format support! Facility For Flickerfree Freeloaders FREE WARE
WALY32.ZIP 1996-03-21 00:00 302KWeird Wally tulee pommpimaan näytönsäästäjään ja höpöttää kaikenlaista puhekuplissa
WARNLOGO.ZIP 1995-07-28 00:00 10KWarning Startup Logo for windows 95
WEARTH.ZIP 1996-07-04 00:00 126KWearth sets the wallpaper of Windows 95 or Windows NT to an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. FREEWARE
WESTERN.EXE 1996-09-20 00:00 1.3MThe LEGO WESTERN screensaver. v1.02 256 colour or better
WIN97.ZIP 1996-09-30 00:00 44KWindows 97 k„ynnistyslogo Windows 95:lle
WIN97SD.ZIP 1996-10-15 00:00 50KWindows 97 sammutuslogo Windows 95:lle
WINEYES.ZIP 1995-10-26 00:00 213KWinEyes 1.0.1 Two eyes follow your mouse around while you work on your Desktop. Compatible with Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51
WINPAK2.ZIP 1993-05-07 00:00 233KWinPak#2 Version 1.2 - This is a a package containing 4 original Win3.1 Screen Savers, 2 TrueType fonts, and 100+ icons! Comes complete with a quick & easy setup program. Simply run setup then activate these Win3.1 add-ons via the Windows Control Panel. The screen savers contain exciting new animation, and offer optional password security and user-selectable timeout values. From Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc. $19.95.
WINPAK3.ZIP 1993-04-27 00:00 260KWinPak#3 Version 1.2 - This is a a package containing 4 original Win3.1 Screen Savers, 2 TrueType fonts, and 100+ icons! Comes complete with a quick & easy setup program. Simply run setup then activate these Win3.1 add-ons via the Windows Control Panel. The screen savers contain exciting new animation, and offer optional password security and user-selectable timeout values. From Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc. $19.95.
WORMSTHE.ZIP 1996-01-23 00:00 1.7MThe Worms Theme For Windows95
WTRSPT16.ZIP 1996-01-16 00:00 75KWaterspots Screen Saver v.1,6 For Windows 95
ZANTFM.ZIP 1996-09-03 00:00 117KZD Net's Ant Farm Screen Saver is a screen saver designed to turn your monitor into an ant farm. Some ants are workers, while others are slackers. Watch the workers dig and the slackers just get in the way. For Windows 3.x, NT, or 95.
ZWRND.ZIP 1995-11-01 00:00 51KWindows STARTUP LOGO RANDOMIZER.